Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 12 of 12: The Stigma of Being a Conspiracy Theorist

in #conspiracy6 years ago

By: Shawn Alli
Posted: October 10, 2017 (on

*Note: All individuals and organizations receive 3 full days of pre-publication notice.

*Note: I use the term liberal trifecta to refer to liberals in general, liberal/progressive/neo-liberal media outlets, and Democrats.

*Note: By Jewish people/Jews, I'm referring to Israeli ethnicity, not Judaist believers.

The Peer-Reviewed Literature Against Conspiracy Theorists

Liberal Media Outlets Against Conspiracy Theorists

Liberal Media Outlets Against Alex Jones


The Peer-Reviewed Literature Against Conspiracy Theorists

Liberal Media Outlets Against Conspiracy Theorists

***Taken out, due to steemit limit, please see original article:

Liberal Media Outlets Against Alex Jones

The attacks against Alex Jones are vitriol. There's no point in showing the numerous quotations because it's all the same. The liberal trifecta despises Jones. He's a despicable snake oil salesman taking advantage of the public's fear. Yah...but I can say the same thing about the liberal trifecta.

Of all the conspiracy theorists on the planet, the liberal trifecta only fears Infowars (not even Breitbart matters that much to them). Why? Aside from being genuine (though lost in ideology), he has high profile guests like:

Donald Trump

Ron Paul (former House of Representatives)

Jesse Ventura (former Governor of Minnesota)

William Binney (former NSA)

Cynthia McKinney (former House of Representatives)

Charlie Sheen

Nigel Farage (EU Parliament)

Buzz Aldrin.

These are heavy hitter guests for a conspiracy theorist and supposed despicable media outlet. That's one reason why the liberal trifecta is doing their best to destroy him. In 2017 AdRoll (a company that places ads on websites) blocks Infowars. [26] Not even Sleeping Giants (a twitter group to block corporate advertising on conservative websites) can stop Infowars.

To be fair to Sleeping Giants and the liberal trifecta, the advertising boycott is successful against Breitbart and Rebel Media. And their methods are peaceful. You have to respect that. Aside from the Adroll block, they've yet to succeed against Jones or getting radio stations to dump his broadcast. But according to Jones, they're trying:

As radio stations call me and say we're getting calls offering us a half million dollars to take you off. [27]

Umm...what? If that's true, that's a news story waiting to be unveiled. But I highly doubt that liberal media outlets will investigate the issue honestly. If it turns out to be true, that would be like hurting our own movement which is already in damage control. Thanks, but we'll pass. Sadly, we'll have to hope that someone from Fox News or the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is willing to do it. Sigh.

Even if the liberal trifecta gets radio stations to dump Infowars, there's still YouTube and Facebook. But I'm sure that the liberal trifecta is doing their best to take him off major platforms for good. In the mind of the liberal trifecta, censorship is fine as long as it's coming from liberals.

And while many of my fellow conspiracy theorists worry about free speech and censorship, they needn't worry. In fact, they should celebrate it. Why? Because censorship of conservative websites on social media means that GSIG liberal conditioning isn't working anymore.

GSIGs are losing their ability to influence the global public via media outlets and social media. That means that conspiracy theorists are winning the battle in turning people into genuine human beings instead of politically correct liberal conditioned slaves. That deserves a pat on the back.

If YouTube and Facebook step up their censorship efforts by taking away money or removing content, conspiracy theorists win. Why? Because it shows that GSIGs have lost control of their ability to influence the public. Hence, it has to resort to censorship. That's a huge win for conspiracy theorists.

While censorship as a whole isn't a good thing, it's a great indicator in the ability to influence the local, regional, national, or global public. The governments of France, China, Germany, and Israel are all enemies of free speech and advocate mass censorship. While that's bad news, it's a great realization.

These governments are losing their ability to influence their people. More people around the world are starting to realize that the liberal media programming is bullsht. That the GSIG script is garbage. That people are more than just labels and want genuine interactions with other people. They don't want the bullsht sound bites from mainstream media outlets.

Jones understands this well. He knows that people are desperate for genuine content. And he knows how to deliver. Unfortunately, that sometimes leads to Jones playing for his audience (which is a problem). But when you're lost in ideology, objective news reporting goes right out the window.

