What If The UFO Sightings Are Actually Real?

in #conspiracy8 years ago


It is a vast universe out there. So vast, that our tiny little brains can’t even fathom the sheer extent of it all. I’m not kidding. We really can’t!! On top of that, we find ourselves all alone in this haunting silence of a vastness.

We are yet to find a single cosmic neighbour, though that has not been for a lack of looking. For decades we have turned our gaze towards the skies and also listened intently for any would be presence but so far, there’s only silence.

However, a strange phenomenon has been going on for more than half a century and it’s that of the UFOs. A UFO is basically, any unidentified flying objects and it really could be anything but, popular culture has made that term synonymous with an alien aircraft.

There have been countless reports of these UFO sightings and many people swear that they have had contact with an alien race. Experts are almost unanimous in their claims that till date, no solid evidence has been found and I’m sure most of the reports are fake. But what if some of these were actually true? Could there be a bigger game at play? If true, what would that entail?

They Might Be Observing Us


Let’s say that these so called alien beings are indeed visiting Earth in their spacecrafts. What could their motive behind it be? I mean they are not making a grand entrance and letting us know about their existence right?

All we hear are stories where it is clear that they want to hide their presence. This makes it clear, in my opinion, that they are in an observation mode right now where they might be studying us or even the other species of the planet.

The first question that arises is why. I think the word ‘curiosity’ answers that pretty well. I mean if we went to a planet and found life on it, we would pretty much do the same, right? So, that’s understandable.

What I do not understand is that, it has been decades since we have been continuously hearing about their sightings. If they were indeed observing us and were highly intelligent, wouldn’t they have been done like, years ago?

They Might Be In Contact With Us

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One possibility that is often put forward is that the alien beings are actually in contact with the different governments of the world and that the whole thing is being kept under wraps.

First of all, I personally think that it is too big of a secret to keep quiet for a long time. Information has a habit of leaking out because where humans are involved, there is bound to be a lapse in security no matter how tight you design it and things are bound to get out.

But let’s say, somehow, they manage to keep it air tight. The next question then would be, what kind of an arrangement do they have? Is the involvement of us humans limited to just the knowledge of their presence? Or could it be more.

I have read my fair share of conspiracy theories and mostly do not agree with them. If you’d read some yourself, you would know that many people claim that the US government and some others possess highly advanced tech (centuries ahead) that they received from these alien beings.

Would Disclosure Happen?


I have probably seen thousands of videos of these UFO sightings and a lot more photos of the same. Most of them I felt were people trying to have fun with CGI and most others were people making misjudgements. But some looked very real and would make you think.

Also, if you follow some of the credible people out there, you will in fact start questioning if what they say is indeed true. What if alien beings have been here all this time and the public just doesn’t know about it.

They claim that the governments fear it might cause panic and loss of order in the world and the whole thing could escalate. That might be one reason why they are not telling us. There is a great deal of speculation about the others.

Let’s say this was true. Would they ever consider disclosing it to the world? We have been so exposed to this idea by all the movies and tv shows that I don’t think it would cause any panic and most importantly, we would have a right to know. After all it’s one of the biggest questions that mankind has!!


I think it'd be really cool if it WERE true, but I don't believe it is. This reminds me of a story that one of my best friends used to tell me and had 100% faith that what he was saying was true.

He told me that he was abducted when he was a child. He remembered hearing loud wizzing sounds and high pitched frequencies like sirens.

He hid in his closet and could also hear loud banging and the walls seemed to shake after each loud noise he heard.

There were also bright flashing white blue and red lights that were coming from outside and he could see them through the slots in his closet door.

His mom told him the next day that he had been abducted by aliens and explained it all to him in that way. I don't know if he was a believer before that or not, but I do know that she told him that, when he was around 4 years old.

Now if you're like me, you've paid attention to the details and related it to the most likely ACTUAL occurrence.

