Can 40 million shut up the truther community?


February 26, 2018 the US Department of State announced on their website and their twitter page that they are partnering with the Department of Defense. Both parties signed a Memorandum of Agreement to transfer $40 million from the Department of Defense to the Department of State’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) in Fiscal Year 2018 for initiatives to counter propaganda and disinformation from foreign nations. The GEC was created in spring 2016 to replace the Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC)... The same year that President Obama signed a defense bill which authorized such funding. Last year Secretary of State Rex Tillerson requested that this $40 million be transferred, with an overall allocation of up to $60 million from the DEFENSE budget. Now here is where things start to take a turn. The GEC already had almost $20 million to fight the said propaganda. With a little more digging we found out the GEC has expanded its fight and that the $40 million will also be used to fight state sponsored propaganda... basically what the main stream media calls fakes news.... you got it.... Truthers.


We know, you think we are stretching here right? If you take into account that several times in 2017 Facebook was reported to be "cracking down on fake news". Back in April there was an article on CNN that Facebook targeted 30,000 accounts from France as being fake or fake news providers. Then in November USA Today had an article about how Facebook plans to handle the phony news situation. ALSO look at YouTube. YouTube has been slowly censoring truther channels for a long time now, but it has grown so much worse in 2017. ANY channel reporting on the recent Florida school shooting claiming anything other than some kids got shot are being censored. Channels are having videos removed, as well as being shut down altogether. YouTubers are calling this "the online purge". Got to admit... we like the name, but what is going on is just wrong.


What this means is that as American's our first Amendment right is once again under heavy attack. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution declares, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” For our international readers, this affects you too. Many countries are censoring (some may even be killing) people that are spreading the truth... By taking over the internet and not allowing truthers to get the message out, it will make it easier for them to push whatever they are pushing at that moment. Truthers are targets to any and all government because we expose the lies and sometimes even derail their plan. What do you think we can do about this censorship? We truly would love to hear your thoughts, comments and/or concerns about this below. As always, Thank You for reading this article and if you would like to see more of our work visit our steemit page @truthbeyondlies or visit us directly at T.B.L



Hey @truthbeyondlies, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

Thank you so much. We are glad that you are enjoying our content.

Woww amigo de verdad que me hizo pensar tu post, creo que 40 millones es una alta cantidad, soy tu fan y algún día quisiera que mi cuenta fuera como la suya, aunque se que soy nuevo soñar no cuesta nada ;)

Thank you. We are so happy that you are a fan of ours. Dreams are good and you can do it. You can make your account anything you want it to be.

Gracias por la motivación amigos :D les deseo mucho éxito saludos :D

Do you think United States are involved in the issue of Syria ? Does Social Media has been directing us to wrong direction ? We should also this of another alternative cause beyond the war in Syria

Hey there! I cannot speak for my partner on this (I am sure he will chime in at some point). I do believe that the US is involved. They might not directly be involved but yes, they are somehow in the mix of this mess. The US Government is always involved in situations like Syria. If you remember the US was at war with Syria for like 5 years under the impression that they were fighting terrorists… until Putin (Russia) came in and basically said that America is not doing anything for this war… Putin once made claims that America is the ones that armed ISIS. If you look at the big picture Syria is not a big country, so why is it taking so long to “fight the terrorist”? Personally, I think this is just a distraction…. ISIS raided Iraq, then reports came out that the body of Gilgamesh was discovered because of that raid. Gilgamesh is also known as Nimrod. I know that people will not understand this… but Nimrod was/is a Nephilim and even though he died many years ago his body was found in great condition… it actually looked like he was just sleeping…. Not dead…. Easy how the world forgets stuff like that. I do not use Facebook or twitter…I do use YouTube as a research tool and I post on here and our website… so yes I agree people can use this platform as an alternative source and I highly recommend that to people!

i too found out (not confirmed) ,US has been envolved in Syria war for the sake of Petrolium products.US has been using Divide and Rule policy long before.They might be helping terroist by providing ammunations to terroist.

It would not be the first time the US has armed the "enemy". The US went to war Iraq, after the war they left all of the supplies... guns, ammo, vehicles and so on. Thanks to the crack down on fake news (or the truth) I could not find the video but there was a video on YouTube that showed US helicopters guarding a Syrian train full of oil that they were stealing.

