Confusion of Voice

in #conspirecy7 years ago

“Words”, the first concept that led to his discoveries. He shows you the power of words and how you can find hidden things through words. You will begin to see the power of words and how they are used to control you and make you believe the unbelievable. He explains how words will make you see things, but also how words can be used to deceive you.

I’ve now been trying for about two years to learn about law and I realize it’s hopeless. There is so much information on the internet about all the things that are wrong in the world: conspiracies, one-world order stuff, unjust monies, unjust laws. I realized that if all these people are looking for answers and getting no results, then they are all doing the same things. If no one is getting answers or results, they must all be mind-controlled. They all think alike.

We always want someone to give us answers to everything. So, we must all be members of the same cult. But, nowhere on the internet or from any of these self-taught gurus on law, do I ever hear anyone say, “the problem is that we do not own property”. Because they do not know. They believe the lie. So, the answer I’m looking for has to be more simple. But, I don’t know what I’m looking for yet. I know I own no property, but I don’t know why I don’t own any property.

I stopped listening to everybody and I just sat down and … think, think, think. And then I
think some more. So, I did something unusual. I accepted the fact that I was brainwashed, mind-controlled, that I think like everyone else. Can I salvage anything from my mind before it was irreparably harmed. Most people wouldn’t think of an approved education or established religions or the media or history books as damaging their minds, but I do.

So, I went back to my childhood, prior to indoctrination before my mind was altered in certain ways; before non-sense and the absurd became my new normal. What was my first impression of things when I heard them. So, I tried to remember these things. So, I went back to my childhood and I sort of needed to wash my brain, clean it up a bit. So, here’s a few things I thought about.

Corporations. The first time I ever heard the word ‘corporation’, it’s a company and it’s a separate thing, a separate legal person (I didn’t know that back then) and if the company went bankrupt, couldn’t pay its debts, even though I owned the company, the people I owed money to…ah, too bad, you just lose everything and I could keep all my other things, personal, myself and I wouldn’t have to pay these debts. Well, I thought ‘that’s not right; it’s wrong; how can you do that if you owe somebody something.

Second thing was Lawyer’s Advice. I remember my Dad had to go see a lawyer about
something. I’m very young. And I remember my mother saying ‘make sure you know how much you have to pay him before you go there’ and I thought to myself ‘why would you pay somebody any money if they’re just going to tell you something. It’s not like he’s doing any work for you, so you just go ask somebody something, they tell you and why would you give them money for that. So that was my first impression of that.

Church Hypocrite. I was an altar boy for nine years …Roman Catholic. At the end of one mass, the Priest was doing the announcements. He said “I’d like to introduce a special visitor we have here today” and he introduced a United Minister or Methodist Minister, Baptist Minister or whatever and this man stood up and I was walking towards the back of the church getting ready for the procession out and I stopped dead in my tracks and I thought ‘why is this Priest doing this, this is our enemy, I hate him.” Now, I’m just a little boy, 7 or 8 years old maybe. Who put those ideas in my head? Never seen this man before but somehow I hate him. So where did these ideas get put into my young mind?

Our Enemy. I’m a little bit older, getting to learn about the world, all these different
countries hate each other, they’re at war, got nuclear missiles pointed at each other and
then I’m watching TV one night and I see the leaders of two of these countries that hate
each other, ready to kill each other and they’re sitting there laughing with each other,
slapping each other on the back, sharing a meal together; I thought ‘they’re not enemies, they like each other. So, what’s going on there?

Voting. The first time someone explained voting to me. If I was someone who lived in the United States of America, I get one vote out of 300 million. People tell you, it makes a difference. I think ‘yeah, like a lottery’. How can one vote out of 300 million make any
difference at all. I didn’t believe that either.

Son of Canada. The first time I heard ‘you’re a son of Canada or the sons of Britain’ I
thought ‘What? How can you be the son of a country. That’s stupid. It’s not possible.
So, you see, these are just a few things that I did …just an exercise to begin the process of getting control of my mind.

