"Conspiracy Theorist" Label Just Used to Dismiss Critical Thought (9/11 Thoughts)
Most people should be aware by now that the corrupt government and media lie to push forward an agenda (weapons of mass destruction). Obviously there are whacked-out conspiracy theories (reptilian shape-shifters), and conspiracy theories that aren't so outlandish (JFK assassination) , but whenever you dare to question the mainstream narrative propagated by the media and government, you will be labeled and dismissed as a conspiracy theorist. This bothers me personally because most people whom I have encountered are not able to back their arguments up with anything more than ad-hominem attacks on your sanity. Perhaps the problem with many conspiracy theories is that they attempt to explain what exactly is going on "behind-the-scenes", despite not really knowing the answer conclusively, rather than raising poignant questions that themselves would make people question what they are being told.
Here is a video of Building 7 collapsing at almost free-fall speed, despite never being hit by a plane. Don't ask any questions about it though, or you are a conspiracy theorist.
Building Number 6. Never hit by a plane, but look at the internal structural damage.