Here are some pictures of the body: hqdefault.jpg

Resteemed this.
Great post with this new info on the 40 million to pay off the truth community. I doubt many real truthers will fall for that, well I hope they don't.
Yeah very true, its ridiculous what is being allowed to happen with Youtube and their censorship of many channels. I know a few that have gone altogther now. When we see this going on its clear who is behind Youtube and Google.
We must keep going though as their plans for this world are totally Evil.
Thanks for your post, nice one.

Thank you so much. With the way the US Government has acted to the truther community in the past we honestly do not think that the 40 million is for pay off. There was an independent film being made called Gray State by David Crowley. Now if you look on the internet all you will find is that he died from a murder-suicide, but that is not what really happened. See back in 2014 it was reported that his whole family (wife and daughter) was found dead with gunshot wounds to the back of the head. My partner who was waiting for this movie to come out followed the story and remembers that while the reports were saying back then that this was a murder-suicide, all family members where shot in the back of the head… David had 2 gunshot wounds to the back of the head. Of course, that has been hidden now and all you will find is the murder-suicide articles. That is not mentioning a lot of truthers have just disappeared. One night you are watching a YouTube video and they are exposing the Government and the next day all social media site are gone..some even had family members posting that they were missing. You are right though, we all must keep going. The plans for this world are eviler than some can imagine.

The war on people's mind just got super sized. McDonald's would be proud... well the McDonald's of 2000 would be.

The sad thing is the average Republican will be like, "oh good to see our government is protecting us from those red commies." Where as the average Democrat will think "Yeah finally they will shut down Alex Jones" or some nonsense. If only they knew.

Yes McDonald's would be very proud. Most people do not know that they have been programmed, nor that there are people out here that are speaking the truth. Their programming is so good that they really think we are crazy. I have gotten to the point that in my day to day life I do not talk to people about what I know... I really got tired of people giving me that look... I am sure you have seen that look...where a person looks at you like you grew a third head....

Mate I live in New Zealand, There are a few wonderfully enlightened people i find from time to time, but most think I'm total nuts. The media is so controlled here. you don't even get right left versions that at time allow a glimmer of truth to seep through.

I wish I had it recorded but I've actually witnessed proper "brainwashing" on TV via a series of adds, it was telling people to forget what they just saw, and to open their minds. I don't know what was going on before that, as I maybe see 20 min a week of it just as i'm passing by. But that was overt "programing," But one can't see it if you watch all the time.

I don't go into detail with people but I do ask question like, Oh is that a fact? or Sorry I just don't believe that's what happened. As Long as you don't go into too much detail people are pretty open to the idea that corporate/government owned news might not be telling the trust. I try to plant seeds of doubt into as many minds as possible.

I know what you mean... I have seen something like that with my own family. I have a family member that is a news junkie.... main stream media news no less. She use to tell me stuff that they said and I was trying to wake her up.... I would ask probing questions that I know they would not give answers to. Its sad that so many people can be that programmed. My Partner and I both do not watch "regular" TV. We still watch TV programs from time to time but we do not watch them the normal way. We download them so we do not have to watch the commercials and when we do watch them, we both see the symbolism in them and the programming. Friends will not watch Movies with us anymore because we pause movies a lot to point out a symbol here or to explain propaganda as we find it. We both have really enjoyed steemit. So far we have actually had intelligent conversations with awake people, like yourself and it is wonderful. It feels good to know we really are not alone in finding the truth. We both really love digging into a story and bring truth to people.

Yeah If not for the diamonds in the rough, I probably would have left Steemit by now. All the paid trending bs has sort of left a foul taste in my mouth. If your interested I just posted a Satire of what I think about what I see on the trending pages these days. It's worth a laugh... just don't read it while you are eating... fair warning.

The state of department and defense of state now has been a favourite villian in many conspiracy theories now in USA.

Most of the "conspiracy theories" are true... they are just hard to prove and even when they can be proved American's have had so much programming that they don't believe it.

StateDept Department of State tweeted @ 26 Feb 2018 - 15:53 UTC

The @StateDept is pleased to announce a new partnership with the @DeptofDefense for initiatives to counter propagan……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Thank you

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