Analyzing my thoughts
Everything I do, everything I think about doing, every thought in my head is being it being analyzed by my conscious or subconscious? Or is it my ego?
"Am I doing the right thing? Why would I do that? Am I doing it for myself? Is it selfish? Am I jealous? Am I trying to showoff by helping someone? Do I want to be alone? Or do I think I want to be alone to get attention? Maybe I shouldn't have done that! Comeon stop thinking about it, it doesnt matter! am I really smart or is it my ego that thinks I'm smart? Am I educating myself for my own good or for superficial reasons? Do I need it or do I want it? Do I really like that person? I dont think I do! Why dont I like him/her? Maybe because he/she Doesn't pay acknowledge me! But thats not a good reason not to like someone! So does that mean I'm forcing myself to like that person? Should I change my ways to get along with that person? Do I say I dont want it because I dont have it or don't I really want it? What if Im lying to myself that I dont want it and I do really want it?".................
I am still confused as to what I'm doing is whether for myself or my ego.