It sounds like police had arrived at his house for one reason or another, there was the breaking down or kicking in of a door, or some sort of struggle. The lights, sounds, and shaking are all clearly explained.

I told my friend this and tried to explain it to him in what i perceived to be logical but he refused to accept anything other than the fact that he had been abducted. He had believed that is what had happened his entire life, someone he respected told him that is what happened, for him that was the truth.

Do I believe he was abducted? NO, but he sure did, probably even to this day, and he's now in his 30's.

I think there is a very real possibility of intelligent life on other planets, our universe is massive. I also think we are kidding ourselves to think that some superior species has been checking us out and probing us for the past 50 years. What makes us special? Why do they care? Why is it not much more well known?

Interesting though. I think it'd be awesome if even part of it were true, I just don't think it is. I don't think it'd happen the way that people have described it. I think it'd be a much different experience, better, or worse, but either way on a much larger scale.

I agree with you that most of the sightings and people's experience of abduction are not true at all but are beliefs based on several different things one of which you mentioned as your friend's experience. But I think there are 1000s upon 1000s of reports and I can't help but wonder what if at least 0.5% of these were true. I don't know what makes us special that they would want to visit. Maybe there is something that we don't know, something so significant that they might be interested? But yeah, the whole thing sure is interesting :D

Having had more than one close encounter and having found documentation from NASA confirming the validity of one of the crafts involved - I already know very well that we have visitors.
You can check out my ET/UFO Disclosure series of posts here on Steemit if you like ;)

What kind of encounters have you had? Could you tell more about it?

I haven't posted the full details on Steemit because my experiences are highly unusual and require a lot of background information to understand. Most of my posts about balance are part of a gradual introduction to the whole topic. The ultra short version is that I have encountered lightships twice at a range of less than 100M and had telepathic communication with those involved.

One of the vehicles, I later learned, was featured in a documentary from Mexico because a man there has had many years of contacts with it and even claims to have gone aboard the vehicle and had very interesting experiences. NASA confirmed that his photos are real. You can learn about him in my post here.

Good article! I belive "they" exist. Come on, it is impossible that in the Universe there's no more life.
I agree that people who knows much more than they say, must be quiet, just not to cause panic and loss in the world.

Yeah, there is definitely life out there and they might be here already too and things are just being kept quiet.

I've seen two UFO'S in my lifetime.
I'm not saying they were for a fact 👽....but they were without a doubt UFO'S

Wow!! Awesome, I have looked and looked but never saw one in my life.

lets explore more to give stunning pic

here is my theory on this subject, if you had the leaders of every country and every religious group and the top scientests in the world all on one bus with a live television camera crew film ing and a UFO landed in the road and all of those people were filmed talking and interacting with these "aliens" and even if a few of our leaders got on the ship and left with them, probably 1/2 of the population would probaly still not believe in exterrestial life.people dont like to get out of their comfort zones no matter how wrong they are, for gods sake look at those antifa idots out there being the biggest fascists on the planet and a large number of people think they are doing some good.

Were they on a special Short bus?

Yeah, not open to new ideas or even the reality is a curse many people suffer from. I think that's why we are still stuck with fossil fuels when we already have the technology to ditch it for good.

I myself saw a couple of times flying over the city luminous objects, and it certainly was not airplanes. So I believe that UFOs are flying, and watching us.

I wish I could witness one in my life too. Have never seen one though I have looked a lot. It must be a feeling of awe, to experience such a thing.

In this vast universe there must be other intelligent beings.

Yes, we just can't be the only life in such a vastness.

Nice post. But the real question is not whether they're real, but rather do we live in one of them????

That is so deep that my mind stopped computing for a second!! hehe

same haha. But imagine. thats actually what a lot of spiritual teacher say. that we are just a part of a much larger body.

Everything in the universe is fractal, going from the micro scale to the macro scale.

That is a well-known fact, which may endorse this interesting theory (funny thought), It does not dispute it, my friend.

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