Liberal media outlets have little recourse in stopping Infowars. Hence, they demonize their business model of standing behind their products, namely health supplements:

At some point, of course, that attention needs to be turned into money. That seems to be where Super Male Vitality and the rest of Jones' health business comes in. Buzzfeed reported last month that according to multiple former Infowars employees, the supplements were what really turned Infowars into a "media empire" that caters to conspiracy-minded consumers, estimating annual sales in the tens of millions of dollars.

...Last month in New York magazine, Seth Brown detailed that Jones makes no money from selling ads on his radio show, which amounts to a widely syndicated four-hour infomercial for supplements. "An examination of his business seems to indicate that the vast majority of Infowars’ revenue comes from sales of these dietary supplements. Infowars isn't a media empire—it's a snake-oil empire." [28]

Jones and his associates do, making a rejection of the medical establishment and science part of what it means to be on the populist right.

...In the Infowars universe, though, science is the enemy — part of the globalist elite movement that’s poisoning people, keeping them down. Anyone who cares about evidence and science: Ignore this seething movement at your peril. [29]

Jones' wildly popular supplements, sold on his site, are nothing more than humdrum vitamin blends that have little-to-no data supporting touted health benefits—basically the same as the vitamins found in any pharmacy or health store, according to independent lab testing.

Brian Brandley, Labdoor's laboratory director, told BuzzFeed News:

We tested samples in triplicate, and wherever possible, cross-checked those results with at least two independent analytical laboratories, so we have complete trust in our conclusions. [30]

Alex Jones isn't just an "expert" conspiracy theorist, he's an "expert" snake-oil salesman, too! Jones' popular arsenal of supplements, which are wildly promoted throughout his show and on his website, are filled with overpriced, everyday ingredients according to test results provided in a highly readable report on Buzzfeed.

Labdoor, an independent San Francisco-based lab that specializes in testing and grading dietary supplements, ran full tests on six of Jones' products to determine their exact makeup and screen for toxic chemicals. [31]

All of the test results were largely the same: The products are — more or less — accurately advertised. They don't contain significantly more or less of a particular ingredient than listed on the bottles, and there are no surprise ingredients. They're also reasonably safe, meaning they passed heavy metal contaminant screenings and tested free of stimulants, depressants, and other prohibited drugs.

But just because the products' ingredients matched their labels doesn't mean they lived up to Jones' claims.

This claim — that the Infowars supplements often contained less effective serving sizes than their less expensive counterparts — was a running theme in Labdoor's results. In almost every example, Labdoor's tests and reviews describe the products as little more than heavily overpriced supplements with few health benefits, if any. [32]

And what's the problem with the last 3 quotations? Labdoor is a for-profit company:

Labdoor is a mission-driven, for-profit company. We are dedicated to helping consumers better understand the products they entrust with their health. In service of this mission, we believe that a for-profit model built, first and foremost, for the consumer helps us best achieve this goal. [33]

Worse, Labdoor isn't just a testing and grading lab. They're selling nutritional supplements and making a profit from them:

Labdoor makes money in two ways. First, we receive a portion of every dollar spent by consumers who purchase products directly from our site. Second, we offer testing services for companies that need independent validation of their product quality.[33]

Labdoor is directly competing with supplements that Infowars sells. And yet, I don't see any of this information in any of the three articles. I'd love to know how a for-profit lab can be independent.

In a request for comment I ask Ars technica, Salon, and Buzzfeed:

In regards to your August 2017 article about Infowars' supplements and Labdoor testing, you fail to mention the fact that Labdoor is a for-profit company. You also fail to mention that Labdoor sells nutritional supplements on their website and makes a profit from it.

  1. Why did you fail to mention these things in your article?

  2. How can a for-profit lab (that makes money from selling nutritional supplements) remain independent or credible?

  3. Are you aware that Labdoor directly competes with Infowars' supplements? If so, do you believe that it's disingenuous to advocate for one while denigrating the other?

  4. Do you believe that it's disingenuous for Labdoor to claim that Infowars' products are less effective than the ones that Labdoor sells?

5 & 6. Just for Buzzfeed:

  1. Labdoor makes its money from selling nutritional supplements and testing. How much money did you pay for the testing?

  2. Regardless of the amount, it looks like you paid Labdoor to minimize the effectiveness of Infowars' supplements. Would you agree with this statement? If not, why not?

