Check Out This Great Interview Titus & MorphoniossteemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

This was a timely show that covers a lot of ground. Real information from two suppressed #truthers.

@morpohnios and @titusfrost talk about the YouTube purge, Las Vegas - including potential pedogate links - and Paddock's link to Bohemian Grove...and even the Boy Scouts.

In the style of #qanon let me drop some Scout cookie crumbs down below, maybe my research can help others connect some dots in their own journeys. The map is clearer to me than the way to describe it. There's a big forest of information, and many pathways with which to present it - but no easy "TL;DR" way through. I mean, it took me 24 hours in 8 episodes just to cover Burning Man. The great thing about Steemit is it's a useful platform to publish things piece by piece, like @frankbacon teaches us all. Get it out there, let the audience riff on it. Authenticity beats production values.

I wish I had Steemit 2 years ago when I started my Shadow History series on YouTube. The only strike we ever got on that was from complete lunatic Douglas Dietrich, one of the "researchers without evidence" who seem to get a pass to continually spread misinformation from the alt-media Powers That Shouldn't Be. It was easy to overcome his false claims with an appeal. If you can back up what you say with evidence, you can take it all the way to court if that is what's necessary. Anyone censored online should always appeal.

Jake @Morphonios and @TitusFrost are at the top of the online research pyramid, and it is outrageous that YouTube struck down both their channels. One thing I admire and respect about both of these guys is if they make a mistake, they can recognize it and adjust their position accordingly. Like how Jake says he cannot be 100% sure about Paddock's Bohemian Grove connection, or the way Titus acknowledges that Stephen Paddock's connection to the Pinoy Kids charity is just through a series of coincidences. Without documentation we can't say we have proof, and for many of these events we can't get all the documentation. Seems like even President Trump couldn't completely release the JFK Files, and that was more than 50 years ago. Without perfect knowledge, we can look at evidence and make educated guesses, even speculate sometimes. Collect enough evidence and the picture paints itself. One thing we can always count on is coincidences. The more coincidences there are surrounding a mass media event, the more unlikely it becomes that those things actually are purely random coincidences.

In a time of universal deceit by Satanists and Lifetime Actors, telling the truth has become the act of free-thinking revolutionaries. We have a duty to each other to promote the vision of Peaceful Evolution to a Better World, one based on truth and abundance: some of Nature's finest gifts. That means we will always have to be correcting mis-steps and moving forward in a better direction. We need to double down on our persistence and determination when The Man tries to step down on We The People.

Free speech is under attack, subscribe to these guys backup channels Jake Titus

Here are some breadcrumbs on the Boy Scouts, ask me in the comments if you want to know more about anything. I think the Scouts is a good organization, I have connections through family members but was never one myself. Everyone needs to know the origins of the systems they participate in.

  • it was set up by elite nobility and Freemasons. Baron Baden-Powell was connected to military intelligence, the Nazis as well as the Masons. He was an explorer, like Aleister Crowley and L Ron Hubbard, two other intelligence-connected figures who turned out to be leaders of massive movements based around social engineering philosophies. Baden-Powell's philosophies at least seem positive, and necessary. So in that sense he is perhaps an example of someone who was able to operate within the system of The Man, and do good anyway.

  • when Baden Powell said Indians can't be scouts, top Theosophist Annie Besant founded the Indian Scouts, which was later absorbed into Scouts. Besant was given the Order of the Silver Wolf, the highest Scouting honor. [Source]

  • their theme song sung at their leadership camp is "Men of Schiff". [Source] This comes from the Schiff multi-generational Luciferian banking family, who were heavily involved in Scouts. When the Rothschilds (Bauers) got started in banking, they shared a house with the Schiffs. They were backed by the Black Nobility banking bloodlines, such as Del Banco (Warburg) and Oppenheimer. Yes, the same Oppenheimers as the ones that ran the Manhattan Project, and the same Schiffs as the "TrumpRussia" guy. Drew Schiff married Al Gore's daughter, and is a big Burning Man backer.

  • their corporate estate, a ranch of 10,000+ acres, is named after the Bechtel family. The Bechtels are a multi-generational Bohemian Grove family who run the largest private contracting business in the United States. They have built nuclear power plants around the world that some have argued become pre-planted nuclear bombs with which to blackmail the states that contain them.

  • Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was a Scout, Order of the Arrow. Scalia met a mysterious death in an occult ranch surrounded by devil masks at the St Hubertus secret society which is part of the Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, and Black Nobility network. There is a seeming unlikely Burning Man connection here - CEO and High Witch Marian Goodell (distantly related to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, and both to the Salem Witch Trials) grew up in an elite family with a private railcar called "Dagny Taggart" (after Ayn Rand). Her sister's Godfather was Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

  • Many of the early counter culture members had family connections to the military, as Dave McGowan has explored in Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. Many were also former Scouts, including Keith Richards and Brian Jones from the Rolling Stones. High priest of Satan and Set Lt Col Michael Aquino was Order of the Arrow, and on a national committee of the Boy Scouts. [Source: Barony of Rachane web site]

  • the Boy Scouts is basically an offshoot of Freemasonry. It is aligned with the values and language of the Masons and the inner orders are structured based on Masonic Lodges (as are college fraternities). The elite groups like Order of the Arrow are injection filters for the Secret Society. Both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were Eagle Scouts - in fact 11 of the 12 men to walk on the moon were Scouts. The Scouts launched the Space Exploration merit badge in 1965, since then 420,000 scouts have earned it. 181 of 321 astronauts were Scouts. [Source, Wikipedia]

  • space exploration merit badge scouts.jpg

    Check out my work on #Clownsource in CryptoBeast #2 - Clownsource the Peabody and in Short Bus Physics with Quinn and J.Go - these guys are part of the of asymmetric attacks by The Man is making against #truth. Quinn is an FBI Informant, J.Go has been linked with the Mossad and a nuclear bomb hoax that shut down a port. They hate Steemit. @csthetruth attacked Morphonios (see Hoax Wars) and Anonymous, which spurred a passionate reaction from Titus.


    Such an outrage blackstoneintell YouTube channel got terminated.

    Great work, am gonna benefit more

    Wonderful post, thanks for contributing your knowledge to the Steemit community. From this moment I follow you! Many successes.Nice post

    Highly rEsteemed Bruv!

    Thank you for the Professional Recognition! You are of a tiny Few who I aspire to reach with my Art, Indirectly, as you have the sight to perceive very clearly. You have my admiration and respect good sir! Please talk with Nathan about radio... it’s Active 😎🥓


    These Comments always age well on the {BLOCK]

    Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 8.43.50 AM.png

    Real good interview ,couldn't of got 2 more dedicated people at seeking the truth.i agree with you titus ,jakes of one the best investigators out there.

    Wow excellent stuff Steve, will have to dig through these new "bread crumbs myself" thanks for all the kind words!

    I'm unsure the Uranium Port event was actually a hoax.

    Future will tell since it looks like George Webb Sweigert is taking it all to court.

    Also, Awan case is scheduled for this Thursday.

    He makes a good case in this summary video that he is innocent of the charge of bomb scare terrorism. In fact it looks like he's another of the many whistleblowers who are framed by the FBI?

    [An FBI which also won't investigate certain cases of Pedophilia, ever. For reasons allegedly "unknown"

    Who trusts the FBI? Or the mainstream news crackpots who reported negatively on George W., for that matter? - ]


    I think George's brother, Dave, and the de Fango, personally attacked George Webb unfairly, and I'm suspicious of the reasons for that.

    We'll see? UraniumOne scandal surfaced after the Port event just as the arrest of Awan came after George Webb Swiegert had been following and elaborating on the Awan case - as people continued to make fun of him.

    They both blamed their source "Deep Uranium" for providing them with unvetted information. George quickly changed his story to the Maersk Mempis and Maersk Anna met up at sea for a "midnight kiss" in which the four cargo containers were swapped out for depleted-uranium riddled ones. This is something from the movies, not the real world. Massive container ships don't just dock together on the open sea and swap containers. When I pointed out to George that you can't build a dirty bomb from Uranium (just look up dirty bomb on Wikipedia, it's right there) the story changed again. Now George is claiming his Awan story and Operation CASSANDRA are the same. Perhaps he's right about that, but nothing those guys did relating to the Wando Welch port was right. Why didn't J.Go get in any trouble for it? He was the one hosting the show, I was watching live when it all went down. I saw exactly what happened and how it came together, including in the YouTube chat. He called the Coast Guard, who already knew about it from the unnamed audience member who called it in at his (arguable) suggestion.

    Did the containers really contain radioactive material? Surely if they did that would be a big story. Instead J.Go is still out there climbing on 7-11 roofs looking for material for his bomb.


    You hit the big time @steveouttrim! What are you gonna do with all this money you’re making now? 😎🥓

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