Now you will recall from the previous videos how I needed to learn about words. The
meaning of words, words are all over the place, I couldn’t make heads or tails out of them. The more I learned the less I realized I knew. So, I knew there was something funny going on with words. So, let me tell you about words. I know words and dictionaries is all nerd stuff. When we were growing up we wanted to go outside and play baseball or whatever.
But as I’m trying to learn law and play lawyer and all this stuff, I realized this is hopeless, reading all these legal definitions and meanings. I would read a whole paragraph to explain a word and I couldn’t understand it. I thought to myself ‘this is going to take more than a lifetime’. Not even a lawyer can know all the law. They specialize in various parts of the law. But I have to obey and understand all the law.

Now at the time I had no idea that in fact I am an attorney at law, but just a dumb one.
If I looked at a normal dictionary vs. a law dictionary, words would mean different things. An ordinary word would be defined as this or that and in law it would mean something else. How can words mean different things. I remember looking at the word ‘raptor’ in Canadian law and it said it was a bird of the order of strigiformes falconiformes and included eagles, falcons, hawks, owls, vultures and so forth and included their eggs. I go to another law book and I look up the word ‘raptor’ and it says see ‘ravisher’. I look up ‘ravisher’ on the next page, it says one who seeks carnal knowledge of a woman against her consent. WHAT? It makes no sense.

So, I’m looking through various laws, statutes and so forth and it would say that in this Act this means this or that and will include this or that, or in this Act this will be this, which means if it’s not in this Act it will not be this but it will be something different.
Well, now it is getting even more ridiculous. How can a word mean this here and that there. It would be easy to trick you, don’t you think?

Now this was written by a law professor a number of years ago, probably an honest one. I’m just going to read this to you.

He says “Dealing in words is a dangerous business and it cannot be too often stressed that that’s what the law deals in … words, dealing in long, vague and fuzzy meaning words. Even when the words of a Statute appear, at least to a non-lawyer, to have a perfectly plain and definite meaning, you can never be sure that a court will not up and say that those words mean something entirely different. Yet, why, if you think it over for a minute, should people not be privileged to understand completely and precisely any laws that directly concern them and any business documents they have to sign and any codes or rules or restrictions which apply to them and under which they perpetually live. Why then should the law use a language (language being remembered as no more than communicating an idea) which those ordinary human beings cannot hope to understand. The law would lose its dignity and then its power and so would the lawyers.
So, legal language, by obstructing instead of assisting the communication of ideas, is very useful to the lawyers. It enables them to keep on saying nothing with a great air of
importance and getting away with it.”

Now, that was written by a law professor, a man who taught lawyers.

Now, I am going to go into something that is terribly boring, only mildly interesting but
absolutely necessary. This is also going to be a little confusing for you, but for the purposes of this video it is only to make you aware of words and what can be done with them.

Did you know something “necessary” cannot be otherwise?

Did you know that which is “necessary” cannot be and not be at the same time?

Did you know that “involve” means to be and not to be at the same time?

You see, I liked grammar in school because it had rules, no room for interpretation. That
made sense to me. English literature was retarded and I know today why it is mandatory
throughout your education. It is to retard you. So, I reasoned that if a word can have six
different meanings, how could I ever know what it means. Oh, people say, it’s the context of the word, or the way it is used, or the acceptance of the word, or it’s used for this purpose, etc.

So, I had a look at characters, symbols, syllables, roots of words, prefixes, suffixes, the
tense of words, vowels, consonants, nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronunciation of words,
language, speech, speaking, writing, the sound of words, conjunctions, articles, the gender and case of words, the sense of words, etc., etc., etc. I had a look at what could be done with metaphors, similes, all sorts of things about language and speech.