They don't respond.

Again, I'm not a fan of Alex Jones. I don't recommend that anyone watch his show. But fair is fair. And these liberal alternative media outlets aren't playing fair. They're using dirty tactics to devalue Infowars' brand in order to prevent them from having a significant influence on the global public. That's just sad.

And yes, natural health advocates like Jones do tend to embellish their results from time to time. But the ability of natural foods to cure autoimmune diseases and cancer is well known. Its importance is downgraded by WE medical scientists and liberal trifecta cheerleaders (see The Cancer Industry and Autoimmune Diseases for Everyone in Philosophy Reborn Part IV: Naturally Unhealthy Big Pharma& Big Media).

It's tragic and hilarious to see liberal media outlets criticizing the Infowars' business model when most of their own revenue comes from corporate advertisements. Just so liberal media outlets are aware, the public supports media outlets that stand behind products that they're advertising/selling.

Liberal media outlets are desperately trying to negate the influence of Jones' Infowars and regain their influence on the global public. Aside from that, they're trying to keep their head above the water with their shrinking corporate advertising revenue.

In Canada, the media landscape is so bad that in January 2017 media outlets suggest taxing Facebook and Google for stealing their advertising revenue. [34] That's pretty desperate. But Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau rejects it. [35] Some Canadian media outlets like the CBC just come right out and ask for a $400 million bailout. [36] Wow, these people have balls. It's doubtful that Trudeau will give in.

Ideological speaking, it's just as bad in the US. Right after Trump's 2016 election win, Newsweek puts out their magazine. The problem is that it says Clinton wins the election. Confused? Fox News' Tucker Carlson explains with Newsweek's political editor Matthew Cooper:

Cooper: the company that we subcontract to...produced two editions...The Madame president one mistakenly went out. Which was the first embarrassment. That should never have happened...As you say the writing is, shall we say, not up to the editorial standards of Newsweek.

Tucker: Who on your staff wrote that?

Cooper: Well, no one on our staff wrote that. Again, we subcontract to a company

Tucker: Well, you read it before it went out.

Cooper: Well, no we didn't...

Tucker: You mean you didn't read it before it went out?

Cooper: See, we subcontract these commemorative issues to a company, and this is pretty common in the magazine business. [37]

Oh dear god. Newsweek staff didn't write or read the articles prior to publication? Really? This reminds me of the Agnelli and Rothschild controlled Economist and their anonymous authors. And mainstream media outlets wonder why people are tuning out.

With the loss of their ability to influence the global public via news, liberals are turning to entertainment and late night talk shows to condition people. Personally, I'd love to see comedian Tim Allen do a late night talk show for a conservative audience. The ratings would be huge.

To be fair to liberals, the parodies and satire of Jones is hilarious. As a man of comedy I highly recommend that you watch them on YouTube:

Alex Jones: Facepalm Master

Alex Jones: Master Impressionist

Alex Jones: Master of self-control

#1 Viral Video REMIX Alex Jones Living Meme Explosion / Super Deluxe / Bon Iver Folk Song

Tuck Buckford Goes Elbow-Deep In A Tub Of Chobani.

They're even better then my comedic compilation of Jones. [38]

To be fair to liberals, Jones gets a lot of things wrong. That includes pizzagate, the FEMA death camps, Operation Jade Helm, police covering up sex trafficking, George Soros as an SS Nazi, the Obama birther issue, Chobani, and the Sandy Hook massacre. I's a lot. He produces so much content that even I can't keep up. Even the 24 hour news cycle can't keep up with Jones.

But he also gets a few things right. He's correct about Middle Eastern inbreeding. [39] [40] Though inbreeding itself doesn't lead to Muslim extremism. That's a religious ideological problem. The liberal trifecta is desperate to disconnect ISIS from the Muslim community. But they're one in the same. In fact, ISIS is the older and more genuine Islam.

Jones is correct about blood rituals by famous/wealthy people:

She's [Countess Elizabeth Bathory] said to have believed the blood of virgin girls would maintain her youthful-looking skin.

