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RE: 9/11 - Results From An Informal Steemit Survey -Does Steemit Believe The US Government Was Involved?

in #conspiracy8 years ago

Great follow-up, Jockey! All conspiracies are birthed from truth or lack of evidence supporting the contrary. In the case of 9/11, we have both.

I was at Ft. Benning, GA when the attack happened, just finishing up BASIC/OSUT training.

When we went to Iraq, we were mostly under the impression that we had to oust Saddam. Interestingly enough, they were going to call it Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL), but changed it to Freedom (OIF).


They love throwing little hints in our face for anyone paying attention, which is why an element of the 9/11 attack (via FEMA Tripod II) was codenamed "Operation Treason" (named by the same man (Jerome Hauer) who managed the creation of the Office of Emergency Managment in WTC7 several years prior), while that the overarching codename for the entire operation as a whole was called Project "New Century" which "coincidentally" ties directly to the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) entities and its infamous document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century" which was released 1 year to the day prior to 9/11 (Sept 11, 2000) which stated that a "New Pearl Harbor" style attack would be required to persuade the American public into going along with the wanted PNAC agenda (which called for a massive increase in defense spending and the fighting of several major theater wars in order to re-establish American military dominance).

All just coincidences of course.

Sidenote: Jerome Hauer was a good buddy of then mayor of NYC Rudolph Giuliani, was the man who managed the creation of the FEMA OEM inside WTC7, was the man who hired former head of FBI counterterrorism (the man who hunted Bin Laden for a decade before 9/11) as head of security for the WTC building (started his first day at work on 9/11) who was told to attend a meeting in the Kroll headquarters at the top of the North WTC tower that morning and because of it would be killed in that days attacks (as he would of been one of the main whistleblowers against the official story in the aftermath so they decided to remove him as part of the attack). As an additional interesting sidenote, Jerome Hauer was also scheduled to be at that meeting that morning, but decided not to go, allowing him to survive the attack unharmed. Go figure right?

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