Wait just a minute!...Why are we talking about "CLOSING THE BORDER??..." I thought we already did that!
The traitorstream media is making a big deal of President Trump's recent promise to "close the border" and that he "really means it this time," and so forth.
I though we already did that? I mean...wasn't the still-long-awaited promise of a border wall just supposed to be a better way of SEALING an already-closed border??
(The Democrat/RINO dream...courtesy of democracywithoutborders.org.)
Is this an admission, that even after two years of a "Republican" President, and a "Republican" House and Senate, that ALL THAT TIME we really had a wide open border??
Is this not then ANOTHER strong piece of evidence that both parties are GLOBALIST and TRAITOR-ridden, with swamp creatures who fully intend to "collapse the system" by letting in wave after wave of unassimilable illegal aliens??
(Uh...no it's not. But thanks for playing. Courtesy of vox.com.)
And what, at this late date, pray tell, would "closing the border" actually look like?
Would there at least be no more broken-down Mexican big rigs on our highways? That would be nice, for sure, but I want to know WHAT, physically, would be different than our apparent Republican-approved CURRENT OPEN BORDER.
Would there be fewer Islamic sleeper cells and MS-13 gang members ushered in, openly, with only a cursory wink and nod from top level bureauRATS at the border?
(Courtesy of politicscentral.org.)
The American people deserve to know--now that the barn door has been wide open for years when we all had a reasonable right to expect it had been shut--where the animals are.
At least we could be honing our target shooting skills as necessary...
As a first-generation Cuban-American, I support a wall. I support closed borders. I came legally, so can everyone else.
For me, it seems like giving amnesty to those who came here illegally is an insult to people like yourself that came legally. If for no other reason, that's why I can't support any amnesty for illegals. I don't know how long you've been here but welcome to the U.S.
I was brought over when I was a baby. As I'm adopted, it's hard to tell if I was part of the Mariel boatlift or wet foot/dry foot. All that aside-you will rarely ever see Cubanos saying "fuck your borders" and running for it. That is an Azteca and Mayan thing.
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They want no wall but got a big wall around they're house. Find the abnormity.
Well said.
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Ways you can help the @informationwar!
Target shooting skills, there's an idea!
LOL. Not the best idea against tanks, fighter aircraft and so forth...but it's what we've got.
And our military trains shooting firearms anyway....