...Highborn and unaccountable, she was the absolute ruler of a patch of what is now Slovakia, and with the help of three of her servants sadistically tortured to death between 100 and 650 girls. [41]

Because blood, as life, belongs to, and, in a peculiar sense, represents, the Author of life, blood has been counted a means of inspiration. The blood of the gods, in myth and legend, and again the blood of divinely accepted sacrifices, human and animal, in ancient and modern religious rituals, has been relied on as the agency whereby the Author of life speaks in and through the possessor of that blood. [42]

Jones is definitely incorrect in claiming that he's the first person to use/invent the term false flags (I can't find the reference). In reality, academia, and mainstream and alternative media outlets use it in the early to mid '90s. [43] [44] [45] [46]

Sadly, Jones' paranoia is getting worse. In September 2017 Jones claims that someone is drugging Trump's drinks. [47] Oh dear. I'm sure that he can even stretch that to maybe the president's under MKULTRA mind control programming.

Jones has always been lost in his ideologies for quite some time but it's getting worse. Almost every video is RED ALERT and EMERGENGY. Sigh. Unfortunately, Jones is now making up the conspiracy theories out of thin air (more so than usual). And yes, that's different from the norm in creating conspiracy theories from indirect evidence.

In past shows, Jones calls Hilary Hitlary. And shows images of Obama next to Hitler. That's terrible. This isn't rational analysis. This is just ideological commentary on steroids.

Today, Jones freely calls politicians rapists or murderers. Sorry, but that's libelous. Unfortunately, most people don't call him out on such things because they don't want to give him more attention. If they did, you'd see a lot of retractions. More so than the ones from Pizzagate and Chobani.

And just in case you're wondering, Jones doesn't retract these articles/videos because of personal responsibility. He retracts it because the potential lawsuits will most likely open the floodgates of defamation and libel and destroy his small media empire.

Even Jones calling 9/11 a false flag the day after doesn't mean anything. Why not? Because he says that for almost every major attack and will use anything to poke holes in the official story. While most things aren't what they appear to be, automatically thinking that it's a false flag by default is a problem.

Sadly, if Jones says the same thing enough times, he believes it wholeheartedly and would most likely pass a lie detector. Jones' placebo effect is quite strong. He would probably do well with Jedi mind training if it existed.

Personally, I believe that Infowars could use a fresh start with Jones stepping down. I would support David Knight (2nd or 3rd in command) taking over. While this is blasphemy to Jones' supporters, it's the right move for the conspiracy theory movement to move towards a more rational center point. And yes, as a conspiracy theorist, I'm very much aware of how far gone most conspiracy theorists are. Liberal writers don't need to remind me.

In this blasphemous plan, Jones would still be the owner of Infowars. It's either that or Jones needs to better himself. Not just through Christian prayers, but real introspection of one's ideologies and perception of reality.

While I disagree with Jones' content heavily (see Alex Jones in Conspiracy Theorists), and see him as cracked in the head, if Jones gets a second wind, develops a thicker skin and calmer demeanor, he's capable of crushing liberal media outlets.

I don't mean just in the short term, but in the long term. As media outlets go bankrupt, merge, and are bought out by billionaires, Infowars remains a small but strong boat capable of battling liberal and conservative juggernaut ships.

Today, Infowars is in conflict with the Trump administration over his support for Big Pharma, GMOs, private prisons, Goldman Sachs/Wall Street, and war (see Attacks Against the Trump Administration in The Media). The fact that Jones now supports war once Trump is in power is disingenuous.

But Jones is not an idiot. He can see which way the wind is blowing. Like his backtracking on WikiLeaks and the Snowden leaks, Jones is starting to see that the wind isn't blowing in Trump's direction:

I don't really like Hollywood. I'm sick of it. It's so fake. It's empty. But I do like The Rock. I mean I like his movies; my kids like his movies. Reportedly, behind the scenes, he's a really likable guy, a hard-working guy. And he's supposedly pretty conservative but in a populist vein. So that's a good thing. And he said about a month ago he's considering a run for the presidency in 2020.

