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RE: (Whistleblower) CDC MIssing Dr. Body Has Been Found and something seems strange...

We agree, it is a personal choice. There is more to the vaccinations that meets the eye. One vaccination has been linked to children autism.


it's possible ... despite the state of science most of the brain is still uncharted territory and most of it is left to guessing, even by the brightest since mostly all statistics point to the potential within the norm, not the fringe, i dont know enough about it so i'll just stick to my conviction that everyone should weigh the benefits or risks for themselves, not for others. Choice is highly underrated these days. I think a lot of people actually don't want it because it requires taking responsibility while if you just follow or do as its done you can always claim it wasnt your fault ... that seems to be very important to most

If you check out the comment by us under this one, there is a trailer for a documentary of a movie produced by Robert Di Nero about the MMR vaccination and its link to Autism. Choice is definitely underrated and you have a very good point, most people do not want it. It is easier to place blame elsewhere... why take responsibility? The same people that do not want choice are the ones that whine when something does not go the way they want. It seems that most do not understand you cannot have it both ways. You can take responsibility and have the right to complain when something does not work out OR let the government make the decision for you and when it does not work out keep quite.

probably the most used excuse in history : "i only follow orders" forgetting "i chose to follow orders" in the first place. I often get the evil eye on complaining because "others have it worse", and up til today, 45 years after day 1 i still don't see why others having it worse denies me the right to complain lol. It's just, well i call them 'normals' as an easy groupname usually, seem to get headaches from not buying busy and i think that is because not buying busy forces you to sit with yourself, and that's when your brain shows no mercy, because whatever you want, you can not not think when you're alone
opinion is all too often highly underrated

I like the term "normals". We tend to just call them the "masses" because are more of them, then of us (truthers). Yes their are people that have it worse than you or I, that I am sure, but that does not take away from what you or I are experiencing, Personally IMO I think every human has the right to complain, just as they have a right to change what is causing them to complain. It feels that somewhere along the way, people forgot what opinions are, and quiet a few people have let MSM control their personal opinion. Opinion are not original, people do not form their own. Critical thinking has become a concept of the past.

spot on, the power of the question surpasses the subjective truth because without it there is none anyway. Semantics are less important than meaning but often used by people who run out of arguments, i grew into using the word normals i can only assume because of the number of times i have been considere not lol. It's something schools seem to have abandoned in favour of moral majority training ... something i think is not even their place, that's what parents are supposed to do and parents saying they dont have time should have better gotten a voluntary sterilization (no eugenics ofcourse, lol) than they should have gotten kids, because if you dont have time to teach them about life then i dont think you should (or use 'one' instead of 'you' because i dont mean you ofcourse when i say you in this case) and schools can stick to academics and teaching how to think, not 'what' to think
as usual, eye to eye from different dimensions

100% agreed! We both believe that schools have way to much influence now. In California your child that is in pre-school is taught sex education. This may show my age but why does a child that young need to be taught anything about sex? Also why are they teaching them same-sex relationships? What happened to the days when Parents taught their children about life, how to think, and so on? Children learn more from TV and then school then they do from their family, and the Parents of them children are the first ones to say what is wrong with this kids today.

well, i think i once read a quote by an egyptian priest a who lived a few thousand of years ago who asked exactly the same question but personall i think. Other than genetic disposition a child is basically a blank slate when it opens its eyes for the first time it doesnt even know what "a face" or "a hand" is, it just has impressions so if anyone's to blame it wouldn't be them ... but that's not black & white ofcourse, you can't just go around allowing all kinds of delinquency "just because they're young". I mean, exploring is a very important part of growing up, including running face first into a wall (the fastest way to learn newtonian physics really) there have to be certain limits and all psychology or research aside. Children 'in development' will need pointers. Those are highly dependant on culture mostly, i dont dare say geolocation but i'll say culture because there's a huge difference between norms and values ofcourse, a value is somewhat more global (cant say universal because until we meet them aliens for all we know good and bad exists no where in the whole verse other than in the human mind), while norms can be very local, and temporary even (my social worker is shining through again lol, cant help that i always liked sociology and psychology, sadly that didnt happen)
Which is, as you say, not really the task of the school the intent would be that children know how to behave when they enter the schoolgrounds because they have obtained those 'norms' as well as values from their family, parents or whatever. The task of a school is purely academic now when it comes to sexual education, once more, as usual thats debatable and not one-size fits all, some parents can't handle that, they can't even handle their own sexlife so the actual clinical facts on intercourse and reproduction i feel are well within the scope of what schools should (or would be allowed to) do

however, teaching kids on sex from kindergarten ... i agree that's not needed but they should be by the time they're 12 ... the age of communion here in christian land or if you go back the age when they had to kill a wolf to prove they were a man, or old enough to be married when they were a girl.
More so because today, and its not about liking or not, i think its important they know what happens if they get curious (because if kids get curious no amount of parents or teachers is going to stop them)

twelve sounds young, but it didnt use to be and biologically thats where teen moms come from , which usually ruins both lives there so prevention is the issue. If parents can't handle that then maybe the school can step in but a kid should be a kid too, it needs time to play and discover, and live in its mystical world for long enough to build its own version of reality

on which the other world is superimposed by local society ofcourse. At any rate you could say that parent could choose to tell the school not to do it, AND take responsibility, as always, personnal choice seems to be the hardest thing in the protectorate and the nanny state

that's why its so hard to get out of diapers ;-)

Valid point. Some parents may not be able to handle having "the talk" with their children. When thinking about this and looking at society today that statement may have even more truth to it then 10 years ago. Taking that into consideration, I can see where you are coming from as far as what schools teach. To be honest, I do not see a problem with that at all. My main concern has always been age.

I agree that 12 is a great age for this. There is no real "rule" book for this. IMO there are going to be some kids that need to know this information before the age of 12, and the other side of that is there will be kids that could have learned this later in life.

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