The Psychology Of Control: Yellow Vests And The Final Rebellion

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)


Yellow Vests

I'm right in the middle of writing a big research based post, but it became apparent that I wouldn’t finish it in time (it will be out next week) so I thought I’d share a few thoughts and write a bit of an open letter to the yellow vest movement. I’ve been observing/researching the control system (and reverse engineering the psychology behind it) for approaching thirty years and the momentum of change has seldom been more palpable. It's my belief that we are approaching a watershed moment and (for better or worse) the decisions we make over the course of the next few years, will dictate the course of human history and define/redefine our very humanity.

With my recent house move/renovation and Christmas break I haven’t had the chance to look into the yellow vests; from a purely observational standpoint, I’d say they are potentially one of the only true grass roots movements of the last twenty years. Now, that in no ways infers that they can't be subverted and infiltrated (and probably have already been) but as an idea, I think it has merit and ideas are far more powerful than any one movement.


The Final Rebellion

It has also come to my attention that the vast majority of the yellow vests are peaceful protestors, but as with all anti-establishment movements, there are some violent and disruptive influences within it. Agent provocateurs? Sure! I’ve been caught up in full scale riots, seen how they operate and rest assured they will be operating around and within the yellow vests. Equally, there will also be some violent useful idiots that are simply using the momentum to further their own narrative.

We have all seen the scenes of violence and rioting that are playing out across our television screens, but from first hand experience, the truth is often very different to the narrative that's cultivated by the media. The thing that does concern me (and it was a subject that was far more openly discussed at the beginning of my thirty year journey) was the notion that the populace would be deliberately pushed towards a final rebellion.


The final uprising would create a situation where governments would be unable to quash/control it, this would lead to the UN being drafted in and thus opening the door to a New World Order, an order born of chaos and the ashes of the old world. During this rebellion, they would invoke martial law and create a raft of other laws (to keep us safe of course) that would steal the decaying vestiges of free speech and destroy any semblance of a free society.

The fact that (within the hieararchy of the truth movement) more people aren’t discussing this and that MSM are insidiously painting these individuals as violent far right thugs is a concern to me, as is the fact that Macron is drafting new laws to deal with it! Equally, with Macron's (who won with 66.6% of the vote) formative years spent as Rothchild banking protege it's not too much of a stretch to believe that he was brought in for a specific purpose, is that purpose now playing out? Indeed, it would appear that (from a young age) he has been groomed for an for an important reason and from that perspective, his wife could very much be his handler.


Masters Of Manipulation

As I will clearly display in my post next week, the social engineers that are dividing our world are masters of manipulation. They understand that by continuing to financially squeeze the populace and antagonise them by stealing the self determinism of the individual, they ferment anger. They understand that by taking away the ability of people to voice an opinion that opposes the agenda, that they drive that anger underground. By monitoring internet data they will have been forewarned that the anger is rising, that they are cultivating a powder keg of discourse that will eventually spill out onto the streets and manifest itself in the social unrest we now see unfolding around us, none of this is a surprise to them. Hell, I’m just one man and none of this is a surprise to me!


A cursory glance at the equipment being purchased by governments and the militarisation of police forces across the world, will reveal that they have been quietly preparing for unrest! And so I urge people to think and to box clever, do not riot! Do not give these manipulators the justification to progress with the next stage of their plan! We do not need a revolution, we need an evolution of thought consciousness and understanding.


Alas, until we reach this understanding we’re doomed to dance to the tune of the puppet masters, to spin in ever decreasing circles. And so my friends heed these words; anyone that is out there advocating violence, is a pied piper that is leading you down a path of no return. The funny thing is, although we have thousands of people out on the streets (and placing themselves in danger), the best way to bring down the system would simply be to stay at home. To stay at home and withdraw your consent (from a system that has us all in its sights), would deal an unexpected and devastating blow!