And the way Trump's going, if he betrays his base, I think there's one guy that's got more real star appeal and people appeal than even Donald Trump, and that's Dwayne Johnson. And if Trump dynamites his own base and starts selling out to the Democrats, then I would back Dwayne Johnson running against Donald John Trump, and I think most Americans would as well. [48]

And speaking of Hollywood movies, Jones constantly claims that Hollywood is (more or less) a servant of the deep state, conditioning people to accept free trade, globalism, surveillance, and global governments. Yes and no. While Hollywood is definitely conditioning people, they're also creating many conspiracy theory and anti-government movies with big A-list names and double to triple digit budgets:

*All figures are from Wikipedia and Box Office Mojo.

*All figures are in US dollars.

*All figures are rounded up to one decimal place.

The International (2009)

Celebrities: Clive Owen, Naomi Watts

Budget: $50 million

Box office: $60.2 million.

Conspiracy Theory (1997)

Celebrities: Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts, Patrick Stewart

Budget: $ 80 million

Box office: $136 million.

Enemy of the State (1998)

Celebrities: Gene Hackman, Will Smith, Jon Voight

Budget: $90 million

Box office: $250 million.

JFK (1991)

Celebrities: Kevin Costner, Kevin Bacon, Tommy Lee Jones

Budget: $40 million

Box office: $205 million.

The Da Vinci Code (2006)

Celebrities: Tom Hanks, Ian McKellen

Budget: $ 125 million

Box office: over $758.2 million.

Spectre (2015)

Celebrities: Daniel Craig, Ralph Fiennes

Budget: $245 million

Box office: $880.7 million.

The old bond series is actually pro-conspiracy theory because it's a private organization (SPECTRE) that wants global domination. Conspiracy theorists are generally anti-Big Industry. While the heroes in the bond movies are righteous government agents, the conspiracy elements are a nod to the conspiracy theory movement.

Angels & Demons (2009)

Celebrities: Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor

Budget: $150 million

Box office: $485.9 million.

Bourne Identity franchise (2002-2016)

Celebrities: Matt Damon, Clive Owen, Jeremy Renner, Julia Stiles, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, Tommy Lee Jones

Total budget: $520 million

Total box office: $1.6 billion.

Hunger Games franchise (2012-2015)

Celebrities: Jennifer Lawrence, Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Total budget: almost $495 million

Total box office: $3 billion.

Elysium (2013)

Celebrities: Matt Damon, Jodie Foster.

Budget: $115 million

Box office: $286 million.

Laura Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)

Celebrities: Angelina Jolie, Jon Voight, Daniel Craig.

Budget: $115 million

Box Office: $274 million.

Hollywood is making big money from conspiracy theories and anti-government movies. It's not as big as Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings...but it's a significant chunk of money nonetheless.

To a degree, the public enjoys being entertained by conspiracy theorists/conspiracy theory movies. And that's the way it starts for some people. Conspiracy theorists shouldn't get mad that people are beginning their conspiracy journey from the entertainment side.

Everyone's development is at different stages. For those who believe in reincarnation, such people make some progress in one lifetime and hopefully make progress in another area in the next lifetime.

And just in case you're wondering, no, Jews don't control Hollywood. Yes, there's a large amount of Jews in significant position in Hollywood. But there are no Jews from each major studio meeting in secret to rule the world. That's just a racist myth. (see The Myth of the Jewish Cabal in The Deep State).

On any given day, Jones says X while holding up a printed news report. But the report is usually an opinion/analysis piece from another alternative conservative media outlet. Sometimes, he even holds up a printout of his own Infowars report as evidence of X. Umm...that's a problem.

Going to protests and showing pissed off liberals not willing to talk as crazy is disingenuous. Of course they're not going to talk to you. They've come to protest, not to have an intellectual discussion over a chai latte.

The purpose of a protest is to make noise via irrational and crazy actions. Contrary to what you may believe, a peaceful protest where people hold hands and sing Kum ba yah will never lead to significant change.

Unfortunately, the liberal trifecta has no interest in debating conspiracy theorists. To be fair, I understand. Many conspiracy theorists are too far gone down the rabbit hole. That includes Alex Jones (and all of his associates), David Icke, and Eric Jon Phelps. The only ones that are not too far gone (aside from me, not interested), is Simon Parkes and Dr. Steven Greer. I'd love to see Greer debate the liberal trifecta on CNN or NBC News.

Like other media outlets, Jones is beginning to create his own narrative of X and then selling it to the public as factual. That's almost as bad as turning a blind eye to Obama's birth certificate because you want to believe that he's a foreigner. Evidence vs. the perception of evidence. Two very different things.

