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RE: Weather Manipulation and Asymmetric Wars - Has the weather been weaponised? The HAARP Array.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Thanks my friend, you're not capable of a short comment are you!? 😂
I wouldn't have it any other way dude.
I had originally gone down the chemtrails, Agenda 21/30 rabbit hole too however it was just waaaaay too much for one post and besides it's enough to take in just reading about HAARP.
The intention was to introduce the subject of Weather Manipulation technology and the dangers of its use, hopefully that is evident in what I presented.
It was fascinating trawling through the de-bunking articles as very often they contradicted the very people that envisioned and ultimately created HAARP!
What irks me the most is that these people think they are godlike which is a dangerous attitude and history shows us it never ends well. As I stated you mess with Mother Nature she messes with you and very often in ways that could never have been predicted.
The very idea than man can manipulate the climate without pushback is naive and arrogant, to then attempt to use it as a weapon of war is disgusting. As with all wars the instigators, politicians and generals sit in their ivory towers as the fodder are fed into the death machine. Attacking innocents and destroying their climate, agriculture, water supply & food sources is reprehensible and proves beyond any doubt that the lunatics have indeed taken over the asylum.
Epic comment buddy, even though you kept it short kinda!