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RE: Predictions of an amateur conspiracy theorist. This is what I think is going on.

in #conspiracy6 years ago

Cripes! It's posts like this that almost convince me to become a Christian, if only to believe Christ will return and toast all the evil fuckers. But, oh my, this is no bedtime post is it? The evil eye of Mordor is certainly abroad in the land. I don't think I've ever seen a listing like this as to what they want to achieve and what has been accomplished to date. One thing you might have overlooked: establishing a non-deity religion such as Enviromentalism or Climate Change. Another way to herd the masses into sheering pens. Indeed it seems they desperately hope to sustain the global warming theme at any cost. Indeed climate change has taken on the onus of religion in that to question it's validity in certain circles is just asking for pitchforks and torches to appear.

Don't know if you've made it to my blog recently but I've begun a series on the Roots of War the Hope of Peace you may be interested in. Also I'm working on a post which will feature an interview of DIck Cheney when he became a traitor. He was a true Reagan conservative aware of what you have listed above ( I know this because I asked him face to face) and then abruptly joined the CFR and was on his way... Anyway, you've renewed my skywatching... looking for a massive X30+ solar flare/coronal mass ejection that would significantly disrupt the evil bastards. Barring that my friends at Suspiciousobservers on YouTube are using what appears to be pretty good science predicting a coming grand solar minimum and perhaps a magnetic pole shift and a solar system migration into new regions of our galactic arm that will certainly disrupt the plans of the Global Elite. If this all occurs it would certainly be catastrophic for humanity but at the same time it may save us from ourselves. Many blessings. Oh and here is the link:


You are so right. It is kind of ironic that a Carrington event might actually be the only thing which could save us from this insanity. Thanks for the link and I am looking forward to reading the Dick Cheney post. He will be dancing with Barbara Crowley/Bush and Heinz Kissinger in hell hopefully pretty soon...

Yes, love it, "...dancing hell hopefully pretty soon". I ponder on occasion how one such as he can approach the end of life knowing he betrayed us. And so you are aware of the Carrington event. It really is just a matter of time before this occurs once again. It's like Russian Roulette, eventually one will take the shot.

Well, I am old and useless anyway. I am ready to leave this madhouse called earth on short notice.
Maybe I get a chance to Tango with Barbara Crowley in hell since I am not religious :)

Me? I call myself a fool-of-an-almost-Buddhist. I'm not religious at all but do have a strong belief in what I call Source. But that's another discussion. Oh, and you probably know the Pope recently is quoted as having said,"...there is no hell." So there you go, no dancing for you! Of course the Vatican about crapped their communal pants and the Pope came out very strongly affirming the reality of Satan the next week. maybe he knows Cheney personally!

LOL. You are funny, I like that. Yeah, I think I remember now you mentioning being an almost Buddhist in our last conversation. Apologize. So, disregard my other comment about Alexander and Jesus. Just appeared to be a funny coincidence to me. And yes, I heard about the pope commenting on Hell. Of course he has to affirm the reality of Satan, this is his Master, so he should know. I would find it plausible that the Pope, Cheney, Kissinger, Bolton, Clinton, Bush and all the other creeps have had some nice parties together on Epstein Island. A video of this would be proof that HELL actually exists :)

Yeah, was it you or someone else that posted the video of the opening of that Big Tunnel in Europe a few years ago? God! Talk about Satanic. No wonder Europe is going to hell if they allow that kind of shit to take place openly and as part of their culture.

I am watching lots of videos from Germany. The people there are in a similar situation as we are here. They can only observe the madness and there is very little they can do. In some instances it is even worse there. Their culture is being destroyed, people who speak up, go to jail. No joke. It's the EU that fucks all of them and they are helpless. Many are awake. Most of them were disgusted by the public display of satanism at the Gotthard Tunnel, but this is the least of their problems. They are overwhelmed by migrants. Rapes and murders skyrocket. Muslims get parole for stabbing and killing people, Germans go to jail for Facebook posts or taking cans out of garbage bins...

Yeah, basically they are screwed. Was it you that posted a review of a book about the Death Of Europe? I wrote the name of the book down somewhere and promptly lost it. But it was about the tragedy of Islam taking over the countries over there and how that all came about. Indeed it will be one of the great tragedies of modern time. Got it: The Strange Death of Europe, by Douglas Murray. Amazon has it.

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