U.S. FEDERAL CONSTITUTION is a fraud - fake - foolery.....

in #constitution5 years ago

THE UNITED STATES OF (FOR) AMERICA; is indubitable, fraudulent and
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falsified “founding fathers”, famous fallacy, forthright fiction, fancy folklore, and faith followers foolery!!
THE U.S. FEDERAL CONSTITUTION & GOVERNMENT GANGSTER OFFICIALS: are all obscene objectionable offenders – occupiers of our originating organisms, holistic healthy homelands, habitat homesteads, households and master motherlands, hereon, continental NORTH-AMERICA. From timetable immoral belong to true Aboriginals - Aborigine-American and as All-Alpha-Americas Original-Ones. https://amerioriginal-1.blogspot.com
THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH: Therefore, it matters in the minutest least amounts and accounts, whosoever they may/might be??. Swearing upon a book branded bible, incorrectly called "God's Written Words", taking an “Oath”, otherwise, OFFICIAL ORDERS, under frauds and falsehoods, are all guilty as criminally charged. Corrupted collective Citizenry certified childbirth “corporation company” commercialized commodities, of the terrestrial territory, termed; THE UNITED STATES OF (FOR) AMERICA. https://amerioriginal-1.blogspot.com

THE TOTAL TOLD TRUTH: The U.S. Federal Constitution was enacted and established in years of "1787 and 1788." First founded upon a faulty and fundamentally flawed framework. And all Amendments were also frauds that fakers formulated. Thereby making all legislation – legalities and laws, likewise fraudulently founded. Foreigner fighting forces from oceans overseas and abroad aboard seafaring sailboats and “slave-ships” of Slavs -Serfs and some seriously sick soulless Sociopath Saxon sex slavers and self-serving suckered stooges subdued silly stupid sycophants, sellout Samboes, specializing in sophisticated SAMBOSIMS. Westerners who wanna wish were were worthy warriors, whiteouts and whitewashed; “whites” working wonders with warfare wizardry and wicked witchcraft. Wrongdoers worded the CONSTITUTION, on behalf of commonly called and classified Caucasians, (Asia’s arrivals as Cauc-Asians). Characterized cold climate conditions of the Caucasus caves “cannibalistic crawling creatures”, categorized cream-colored complexioned Caucasoid-s. Evilly evolved European Ethnic emigrants, enemy entities each, extremist executioners and economic extortioners of exceptionalism. Being bio-bodily eliminated into extinction out of existence exponentially everywhere Ethnically & Earthly.
TYRANT-TRANSGRESSORS + Terrestrial Territory Trespassers: Those tough trash-talking trolls, psychotic patriots, U.S. Flag wearing - waving warmongers. and comrade conspirators, criminals called Confederates and Union Soldiers and militarized madmen, money machine monsters = $$$ Today are finally facing fatality and financed funded foundational failures and forfeited futures + fortunes =$$$. Constant crybabies complaining all about “lockdowns” and “shutdown”, “stay at home”, “wear facemasks in public places”. Slowing and or stopping the sickening symptoms and satanic spread of invisible invaders, insidious intruders, invidious inflammation and infections. To help holistically heal humankind, as a Divinely Decreed, defense and positive protection against alien-agencies acting as, “the common-colds and congestive coughs, cardiac catastrophes - coronary clogging, correlating; “Coronavirus” and connecting “COVID-19” contagions. No clinical cures for these curses. CHARLES' Courageous culinary commission calling cause, chosen career counter-combats these curses with corrective - curative clean cultural customs. Meanwhile, all we really know is that people are surely dying directly due to the terrorizing traumatizing toxins and tactical toxic trials – test-tube treatments. Many multimillions; Melanin-More majority and Melanin-Less minority mutant members, maimed - mutilated, massacred = mass murdered medicinally, mysteriously!!
ADDITIONALLY AMERICAFRINDIAN ARTISTCHD!: And admonishes and advises all AMERICAS ORIGINAL-ONES. And alleged assumed as Afro "African-Americans", aboriginals and ascendant of ancient ancestors as American-Aborigines. I solemnly say that_IT_ is indeed a dietary deficiency – defect and dysfunction. Devil Damned designed - devised and deliberated destination and duly deserved deaths and deceptive demon demise. Desolation and depopulation, purifying + positively purging the EARTH PLANET!!!
Hospital-Hateful Habits: Holistic human healthcare has been historically and habitually harmed and hazardously hurt by a hatemongering hybrid-human. Hijacking and holding. Humankind hostages inside hot-heated Hade's hell holes, households – homesteads and homelands. Impairing innate-immunity, Culinary cultivated crops customary commercialized corruption, contaminating the collective citizenry of crisscrossing continental countries. Compromising our originating organisms, immune-systems. Now next adding all of the above aerosols sprayed out into the skies and airways, called “chem-trails” and cumulus “cloud seeding” with corrosive cellular cancer-causing chemical concoctions and criminally conjured up, expressly “geoengineering” globally. Pollution poison particulates producing plaguing pandemics and psychotic personages. Heavy metals raining down upon the land-locations, farmlands, and waterways, is wicked witchcraft working wrongdoing worldwide warfare wizardry wage by warmonger whitewashed “whites”; “white supremacy” superpower superiority status, sick sociopath Saxon sex slavers, submissively serving the surreptitious sorcerers, seafaring snake serum serpent sinking “slave-ship”; System SATAN!!!

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