POLITICAL CONSPIRATION || QAnon || Trump Will Return to Power

in #conspiracy4 years ago


America may be a super-power country. But facing the onslaught of hoaxes, it seems equally problematic. For example this year, a group of conspiracy theorists named QAnon, which is trusted by many of Donald Trump's supporters, has developed.

This group has been around since 2017, but it was booming when the pandemic began to grip the country. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the American Enterprise Institute shows nearly 30 percent of Republicans also believe in this theory.

This theory basically says that the Democratic party is a pedophile group, as well as child traffickers, as well as baby-eating cannibals, as well as devil worshipers. Even some of them are claimed to be not humans, but robots. In short, the democrats were horribly dehumanized.

On the other hand, Trump is depicted as a Captain America-level defender of truth who is struggling in secret to destroy this angry group. His struggle will culminate in what is called The Storm, in which Joe Biden, Obama and other democratic elites will be executed by Trump. This is followed by what is called The Reckoning, where those who believe are rewarded. Or something like that.

That is just the basis of their belief. Because this theory continues to develop and intertwine it becomes more and more vocal and chaotic. Starting from the flat earth issue, the invasion of the Chinese army, to the matter of the corona virus were also adopted by them. This happens because this group operates like a discussion forum. Or maybe even a guessing club.

They will be given information in the form of codes or puzzles. Information that sometimes even resembles this prediction - called Q drops - must then be resolved by the members themselves. And those who feel they have found the answer must discuss it with other members. So it's just like the activities of fans of battered codes or lottery numbers.

With a method like this, it is not surprising that many of its members become obsessed. Their beliefs are also stronger because they are not indoctrinated, but from the results of joint discussions. As many motivational experts say, beliefs that come from within are definitely stronger than beliefs imposed from without.

Q itself is actually code for officials at the Department of Energy who are in charge of nuclear weapons. But somehow this code was adopted for individuals who are believed to be the fathers of this group. Who is he? The answer can be lazy. Some adherents believe he is the intel who has access to the most classified information. Some believe he is a being from the fifth dimension. Some even say he is a time traveler. Isn't that great?

The first blow that began to destabilize the group was when Trump was declared defeated in the election and left the White House in January. Contrary to the prediction given by Q. Moreover, Q himself was not active for a long time in December. But after discussion and extensive tinkering, the adherents believe that the struggle is not over.

In fact that didn't happen either. And that moment became a turning point for some adherents. They were shocked to see Q's prediction not coming true anymore. Some of the members began to realize how badly their brains had been washed. Part of it became like lost direction. This was used by other radical groups, such as the Neo Nazis to invite them to join.

The problem is, only some of them feel that way. There are still many members who continue to believe and begin to wonder where their misinterpretation lies. This is what then gave birth to a new 'analysis' that Trump will return to power on March 4.

Citing the views of other external movements regarding the DC Organic Act of 1871, these defending adherents believe there will no longer be a legitimate president after the Ulysses S. Grant era with the 20th amendment. Incidentally the inauguration that was carried out from 1793 until the amendment was carried out on March 4. With this intriguing science, they believe Trump will return to power on that date.

Actually, a phenomenon like this reminds the ancients when Bruce Lee died. There are many big fans who can't accept the reality. In the end, they speculated that the actor and Kung Fu master was just playing dead. He is actually deepening his knowledge. Later, when his martial arts skill is perfect, he will come back.

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