Too Much FakeNews . PizzaGate .. NWO WWIII .. Fear-Mongering .. BULLSHIT!

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

SERIOUSLY!!? Do You Want Us to Be Taken Seriously!?


Stop Sounding Like a Pathetic Nutjob!

Hillary, Trump, Obama .. they are nobody! Making them heroes or targets of fear and loathing both serve the real enemy's purposes - they hide behind these puppets - the enemy is of course the banks - always has been and always will be, as long as people are kept chasing their own tails .. or attacking unionists, or teachers, or feminists, or members of the other ridiculously similar political party.

The enemy wants you to waste your time attacking the powerless, while remaining powerless yourself! These vacuous conspiracies must be hilarious to them - when you roll up on one of them with a video camera and they look like they are going to shit themselves, thinking that you are actually going to confront them coherently, and when they hear this crazy shit instead, they become giddy .. laughing in-fact, actually willing to banter with you a bit, because they realize you are part of the entirely NEUTRALIZED portion of the society!

This is not about world government - the fuckers can barely hang on to their own countries, how would putting us under some far removed central authority help them. New World Order mythology is a creation of the anti-United Nations crowd .. there is nothing to it other than a bunch of malcontents blowing a hell of a lot of hot air. The United Nations is hated by the elite war-mongers in the USA because they get in the way of the unchecked use of US military power .. but I have no idea why there is so much hate, the UN has never stopped the US from doing anything, ever, and in fact helped legitimize some actions.


Get a Grip On the Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Reason!
... get a dictionary and look up the word "anecdotal", that would be a great place to start.


Understand that 'sounding like you know what you are talking about' is no substitute for actually knowing what you're talking about!


I agree with you on the fake news, most people will believe anything as long as it fits with what they hold to be true.
As for the world government, I believe there is something to it, but perhaps they will handle it like a corporation, you know instead of eliminating borders and countries they could handle each country as a subsidiary and they would all be subject to the authority of what we could call a board with a chairman.
That is an option, of course as nobody really knows, except the elites who will set this up (if they do exist and if there is a plan like this) we can only assume that this could happen.
Now I think I made some grammatical mistakes in this post but that is the best I could do.

Thank you for the comment @gduran..

For sure we can't 'absolutely' dismiss the possibility of anything, but probability ..

For those of us who wish to see an end to government, correctly identifying it as a gang that consumes a great deal of OUR resources while greatly limiting our individual freedom, should be joyful if there was in-fact a "plan" to establish a "World Government", for one simple reason .. it will accelerate its end. The greater the centralization the weaker the system .. and more so over time (see Ancient Rome).

But sure, someone has a plan in their desk and maybe they have few people who like the idea ... everyone who has been given any of the above mentioned resources has plans - yes, FEMA has 'plans' to deal with massive domestic social unrest in the wake of any number of disasters ... there are "plans" to mine the permafrost on the moon, and undoubtedly someone, somewhere, at sometime wrote a report suggesting what the first thing we should do is if ever time-travel was invented! :)

The elites are powerful, yes indeed, and if they all worked in-concert over a generation or two, they could manipulate governments and publilc sentiment toward accepting ... pretty much anything. If World Government is one of them .. well, they have failed miserably. I think again that the entire mass corporate media system is already doing the manipulation job that they desire, one that allows them to continue to exist as they are, and have always been.

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