Turning a blind eye is the same as being disingenuous. And Jones definitely turns a blind eye to anything that goes against his ideologies (white supremacists beating up liberal protestors). While Jones laments George Soros and Bill Gates funding any program, the Koch brothers and the oil lobby fund people and organizations against carbon taxes/cap and trade systems.

I'm sure it's apparent by now, but I don't support carbon taxes, cap and trade, or climate change as the harbinger of death (see The Environmental Movement). While I'm not funded by any special interest groups, I don't turn a blind eye to the funding that most conservative writers take. But Jones does. Anything that goes against Jones' ideologies, and he'll point out the corrupt liberal funding. Anything that supports it, it's god's will. And that's disingenuous.

But that doesn't mean that Jones is controlled disinformation. Jones is 100% definitely NOT controlled disinformation. How do I know? Simple. If the liberal trifecta had evidence that he was, they would have brought it out before the election and won a Pulitzer by now.

Jones' problem isn't his intentions. It's his perception of himself and reality. It's not that Jones can only see the world in good vs. evil. It's that he has to see it this way. This is the only way he can do his work and maintain his sanity. All of the attacks against him are reinterpreted as attacks against his Christian soul. Hence, he has to fight back against the supposed evil forces.

As I've mentioned many times, many conspiracy theorists are completely lost in their ideological bubble, just as liberals and conservative are lost in their own bubble. As always, ideology and your perception of yourself and reality will always be king. Everything else comes way after that.

Like Trump, Jones' errors are becoming more apparent because he's now in the spotlight. Prior to the 2016 election, Jones is big in conspiracy circles, but laughed at by mainstream media outlets. Of course, they're not laughing anymore. And if they are, they must have found the philosopher’s stone in turning fat cat Wall Street Democrats into lovable puppies that can win in 2018 and 2020.

But the Young Turks (TYT) is definitely laughing at Infowars. They're betting big money, their credibility, and social status on their Justice Democrats. It's unknown if it will pay off. But the situation is quite entertaining.

Both Infowars and TYT are anti-big government, anti-big industry, anti-political correctness, anti-big media, and anti-police state. In another world, I can see these two media outlets being the best of friends, with Jones and Uygur having a lifelong bromance.

To be fair to Jones, Infowars is more of a media outlet than TYT. What? Blasphemy. Infowars does analysis, reporting, and a few investigative reports. TYT just does analysis. But our analysis is saving the world. Ah yes...the save the world argument.

Just as liberals believe that they're saving the world from conservatives, conservatives believe that they're saving the world from liberals. And most conspiracy theorists believe that they're saving the world from both groups.

It's hilarious and tragic how various groups delude themselves in their ideologies. But that's what happens when most things are unfalsifiable. And there's no solution except for more ideologies. Blades sharpening blades. It's not a war of facts or truth. It's a war of ideologies. A war of the perception of facts and truth.

But for Christian conspiracy theorists, none of this is a light-hearted game. It's about good vs. evil, the soul of humanity, and all of that nonsense. While liberals laugh at conspiracy theorists and their claims about assassination or being taken out, many conspiracy theorists believe it.

To be fair to conspiracy theorists, there are many suspicious deaths either in the conspiracy theory itself or writing/investigating the conspiracy theory (see Mysterious Deaths in Whistleblowers: True Patriots of Humanity).

Unfortunately, death in the conspiracy theory movement usually brings credibility. Any conspiracy theory or investigative journalists that die usually becomes a hero to the movement in death.

Surely, they knew something important, otherwise they wouldn't have been killed. It's like a bad Umberto Eco book (Foucault's Pendulum). I don't know any other job that has such a high standard like death being the real credibility scale.

These hardcore conspiracy theorists need to chill. All good conspiracy theorists are a little paranoid (even me). It's how you manage that paranoia that makes the difference. If you're writing/speaking against the deep state, you may be paranoid that GSIGs are trying to kill you. Take a breath, eat some dark chocolate with organic blueberries and calmly assess the situation.

9/10 times everything's good. You're just reading too much into the situation and reinterpreting it to fit your conspiracy theory ideologies. And when it's the 1/10 time that the threat is're f*cked. There's nothing you can do in those situations. The only recourse is having help from other players in the game.