So, what is a word? A word is an uttered sound or written symbol used to communicate. If the hearer or the viewer of the word recognizes the word, as it is written or sounds, he will know what you intended to tell him. Words are a code. If you know the code, then you know what the guy is trying to tell you. If you don’t know the code, you don’t have a clue of what he is saying.

Words can represent to your mind places, things, people, events, concepts, thoughts, ideas, real things, imaginary things, basically anything the mind can conceive. But, as we will learn, words can also deceive. Remember, there are only two ways to see. One is with the eyes and one is with the mind. Words work only on the mind, not on the eyes.

A word can represent something that is present or absent but it cannot represent something that does not exist. Can you have a word that represents nothing? You could, but it would have no meaning. Could you imagine something and then represent them with words? The answer is ‘No’ because you can only represent that which is present. How can you communicate something to another that is in your imagination? He can’t see it unless he has the same imagination as you.

Webster, Daniel Webster, the dictionary guy, he puts it this way. Imagination: In our simple apprehension means, if present, is sense; if absent, is imagination.

We are human, and were given only 5 senses. Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling. If you believe something that makes no sense (one of the 5 senses) it is non-sense. No sense. So, since we all have the same five senses, how do we fool or deceive someone to believe non-sense. Well, we use intelligence …. the ability to perceive non-sense.

Now, you’re thinking, what’s wrong with intelligence or having a high I.Q. Nothing! Remember, we see two ways. We see with the eyes and we see with the mind. The second one is controlled by laws which you’re not aware of.

So, words create an image in our mind. This is how we see them when they are not
present. But, if the thing does not exist, can there be an image? NO! In other words, can
an image have a shadow? The answer is ‘no’. A thing can make an image, but an image cannot make an image. An image is only a representation of a thing in a different form. Keep that in mind when you are concerned with how people see you. Is it really your image you want to improve?

I don’t have any props here but if I had some props like a pencil and a cup, OK. Let me
explain another concept. I have two things, a pencil and a cup. For the purpose of
communication, we will make the symbol for the pencil the letter ‘p’. For the cup, it will be the letter ‘c’. Can the cup be ‘c’? No, it’s only the symbol. It will only represent the cup to your mind. ‘c’ provides or gives your mind an image to see. When I say to you I have 4 ‘p’s’ you will see 4 pencils in your mind, even though there are no pencils present. However, pencils must exist somewhere or there would be no image in your mind. It would be non-sense.

An image is like a reciprocal thing. If there is nothing, there is no image. If there’s an
image, there must be something. A wise guy once said, “If you think you are something but are nothing, you are deceived.”

Now, things can be reciprocal and so can images. An example of a reciprocal image would be a father and son. In order to be a father, there must be a son. In order to be a son, there must be a father. Parent/child is also reciprocal. In other words, if your parents had no children, there’s a good chance you won’t either. Some people have said I am the image of my father. I guess the only way you would know
that is if you had seen my father. Can ‘c’ represent the pencils? No, if it did you would not know what I am trying to communicate to you and you will see the wrong image.

So, can a word have different meanings? No. Because if it did, it could trick you or deceive you. You may see the wrong thing, the wrong image. If we put four symbols together to form a symbol like the word ‘tree (t-r-e-e)’ you will see a tree. If I say there are a row of trees along the driveway, you will see a row of spruce trees along the driveway or a row of maple trees … not specific enough … lacking information.

So what you see will be based on what you know, but also on what you do not know.
In other words, deceit can be achieved by learning the wrong thing as well as by the true or right thing being kept from you. If knowledge is lacking, that is one thing; but if it is purposely kept from you or you are given the wrong knowledge on purpose, that is deceit.

What you will see is based only on your past experiences and associations developed
during your life. It all depends on mind control. So, you can only see what you know or believe the word to be. If you did not even know the word, you will see nothing. You see words are a secret code. If I look at Chinese words or somebody speaks Chinese to me and says ‘look at the row of trees along the driveway’ I won’t see anything … the words are a secret. Not my secret, but the one who spoke them.