Equally, stop buying their crap! You are literally financing your own enslavement!! Become a conscious consumer of technology, media, food, social media and where you invest your money. Your interactions and purchases are feeding the system, starve them whilst you still have the ability to do so. No one is saying this is going to be easy, but how we rise to these challenges will shape the future of the entire human race. The power is in your hands and your minds (not your fists), I urge you to use it wisely.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, until next time I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.


Written by perceptualflaws
Banner Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth



Dude, check your Discord I’ve left you a message
Great post by the way, resteemed..

Thanks my friend .. and a very Happy New Year to you! :D

discord??? Got your own server there?

To my eye the Yellow Vests are a decentralised protest movement, as was Occupy Wall Street before it. They are symptomatic (I believe) of the citizens rejection of authoritarianism and gradual shift toward individual autonomy.

Unfortunately we do not have decentralised systems of governance and organisation in place for these movements to be able to propose a viable alternative to centralised government control....but this is the problem that crypto tech will soon solve.

It will happen in our lifetimes and I hope the transition will be bloodless.

Hey my friend,

Thank you for stopping by and lending your insights.

To my eye the Yellow Vests are a decentralised protest movement, as was Occupy Wall Street before it. They are symptomatic (I believe) of the citizens rejection of authoritarianism and gradual shift toward individual autonomy.

Yes I feel the same, the system is pushing one way and the people the other .. as such it's a logical conclusion that sooner or later they are going to face off against each other, like yourself I very much hope this will gravitate towards a bloodless meeting of opposing ideologies .. and from the perspective of "the people" one that is led by wisdom and intellectualism as opposed to violence. Of course, there will be many subversive elements within any movement .. but for the most part, I feel that people have simply had enough and that many have no more left to give and as such their frustration is spilling out onto the streets.

Like you allude to with your comment, often when people are pushed and face adversity it can bring out the best in humanity. I guess in a way the system is pushing people towards that change .. equally, it comes down to how much people want it and what type of world they want to rise from that change. Thanks again my friend.

Dear @buggedout

To my eye the Yellow Vests are a decentralised protest movement

I like how word "decentralized" is being used left and right today :) It seem to be very trendy to call anything decentralized :P

Cheers, Piotr

Once people come to understand what decentralisation and centralisation can see it everywhere. Getting the concept into the mainstream vocabulary is half the battle.

Im glad to see that you're so very responsive @buggedout :)

Yours, Piotr

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

You know I have got into a few debates on here with regards to the yellow vests in France and people calling them controlled opposition, though what I have researched including talking to friends in France, they are just ordinary people, mostly rural, who travel a lot of distance to take part in this, as they were the ones that were going to suffer the most from the fuel tax for bs global warming. They need their transport as they are rural not city dwellers with a bus a minute going by. It grew, the list of demands that is, to include lowering all tax on people and raising it for corporations, and rightly so.
I like you see them as "the real deal" and yes, there will always be police/government plants inciting violence along the way in plain clothes, there simply always is.

Hey my friend,

I feel that it is a manipulation in the sense that they're deliberately pushing people towards some kind of confrontation .. but like yourself, I feel that the majority of the movement is made up of "normal people". Indeed, from the perspective of the puppet masters .. the final uprising will need to be as chaotic as possible .. the people will be nudged towards this rebellion believing that it is of their own volition, they will believe that they are taking back the power .. when the intent of the EL ites is to use said chaos to steal it. Whether this is that moment, I don't know .. but I do know that the intent is order out of chaos .. the phoenix (our faux saviour) rising from the flames of the old world.

Yet here in the east all is calm and well, you see I do not think the control stretches as far as it used to in days gone by. :-)

Yes, it's certainly beginning to have an appeal, lots of places for a self-sustaining lifestyle .. tucked away in the mountains. ;)

Hey dude,

Yeah I saw that, I'll paste my answer to @deirdyweirdy .. highlighting my concerns about it, like I say I've been so busy (and working on another post) I haven't had chance to research all this yet, but below are my initial thoughts:

Hey @deirdyweirdy, yeah I heard about that as I was writing this .. good idea in theory, in practice if it's done on a single day I think the banks can legally close and declare bank holidays for subsequent days .. which could throw fuel onto the fire, best of all researching a decent bank (there are still a few left .. I think lol) from the comfort of our homes (while sipping a cup of tea) and on masse move accounts .. you could have organised (viral) account moving days taking place throughout social media. :D

Interesting thought, make it so in the UK captain :-)

I really hope @perceptualflaws that you could visit link shared by @shepz1 and share your thoughts

Thank you for sharing this link with me @shepz1

Im glad that thanks to you I can read @perceptualflaws publication.