We live in an odd time. We live in a time:

Where scientologists are trying to protect humanity from aliens

Where Muslim extremists and Muslims in general want to go back to Sharia law

Where Judaists are waiting for their king

Where liberals want more trade agreements and erosion of national sovereignty

Where people blame bottled water corporations for plastic garbage

Where governments and liberals censor free speech

Where poor and low-income families can't look at the deep issues because they're too busy trying to pay the rent and food bills.

Where people sue Google for the Paris terrorist attack [49]

Where urging people to commit suicide is now a crime [50]

Where Christians want to make homosexuals and transgender people disappear forever

Where men want to dominate and control women while pretending that they have a deep sense of respect for them.

Where Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will fix all of humanity's problems and grant them immortality

Where Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Richard Branson are aiming to build colonies in space to get away from all of the problems on the Earth

Where people sue fast food restaurants for making them fat [51] [52]

Where flat earth believers will go to their graves believing in the flat earth theory [53]

Where people sue gun manufacturers [54]

Where people refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions.

We live in a world where Wall Street doesn't care about the average person:

Here, after all, was a group that included many of the executives whose firms had collectively wrecked the global economy in 2008 and 2009. And they were laughing off the entire disaster in private, as if it were a long-forgotten lark...

[Kevin Roose] Roose's chronicle reaffirms the fears that America's wealthiest are fully removed from the rest of the world, one which they often control. [55]

Once we made it to the lobby, Ross and Lebenthal reassured me that what I'd just seen wasn't really a group of wealthy and powerful financiers making homophobic jokes, making light of the financial crisis, and bragging about their business conquests at Main Street's expense. No, it was just a group of friends who came together to roast each other in a benign and self-deprecating manner. Nothing to see here.

But the extent of their worry wasn't made clear until Ross offered himself up as a source for future stories in exchange for my cooperation.

"I'll pick up the phone anytime, get you any help you need," he said.

"Yeah, the people in this group could be very helpful," Lebenthal chimed in. "If you could just keep their privacy in mind." [56]

We live in a world where families prostitute their own children:

And in the sex trade in La Merced [Mexico], that control and exploitation can be a family business in which every member has a role.

Boys are raised to covet the large houses and fancy sports cars of their fathers and uncles, and are taught the ins and outs of the family business from as young as eight or nine years old.

And mothers, many former trafficking victims themselves, help normalize the behaviour for new recruits.

Yessenia says she started doing sex work in Acapulco when she was 17. [57]

Most worrying to law enforcement, however, is a small but apparently growing subset of these predators who are hooking up online with parents or guardians willing to prostitute their children, sometimes as young as infants.

…In March 2006, the FBI arrested Kenda Henry of Dallas, whom police accused of using the Internet to prostitute her three young children to pedophiles from as far away as Great Britain. Henry was arrested when authorities from Canada, the United States and Interpol busted the world's largest child pornography ring.

Police say she was linked to Brian Tod Schellenberger, a North Carolina father accused of creating and circulating hundreds of pornographic images and raping a 3-month-old infant. Schellenberger was sentenced to 100 years in prison for posing a 6-year-old girl and infant boy in pornographic positions.

Two months before Henry and Schellenberger were arrested, a Canadian woman pleaded guilty to providing pornographic pictures of her 8-year-old son to her "master" in a chat room dedicated to bondage sex.

"In a typical scenario, a parent is already involved in drugs or prostitution in one way or another. Parents prostitute their kids for drugs or money," she said.

Just last week James Colliton, a former tax attorney at the prestigious firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore and father of five, pleaded guilty to statutory rape after having sex with two underage girls numerous times between 2000 and 2005, who had been prostituted by their mother. [58]

A prostitute mother is facing jail for allowing clients to sexually abuse three of her daughters - driving a seven-year-old to attempt suicide.

The vile woman, now a 71-year-old grandmother, was found guilty of letting a string of customers indecently assault the youngsters.

...The three girls, all of primary school age, were regularly touched indecently and in one case raped at the home. [59]

A father pimped out his 16-year-old daughter at truck stops after forcing her in to prostitution after learning she'd had sex.

Scott Robinson, 46, took the teenager to tractor stops near their home in Baytown, Texas, and forced her to approach men offering her body for money for four months.