The whole idea of words is so that you can see. I know you use your eyes to see … well, not really. In fact, what you see will determine what you believe. What you believe will determine how you act, and you will believe what you see.

In Webster’s Dictionary, Daniel Webster again, he says the following about the meaning of words: “It is the sense of words or expressions;… that which is to be understood; …that which the writer or speaker intends to express or communicate…Words have a literal meaning, or a metaphorical meaning, and it is not always easy to ascertain the real meaning.”

People think the literal meaning is the real meaning.
Definitions of words are never what they are. Definitions of words only give them definition. The definition sets the boundaries or limits of what the word will mean or be or include. The best we can do is arrive at the sense of a word but in all cases we must know what the writer or speaker of the word intended to communicate.

Black’s Law Dictionary explains words like this: “Words: Symbols indicating ideas and subject to contraction and expansion to meet the idea expressed. Such have been referred to as labels whose content and meaning are continually shifting with the times.”

So, Black’s Law is saying the meaning of words are continually changing and shifting. Do you believe that? Or, is that what we are doing?

So, Bob asks me to bring him two chickens. When I get there, he says ‘what the hell are
you doing’. I tell him ‘oh, the word changed since we last spoke, here’s two rabbits’.

Two things cannot be represented by the same word. Likewise, one thing cannot be
represented by two different words. I could say to you money, funds, capital, proceeds, revenue, income, credit, currency, cash. You would think these are all money, but if they are all money, why do I need a different word? They may be like money, but they are not it.

Two things can never be the same. It is not possible. If two pencils are the same and this pencil commits a crime, we can put the other pencil in jail. WHY NOT? It’s the same pencil. I guess, if the innocent pencil appeared to be the same pencil as the criminal pencil, we could impose a sentence on the innocent pencil because it not only appeared to be but assumed and took the place of the criminal pencil. Sort of like a ‘forgiveness’ thing….stand in the place of. In fact, both pencils would have the same name, but if you looked very closely, you will see one is a numbered pencil. (A little foreshadowing here.)

Two things can never be the same. They can only have the same qualities or attributes.
They have the same colour, the same length, etc.

I once read a court record where a guy did not want to pay his taxes. He said ‘only persons have to pay taxes … he’s not a person’. The Judge said a person is a human being and you are a human being so you have to pay taxes and the guy shut up and sat down. Why did the law not say all human beings have to pay taxes? Why did it say ‘persons’?

‘Persons’ are not human beings. The Judge said it is a human being. I’m telling you a
‘person’ is not a human being. They may be the same in some quality or attribute, but they are not the same.
Exactly alike: Incapable of being perceived as different. Being the exact same one; not any other. It may not be the same one but it is the exact one.

How can it be one and the same when being the same requires two? This is the same.
Same as what? Same as that. So, same requires “this” and “that”.

So, now we need to learn what it means to be ‘as’. Very important word to understand in
the illusion and how the trick is done. To be “as” is to become something that you are not. It requires you to be something different and move your position’ … to be in the place or stead of what you will be. If you act for (in the place of), then you are the exact one. But not the same one. Exact means out of the act.

How are we supposed to know the truth about anything. Do you see how easy it would be to make an error with words, how easy it would be to be deceived?

I opened a law dictionary one day and just on two pages, I wrote down the first few words of a few definitions and this is how they start: “this word as applied to means; in a general sense this means; the radical sense of this word is; this word includes;

as used in this Act it means;
the legal meaning of this word is;
in the popular sense this word means;
a term formally applied to;
a term sometimes applied to;
in Maritime Law this means;
the most simple acceptation of this word is;
this word signifies;
this term exhibits;
this word means (but it’s not used anymore);
this word pertains to;
in Civil Law this means;
this word relates to;
this word applies mainly to.

