RE: The Psychology Of Control & The Manufacturing Of Mainstream Culture
Hey, thanks for stopping by and leaving a great comment @alexstacy firstly, yes I do agree that there are "awake" people within the industry that are indeed trying to help and that many ideas are now entering the public consciousness. Equally, I have been studying this process for many years and the truth has actually always been right in our faces. The concept of "the illuminati" or at least some form if controlling hand is indeed reaching greater levels of awareness, but this can cause problems in itself. If the messages of awareness are put across in such a way that only those that are "awake" can observe them then amongst the general populace it can create an awareness that translates into a subconscious acceptance. Equally even if the messages become/are more overt and there is a growing conscious awareness (which like you I believe there is) it's not so much as knowing as opposed to what you're going to do about it .. again it's important that awareness doesn't simply translate to a perceptual acceptance. I in no way mean that we need a revolution .. violence is their game and we would be very stupid to play that game. We don't need a revolution, we need an evolution of thought and consciousness .. love will turn this tide, not hate .. we need to help each other inwardly before we can change a world that is an outward manifestation of our collective psyche. I know that's only a very brief overview but I will write a post fairly soon that goes far deeper into this aspect.
In terms of television, you may have heard of a country called The Kingdon Of Bhutan who measure the wealth of their country in GNH gross national happiness, the happiness and wellbeing of each citizen is how they judge the success of their entire country .. a couple of years ago they decided to install televsion network and you simply have to wonder how it will change them and indeed how it could possibly elevate any aspect of their culture .. indeed as alluded to in my post I fear it will be a tool of degradation and a driver of greed and personal enrichment. I guess we shall see. Thanks again my friend.
It's a loverEvolution! Thank you so much for your wonderful response.