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RE: Freedom of Speech on the World Wide Web: Under Assault

in #conspiracy7 years ago

I used to go to youtube after a shooting or some big terrorist attack and search "XYZ School Shooting Hoax" just to see what the thoughts on the event was.

YouTube doesn't alow you to do that anymore. You can't find those videos.

It's sad that is happening to us in this world. Or maybe there is definitly a truth that "they" do not want to get out.


We understand and know exactly where you are coming from with YouTube. YouTube was were we first really noticing censorship. The Truther community seemed to get hit very hard when Google's "New Youtube Algorithm" came into play. With this latest round of demonitization attacks or all out- "bannings", channels that did not receive any kind of warning(s) (no strikes against the channel) were shut down over night. No notice nor explanation. It is sad...very sad that we live in a time that you cannot tell the truth about events that happened because it does not fit the narrative that is being given/forced (They truly are the thought -police). Personally (not speaking for my partner on this) I believe that there is something that they do not want us to find... This IMO is just the start. If a person really looks at the way everything has played out...there is more to come and unfortunately it is not good.

Yeah I feel there is a lot of "Damage Control" going on recently. There's a lot of harsh criticism towards the truth movement. On jimmy Kimmel, he has talking about how absurd these crazy conspiracy theorists sound. On the news it's all over spreading how ridiculous these "truthers" are.

So if I came along and said, "I seen a video saying this was possibly a hoax...."

Someone would say, "oh you're one of those crazies I heard about on Jimmy Kimmel"

The truth movement is getting huge. People are starting to wakeup and the staged events are getting even more ridiculous. They have to do something, even if that means to censor as much of the internet as possible.

You bring up a really good point. I also go back to Facebook on this. For years truthers tried to tell people what Facebook was doing but most would not belive until the MSM started reporting on it. After MSM reported on it, if truthers said anything about it people would still say "Oh, those crazy conspiracy theories". It use to baffle me. Another thing I noticed is that people seem to forget events fast. The reason I think this is because it appeared to me that the masses forgot about Facebooks privacy issues from before allowing MSM to do a "new" story, just add a little more context to it. Do you get the feeling that no matter what a truther uncovers, it was always be pushed aside until MSM says something about it?

Yeah I get you.

The MSM comes out with “breaking news” puts a slight twist on it.

Everyone loses their mind.

But you can show them you’ve been saying this since day one, but it means nothing.

Close minds. Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do with them....

Exactly. There are a lot of people that are truly programmed it does not matter what you tell or show them, the programming will not allow them to accept it. Then there are some people that refuse to believe... even if when something has happened and they seen that there is more than meets the eye. They cannot accept what is going on so lie to themselves that this is not real. The people that are "too" programmed it is heartbreaking that they cannot see the truth, but the people that choose not to believe for whatever their reason maybe, they frustrate me. It like the old saying... "You can lead the horse to water, but you cannot make them drink". I can only speak for myself, but I cannot un-see the truth. There are times that I have truly wanted to un-see or forget something, but I could not... Have you been through this?

I actually made a comment the other day on someone’s post, they were talking about sandy hook conspiracy theorists harassing family victims calling them actors.

By the way the person wrote the article, he’s way too programmed.

I called him on his shit but he never replied.

I was saying something similar.

I said there are the types of people.

1- this person who won’t look into any of it and won’t find out why you might be saying such absurdities.
2- this person goes in thinking he can refute whatever hogwash you bring up but quickly realized he can’t. But still will make up bullshit that only makes sense to him.
3- this person takes on the challenge. Comes in with an open mind, looks to see how far the rabbit hole goes. This person will never be the same....

Most people who try to call us crazy, have never looked into these things as much as us.

They think we are only talking about things from 1 event.

But when it’s all events, sandy hook, Brussels, Boston bombing, Las Vegas shooting and so on....

When you see all the holes in not just one, but all of them. That’s what really makes you see

Right! You can tell if someone has went drown that rabbit hole, because they are never the same. That is where the "rose colored" glasses come off. If you look at just one event your only get a bread crumb worth of the picture, when you start putting them together is when you get the full slice... We understand completely. What was your changing point? Mine was when my partner was researching Mandela Effect (he was a truther years before I was) and showed me a clip of Wizard of Oz. Up to that point, I listened when he would tell me his findings, never did I think he was crazy I just would not allow my mind to wrap fully around what he was telling me... then I seen the scarecrow had a gun. That two second clip brought the walls down and I jumped head first into the rabbit hole.

The thing that set me off was The Boston Marathon Bombing.

As I was watching that unfold on the news, so much of it just didn’t add up.

Then the more I looked into it, the more holes that I uncovered.

There were so many inconsistencies in that story.

After that, I started looking into other “conspiracy theories”.

Then I seen the holes in all those stories or the similarities to one another.

You can’t unsee it once you see it.

The recent Las Vegas shooting was a joke.

Sandy hook has more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.

And the Brussels bombing was a sitcom...

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