These are the beginning words of the definitions of legal
words. The legal system can make a word mean whatever they want it to be. You could say that legalism is magic words. In this Act this will be that but for the purposes of the Act that will be this, otherwise it may be something else.

When you talk to kids today they will say things to you like … you ask them a question and ‘well it’s like this and like that’ and I sit there and I listen and I go ‘Is it a zebra’? I mean, you’re telling me what it’s like and I’m supposed to guess what it is. Why don’t you just tell me what it is?

People can’t speak properly anymore. We also pronounce words differently and then we’re tricked. We violate the rules of grammar. Then we use words totally wrong and are totally dumbfounded when we hear certain things, like ‘Your Birth Certificate does not represent a living individual’. Everyone goes ‘oh, how can that be?’ The Birth Certificate is just a piece of paper. It can’t represent you. You have to represent it. The reason you don’t understand that is because you fail to understand what the word ‘represent’ means.

For all the pro se common law gurus out there that laugh about representing themselves, a Judge once said: “He who represents himself has a fool for a client and an ass for an attorney.” Now, go on, try to represent yourself. You can only present yourself and you can only represent something other than you and you can only do it as “appearing as”; it is not reality.

When lawyers are called to the bar for admission, they present themselves. As an attorney they appear for you.

We also say many stupid things every day. Stupid sayings, things like ‘where do you live?’ ‘Well, I live over there (pointing to the left).’ ‘Do you live over there (pointing to the right)?’ ‘No, I live over there (again pointing to the left).’ So, if you go over there (again pointing to the left) you’re dead. What does it mean ‘where do you live’? Very important to understand in the illusion.

The late John Smith … if we wait a little longer for him, maybe he’ll show up. Is he just
late? Late for what? Do you think he died? Well is he late, or is he dead? Did he die,
deceased, depart, perish, pass away, give up the ghost, expire? You see, what is the
sense of the word? We use words many times the wrong way.

Another word … ‘used to be’. What did you used to be? What did you use, to be what you were? I used this to be what I am. I used to be used to using it but I don’t use it anymore so you can’t tax me.

I knew an Indian girl, a native Canadian. She said she lost her Indian status card. She said without it she’s not an Indian anymore. She said she used to be an Indian. What did she use to be an Indian.

I also knew a black guy, a friend of mine. He had a black status card. He lost it. He said without it, I’m not black anymore.

These are only a few examples to make you think very carefully. Go carefully word by word when you’re trying to figure out something. Do not forget the little words.
You can be in something, without being of it. Very important statement, again.

Then I found a short article on the internet. Very rarely do I find anything on the internet
that helps me. But this article sort of, in a way, summed up what I’m telling you. I’m going to read it to you.

It says “The deliberate alteration of words, or meaning of words, to achieve political or social ends. The extreme version of this practice was referred to as ‘Newspeak’, describing the practices and propaganda. ‘Newspeak’ referred to a practice used by the government to reduce the amount of words and language in order to inhibit the exercise of independent thought by the public. This had the effect of cutting people off from information about their past and limiting their ability to interact with each other regarding present circumstances.

Not only were words given limited definitions, many were eliminated altogether. When
those in positions of public responsibility and the public do not agree on the definition of
words, everyone in the process becomes the political target of political manipulation.
An alternative to ‘newspeaks’ reduction of words and definitions would be to expand the
number of definitions of words until no one is capable of arriving at a certain meaning for what they read. This would be another method to achieve the same objective of controlling communications. Intentionally or unintentionally ambiguous or altered definitions of words greatly inhibits communication. It confuses matters and removes people from a knowledge of history and the majority of information resources simply because they don’t understand the traditional meanings of words. Sure, they have access to information in abundance but what benefit is derived if they cannot understand the definition of words being used. Even more disturbing is the fact that the readers might happen to come away believing their false views and flawed conclusions are absolutely correct. There’s a difference between the use of slang and the deliberate alteration of meanings for political purposes. However, the end result is the same.