He is a great writer, thanks my friend.

I know plenty of Brits doing just that here like me :-) and the border down south with Slovakia is particularly beautiful and full of "us" too.

I love to see how responsive you are @perceptualflaws

I feel that it is a manipulation in the sense that they're deliberately pushing people towards some kind of confrontation ..

That's also my impression. I think the fact that this protest is so peaceful must be very challenging for current ruling party.


Hard not to agree with your comment @shepz1

I've read that the yellow vests are now advocating that people withdraw their money from the banks, perhaps more effective than street protests which can only result in an ever more violent response by the authorities.
As you said, if we all stayed in and refused to spend for a few days it'd be far more frightening for TPTB than any amount of street protesting.

Hey @deirdyweirdy, yeah I heard about that as I was writing this .. good idea in theory, in practice if it's done on a single day I think the banks can legally close and declare bank holidays for subsequent days .. which could throw fuel onto the fire, best of all researching a decent bank (there are still a few left .. I think lol) from the comfort of our homes (while sipping a cup of tea) and on masse move accounts .. you could have organised (viral) account moving days taking place throughout social media. :D

Hi @deirdyweirdy

I published post about it just yesterday and we're having very interesting debate going on. Perhaps you would like to join and share your view.


The best we can do is to beat them with our minds and wallets. They are simple minded in their use of violence to get their ends met. It’s just unfortunate that people get sucked into it all. The provocateurs will ruin the lives of so many innocent people in their subversion. It’s particularly difficult because it’s all recorded so people can’t escape it; I can guarantee that the military forces will be wearing body cams to identify everyone they can.
Side note, did you see that poor woman in Denmark I think that was arrested with her infant because she was wearing a vest and wouldn’t take it off.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This happened in The Netherlands, the baby was actually a doll and the woman was arrested not for wearing a yellow vest but for failing to show ID which, as I understand it, it is compulsory to show to police when requested.

Ah thanks for the clarification! When I was watching the clip the baby did seem fake but I didn’t have time to analyze it much further.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Is it compulsory to have ID at all time @deirdyweirdy in The Netherlands?

Copy of passport isn't enough?


Yes, the Netherlands has a compulsory identification policy. This means that you are obliged to show ID such as a passport if requested to by police or other officials.

Thank you for your reply @deirdyweirdy

And what can happen to tourist who may come and cluelessly not have any ID with him while going for a drink? Is Police very strict towards forigners ? Any idea?

Also: Is having copy of ID not enough?

thank you for being so responsive

As far as I'm aware tourists too must show ID if requested to certain officials, however I lived in the Netherlands for fifteen years, never carried ID and was never once asked to produce any though I had one or two run-ins with the police.

Hi @deirdyweirdy

Thanks for replying to my previous comment. I always appreciate people who engage back.


Hey my friend,

Yes don't get me wrong, in the longterm I very much believe that humanity will not only overcome this but that in rising to these challenges we will become far more than we can comprehend. Equally, until that moment arrives many people are going to be hurt, abused and bombed into submission by a system that has become as psychopathic as it's architects. The most powerful thing we can do is become the change we want to happen and in turn hopefully inspire others to make that change .. seeds of change can grow into the mightiest of oaks.

No I didn't see that, but I saw a women in Germany being profiled/stopped/interviewed by the police as "far right" because she had hair braids lol .. crazy times!

Hi @cmplxty

The best we can do is to beat them with our minds and wallets.

Great comment buddy.

This is surely the only way that current powers can be challenged by regular common people.