She told police she had 'several' customers a night and that her father kept whatever money she made.

He also forced her to make an ad on the listings website to bring in customers. [60]

This is where we are in 2017. Contrary to what you may believe, things aren't getting better, they're getting worse. Humanity isn't growing, it's contracting back into the dark ages under the ideologies of racism and sexism but covered up by technology.

Yes, people are tuning out mainstream and liberal conditioning, but only to be replaced by another soul crushing disempowering GSIG ideology.

We live in a world where aside from insults, talk is cheap. Why? Because people don't keep their word anymore. In the past, a person's word is their bond. It has value. Today, it doesn't. Hence, the need for written contracts and actions to back up the words. While contracts are necessary in the 21st century, it's also a step backwards, not forwards.

The illegal US invasion of Iraq taught us that the US government/military can torture foreigners/visible minorities, destroy the evidence of that torture, and not be held accountable for it. That's racism and sociopathic or even psychopathic thinking.

All heads of state who visit the Vatican kiss the ring. In the eyes of conspiracy theorists (including me) that's an act of subservience. Non-conspiracy theorists interpret it as an act of respect and custom. Which one is correct? Like all of the social humanities, there is no correct answer. It's dependent on a person's ideologies and perception of reality.

We live in a world where some people are holding onto life for culture. For others it's family. For others it’s religion. For others it's politics. For others it's ambition. For others it's love. So many unique conscious beings at different levels of development, with different levels of conditioning...all striving for something.

The fact that most people care more about popular culture, or their favorite celebrity, or their favorite singer, or their favorite athlete is a testament to the GSIG conditioning process. You're focusing your energy on garbage instead of real world issues. That's due to successful GSIG conditioning. And none of that is accidental. It's intentional.

HBO's Game of Thrones sums up the GSIG situation well:

The people are hungry for more than just food. They crave distractions. And if we don't provide them, they'll create their own. And their distractions are likely to end with us being torn to pieces. [61]

The problem is that no one's really getting it. Both the media and public fall for the same bullsh*t. Trump is the problem. The Republicans are the problem. Congress is the problem. All of this is nonsense.

The problem is GSIG scripts operating at all levels of society. The problem is the GSIG priest class maintaining the bullsh*t political, economic, social, and educational infrastructure.

You can change the players via an election, but in the end, it's (more or less) the same old sh*t. It's up to you if you want more out of politics, education, and life in general (see Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Governance & Economics in Philosophy Reborn Part I: Purpose).

Scientists and teachers believe that institutional education will lead to growth

Academia believe that intellectualizing problems will lead to growth

The liberal trifecta believes that censoring people will lead to growth

The liberal trifecta believes that GSIG conditioning will lead to growth

Religious people believe that following their god with lead to growth

New age people believe that following their intuition will lead to growth.

Who's right and wrong? All different paths that lead to very different results. If there are no right answers, how can we ever make progress as a species? Hence, the reason why I created radical dualism and skoparxism. Two ideologies to help bridge all of the distinctions between people and finally enabling significant growth and development of individuals and humanity.

Conspiracy theorists, like everyone else, believe that only their cause is just. They're blinded by their own ideologies. They seek to understand events that they'll never truly understand.

There will always be unanswered questions. I recommend that you stay away from know it all conspiracy theorists that talk about their near perfect prediction rate. These people are disingenuous and lost in their own ideological bubble.

Our divisions are huge. Different religious, political, economic, gender, social, and financial status will always exist. But despite these differences, I advocate that we come together to create a skoparxist government, a real democracy. How long are we going to be unwitting pawns of GSIGs? How long are we going to accept injustice, inequality, racism, and sexism as the norm?

And no amount of education or conditioning can turn a false democracy into a real one. In 5000 years of recorded history, a real democracy has never existed on this planet.

Just as women have a 99.9% chance of failure in creating real female empowerment, both men and women who desire a real democracy have a 99.9% chance of failure in creating it. That's the odds. Take it or leave it. As always, the choice is yours.

Thank you for reading the Conspiracy Theories 101 Series. My apologies for the long articles. If you have any comments, feedback, negative or positive, you can email me at [email protected].


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[61] Game of Thrones. Season 3, Episode 5. HBO. 2013.


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