Those members of the public who are not familiar with the traditional meanings are swept away in a popular tide of modern use. Unless someone enters the picture who can point out the significance of the original meaning of certain words, the public will benefit but little from efforts to study an historical document such as the Constitution.
Another warning about destruction of language and history is presented by simply burning all the books. As the body of information available for human consumption continues to grow geometrically, while communication becomes more difficult because of the deliberate evolution of the definition of words, anyone who has a vested interest in controlling the masses will find his job mostly done. No one will need to burn all the books when no one is left who understands them.” (end of article)

How are you ever going to know what anything means?

The reason I explained this about words is so that you may understand and see how I
discovered things in the subsequent programs Whenever you read something that makes no sense to you, but apparently is correct; you will instantly know that one or more of the words cannot mean what you think it means.

So, let’s have a look at a few words here.

Proper: Peculiar; naturally or essentially belonging to a man or thing; not common. That is not proper, which is common to many.

Common: Belonging equally to more than one. No separate owner.

Peculiar: Beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; one’s own; exclusive property, that which belongs to one in exclusion to others.

Sophisticate: (What does it mean to be sophisticated…a very sophisticated man. Sounds like a good thing, a man of the world.) To adulterate; to corrupt by something spurious or foreign; to pervert; as, to sophisticate nature, philosophy or the understanding.

A sophism is a subtilty in reasoning.

Subtle: Also written subtil: Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze.

Sub’tle: adjective (See Subtil.) Sly in design; artful; cunning; insinuating; applied to

Civilization: the act of rendering a criminal process civil.

Realize: the act of making it real. (You can make anything real, even the unreal, if you
realize it.)

Become … A very, very, very important word.

Become: To enter or assume a certain state or condition. Come into existence. To pass
from one state to another; to enter into some state or condition, by a change from another state or condition, or by assuming or receiving new properties or qualities, additional matter, or a new character; To become of, usually with what preceding; to be the fate of; to be the end of; to be the final or subsequent condition; In the present tense, it applies to place as well as condition.
(What has become of my friend; that is where is he? Become is what you are and where
you are. Remember, when I said, you can never return to who you are and where you are if you use the get out of jail free card?)

Appear: seems to be as opposed to reality. When somebody says to you that you should appear, the logical question is “appear to be what”. It is not reality.

Apparent: Appearing as such but not necessarily so.

Apparition: Something existing in perception only.

Apparitor: one who summons to court. (That word is not used anymore.)

Identity: The distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity. Exact

Identify: the act of making or proving to be the same.

Go through a few more words for some fun here!

Rome: the capital of the Roman Empire, the seat of the Roman Catholic Church.

Roman: a native of Rome, a citizen of Rome, a countryman of Rome.

Pagan: A countryman (you aren’t going to find that in any new modern dictionary)

Romance: To forge and tell fictitious stories.

Romancer: One who invents fictitious stories.

Romantic: Not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic.
NecRomantic: Given to or produced by or used in the art of conjuring up the dead.

Necromancer: One who practices magic or sorcery. One who practices divination by
conjuring up the dead.

Necromancy: The belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to
produce unnatural effects in the world …. Conjuring up the dead.

Conjure: Call up a spirit or devil. Summons into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic.

Have you ever been given a “Summons to Appear?” Maybe in court, as an apparition by
the apparitor?

What would you think if I told you that a Summons to Appear is a CONJURATION?

What would you think if I told you that you practice Necromancy every time you appear in Court.

What would you think if you practice the Occult every day of your life and do not even know you are doing it.

What do you think. It would be pretty unbelievable, wouldn’t it? Can’t believe that.
Everyone can’t be doing this. THAT WOULD BE UNBELIEVABLE.

The most common words we use every day and we never stop to think about what they
mean. Why would we? We’re educated. We have an approved education.
Posted on behalf of Marcus,
hope you enjoy the info...

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