This was very interesting. I have been out of the loop with truth movements for several years now, and as such, I have never heard of the yellow vests.
When I saw your title though, the first thing that sprung to mind, was how (at least here in Australia) police, government enforcement agencies, and other corporate protection, statutory enforcement agencies, now all wear yellow high viz vests, over their uniforms.
In regards to protesting etc, your message is the message that I was incorporating into my talks, whilst on the public speaking circuit within the truth movements, and even though my message, was being well received by a lot of attendees, it was not being well received by the conference organisers :)

Hey @bobaphet .. hoping your year is off to a good start my friend, I think @shepz1 has pointed you in the right direction with the yellow vests .. but yes I can relate to what you're saying, I suppose (probably unintentionally) the protestors have inverted that previous symbol of power. Prior to this movement, I've often been bemused about how when people are given a title (and a yellow vest) that they suddenly become authoritarian, I suppose that speaks to the psychology behind the infamous Stanford prison experiment and indeed how easy that psychology can be manipulated.

In regards to protesting etc, your message is the message that I was incorporating into my talks, whilst on the public speaking circuit within the truth movements, and even though my message, was being well received by a lot of attendees, it was not being well received by the conference organisers :)

Yes my friend, that really is the penny that they don't want to drop! The knowledge that in reality freedom is but a perception away, it's like the abused spouse, as soon they withdraw their consent the illusion of power disapates and reveals the abuser for the weak, pathetic fool that they are. It's all a mind game! Thanks again @bobaphet

You have to carry a breathalyzer, first aid kit and fire extinguisher too. :-)

In Most of Europe it is compulsory to carry in any car/bike vehicle a yellow hi vis vest, the protests started against a tax on fuel to combat fake global warming, a tax for tax sake just for being a consumer, fuel is always going to be any government target re more tax revenue.

So the yellow vest is to signify that these people need to use their cars as most of the protestors at the start were from the rural community.

I think the fact the this protest is largely being ignored by the Mainstream media speaks volumes. It is very hard to get up-to-date information. I have searched YouTube this morning to see how the Bank protest is progressing. But so far no live streams I can find. If the MSM were to free and fair we wold see that across France and some othwr european contries the protests are non violent Just people blockading traffic locally all sat round open fires on roundabouts chatting and planning a new free peoples opposition to the Rothschild Govenment. Interestingly In one comment here one of our Australian friends had never heard of the Yellow Vest protest.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hard not to agree with your points @andyjem

great comment buddy, Piotr

Hey @andyjem

Thank you for stopping by, yes I agree that the reporting has been lapse and equally when it has been reported (at least here in the UK) it's predominantly been visceral images of violence and rioting, plus many within the left wing press appear to be painting it as a far-right uprising. Personally, I've also seen images of yellow vests forming human chains to protect people, property and even riot police from the looters/rioters, and I've also seen images of firefighters laying down in solidarity etc etc. Of course, those images will never be reported by an msm that is only interested in following a singular narrative/agenda. :( Thanks again my friend.


"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." I always felt that this saying showed us how great a power we have by "refusing to drink." People are escalating, railing and protesting against the system, yet not realising that they are the very foundation that it's standing on, because they are supporting it. If everyone turned away and withdrew that support, then there would be no more system unless it was on the people's terms. Your last two paragraphs say it quite right.

Posted using Partiko Android

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." I always felt that this saying showed us how great a power we have by "refusing to drink."

Yes my friend, a great analogy! And as you allude to, in reality this is a mind game .. a perceptual manipulation that has cultivated a world of illusion. We have been tricked into giving away our inherent power to prop up a weak system. As soon as people come to the understanding that the system needs us far more than we need it .. the world will change, indeed change is but a change of perception away. The fact that our "rulers" have to spend billions propaganising and dividing the populace, shows where the true power resides. Thanks for the great comment my friend.

So glad I found you! Thanks for this work and the one you're still on. Highly appreciated and resteemed of course.
Much Love from your new European follower. <3

Thank you for the support and kind words @mayb I really appreciate it .. and I'm so glad my words have resonated with you, lots more to come. :)

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