Chemtrails in the South of France create a huge toxic cloud & 3 days of rain

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

Three days ago I watched as planes created these trails on the horizon which formed over the afternoon into a strange rolling monster of a cloud.


Whenever you see this zig zag pattern of clouds forming into a larger more dense cloud, you can be sure it isn't natural.

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After spotting what was going on above our current home in a small village in the Pyrenees Mountains, I did my best to document what was happening.


In the image below you can see the denser toxic cloud being funnelled by the wind into this strange looking formation above the mountain.


After dark the cloud thickened and the following day the rain began. For the last three days it has been on and off raining with constant cloud.

Please bear in mind I am currently living in a region famous for having 300 days of sunshine a year and the residents here tell me it almost never rains more than one day in a row.

Strange then that we have just had three days of rain in a row. Either the chemtrail formed cloud is causing the rain, or the timing of the trails has been synchronised with a period of heavy rainfall.

We have been avoiding the rain completely for it is most likely toxic.


Just five months ago I saw the same thing happening in Bali and posted about it here.
After some heavy chemtrailing through the night we experienced five days of constant rain and clouds. Coincidence?

I am very conscious of what is going on in our skies today and will continue documenting the evidence as I witness it around the world with the intention of building awareness of the following subjects: chemtrailing, weather manipulation and the ongoing drive to change the toxicity of our soil.

This recent award winning documentary provides some interesting further research on the subject of geo engineering if you are looking to go deeper down this rabbit hole.

My advice is to do as much research as you can. Knowledge is power. There are many ways in which we are being controlled and even culled with a simple end goal of reducing the worlds' population down to a more manageable size which doesn't pose such a great threat to the remaining resources.

Sounds intense I know. You may need to do some meditation at this point if it is the first time you are learning this.

If you are in any doubt I suggest you check out James Corbett's 'How Big Oil Conquered the World' & 'Why Big Oil Conquered the World'. These two documentaries will open your mind to the scale of deception going on today.

But breathe deep in this moment and prepare yourself for a bright future... because collectively we are waking up now and no more will we be the subservient slaves we have been for so long.


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Do the cows give light already? Because if they do, I would get the hell out of there. 😊

haha! No, we are staying put now. It's sunny again today with no clouds at all :)

These pictures are amazing.

Thanks. I use a technique known as HDR.

Here in southern Connecticut we get a lot of chemtrail X's and zig-zags in the sky also. They linger and expand into huge formations or sometimes just dissipate.

I watched through binoculars once as a jet turned-off it's "smoke" trail and cruised for a few seconds with no exhaust visible at all... then the "exhaust" sputtered on again and continue to flow out heavily until the jet was out of my view.

Good that you are conscious of it and pushing for answers.

I have noticed the same thing as you. Was told by doubters this effect is caused by different temperatures in the air, though I remain unconvinced by this explanation.

yes.. the different air temps would be more layered/stratified. I saw the exhaust plume in my example that i described clearly sputter.. like someone was reopening a valve to release whatever they're using.

We hope you are settling well in the south of France.
We just flew to Hong Kong for a long weekend and we saw loads more planes in the sky whilst flying over than we normally would do on our other flights. The skies are getting congested and the air pollution is only getting worse. We're no champions in this as our carbon footprint must be quite high with our travelling. So, it's always a double-edged sword for us as we would like to travel and see the world, but we want to do our part for the environment too.
Stay away from those toxic ominous clouds!

I always tell myself, well the flight would have flown even if I wasn't on it, just so I don't feel like I am contributing! Though of course we are ;)

I don't think our carbon footprint is quite as big as we are told, but I do think they are up to some mischievous in our skies. And we are certainly not being asked our opinion or told the truth.

Today is sunny again so feeling safe again ;)

This is a terrifying thought. And It is becoming more and more common, and I have to ask myself what are they trying to achieve.
Keep the populous in a dozed state of mind so we continue to watch Tv and east fast foods?
Not to think about anything too much and give into the lies we are told about the everyday ongoings?

Thank you for the post this is most interesting and look forward to future updates!

Pleasure to provide. All we can do is be aware and keep researching. The answer is most likely complex as is the world in which we live ;)

Appreciate you following our journey!

"and I have to ask myself what are they trying to achieve." Then ye shall watcheth "WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING" by Michael Murphy, on YouTube ;)

The thing that remains a little unclear to me-- or, at least, I am keeping an open mind-- is whether the chemtrails and their effects are truly "something evil" or actually a "best effort" to correct the damage done by previous problems created by (mostly) the fossil fuels industry.

I'm just throwing that out there, as a question... had a long discussion with our 29-year son the other day; and it does seem feasible that for every "evil emperor" wannabe out there, there might also be someone trying to undo what they are doing...

This is a really good point often overlooked. Bit tricky to know the answer with any kind of certainty though.

Captured some more shots today. To me it seems blatant that the skies are being sprayed with something which turns into clouds... after which it rains!

For what reason I cannot say.

yeah...the geoengineering is out of hand. we're sprayed daily over Texas. 'they' call it #SRM or solar radiation management - we call it crop dusting poison on our soil, our water and in our air. keep spreading the word. cheers & thanks for the wonderful pix :)

Solar radiation management! ha. I suppose they had to come up with some way of explaining it.

Appreciate your words here very much. Am doing my best to always document this kind of stuff as I see it. Took a bunch more shots today documenting the whole transformation of the sky.

The science side of this argument for whats it worth.

thanks for this. I will make some time to listen :)

"If they could make it rain, they'd put out all those fires in California" Haaaaaaa... I love the logic, smoke another one for us Joe, while you're at it; see if you can melt another car or oven....

I suppose they would blow their cover if they were to suddenly run to the rescue with rain!

House fires don't destroy structures, melt ovens and cars, and leave surrounding pine trees unburnt.... Justsayin ;)

Im not sure JoeRogan's Podcast should be considered "science" :-/ Natural science is observable, measureable, repeatable, testable and displays a pattern. Trust only in your own observations; Look UP. Like Sam has been doing... timelapse your own skies and keep in mind that "conspiracy" is a word, it's a word synonymous with "lies-we've-been-told".

It is amazing how little people look up. All the residents here seem amazed when they see my pictures of the skies they live under. Too busy living their lives to look up!

True enough he did have neil d. tyson on and they spoke about that as well. I just thought you may enjoy a different take on this topic. I appreciate your comments and I see you have a strong point of view.

Neil d. Tyson, the Actor-Nout? The famous Astro-Not. ;) Opinion stops being opinion and becomes knowledge once enough Observation is applied =)

Beautiful monster....great capture. ..natures goodness is just pleasing.

Maybe that was just their way of saying Welcome to you in Southern France so you can take these stunning images;-)

But seriously, it's getting clearer and clearer that someone in the background manipulates the climate. Another crazy tinfoil hat conspiracy turning into fact. Truly a crazy world that we are living in..

So many deceptions yes. And a second education required by those who have already been 'educated'!

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