Was Leonard Cohen A Secret Agent?

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


Ann Diamond, Montreal writer and journalist, published her memoir The Man Next Door which detailed her unusual friendship with Leonard Cohen. Diamond used to be Cohen's neighbor; in her testimony she says Cohen was a solider of fortune and an intelligence operative; that he was tied into larger social engineering agendas,
psychological warfare programs, and was one of the many MK ULTRA mind control subjects.


"It should be obvious to anyone who grew up in Montreal and knows the hidden history of those years, that the singer-songwriter has spent most of his life circling a crime scene and singing about it, in a veiled but consistent way, like Hansel scattering hopeful breadcrumbs..."

Leonard Cohen had cozy connections to families like the Rothschilds, the Windsors, and even the corrupt money-laundering Spanish royals. It is well known that Jacob Rothschild sent Cohen to the Greek island of Hydra in 1959, an island with deep connections, and a retreat for operatives.


"I wrote for love.
Then I wrote for money.
With someone like me
it's the same thing."

Ann Diamond puts forward that she witnessed Leonard Cohen’s MK ULTRA programming in action or collapsing when she lived next door to him and some of his supposed handlers. Many people had grouped around him in the 80's, seeming to be there to smooth over Cohen's condition. Cohen told her that he depended heavily on doctors and psychiatrists at the Allan Memorial institute, home of MK ULTRA in Montreal, a half hour walk from his house.

Cohen used to boast that he was CIA reconnaissance during the Bay of Pigs. He was surrounded by Castro's armed forces, viewed as one of the first members of the CIA's landing party, interrogated, and released after the soldiers hugged him. This is a well known story told by Cohen personally. Did Leonard Cohen merely stumble into revolutions and wars? Why did Castro's forces, according to Cohen himself, view him as CIA reconnaissance and a member of the first landing party during the Bay of Pigs? Why did they interrogate him? Why was he once again held at gunpoint by a Cuban soldier when he attempted to depart Cuba? He himself wrote that he was "our most important spy":

"Field Commander Cohen, he was our most important spy
Wounded in the line of duty
Parachuting acid into diplomatic cocktail parties
Urging Fidel Castro to abandon fields and castles.
Leave it all and like a man
Come back to nothing special
Such as waiting rooms and ticket lines
Silver bullet suicides
And messianic ocean tides
And racial roller-coaster rides
And other forms of boredom advertised as poetry"


Leonard had an exceptional savvy for appearing in places all over the world just ahead of historic revolutions. He arrived just before the 4 colonels of the Greek army took control of Greece through a military coup; was there in London for Jimi Hendrix's death; There in Montreal on the eve of the War Measures Act. Israel just days before the Yom Kippur War broke out. He was There In Ethiopia just before the throne was overturned and he was in Manhattan, when John Lennon died.

Cohen appeared on a 1986 episode of Miami Vice playing a French secret service agent who was planning to illegally blow up Greenpeace boats. Coincidence?


As a child, Cohen was a great hypnotist and practiced on the family maid.

Cohen has been quite public about the fact that he was paid to participate in sensory deprivation and LSD experiments in his youth.

The Cohen family were targeted; Cohen's mother was diagnosed and treated for depression by Dr Ewen Cameron who ran the CIA MK ULTRA mind control program in Montreal and she apparently came out with full-blown psychosis. It's on record that Leonard was in the Allan Memorial as a patient in 1958. Many of his mental issues, chronic depression could have been the result of programming he went through as a young man at the Allan Memorial.


Many MK ULTRA victims died or were threatened to keep quiet. Many became permanent psych patients, while other special cases went on to become successful entertainers, celebrities, journalists and politicians.

In 2005 Cohen's personal manager Kelley Lynch was accused of skimming millions from the singer's retirement fund. Her side of the story includes disturbing behind-the-scene dealings that suggest she may have been set up to take the blame for Cohen’s tax situation. She believes she was set up by Cohen. Armed men appeared on her lawn. SWAT team members searched her house. She was handcuffed and taken in a squad car to a far away medical center. She was administered anti-psychotic drugs without authorization. She said it felt like she was being kidnapped.


It's a sordid story, she maintains that these events were coordinated by Cohen, with the help of the LA District Attorney in an orchestrated plan to traumatize and discredit her; paving the way for media stories which accused her of stealing millions from Cohen’s retirement fund.

The reports of Leonard Cohen’s financial troubles hit the press. They alleged that he had been scammed by his personal manager who emptied his accounts of millions of dollars.

Kelley Lynch insists Cohen sued her because she let slip his tax situation to the IRS and that the missing funds went to buy homes for his son and girlfriend and to other offshore accounts. Meanwhile Leonard Cohen rides waves of sympathy by the media and the music world because the now broke and humble, innocent old man can't retire and has to release more music and go on a world tour instead of retiring.

Is the accepted version of Leonard Cohen to be trusted?

Could he really be involved in a sort of CIA-mafia? Is his sage-like persona really a mask?

An artist's career is the perfect front for a secret agent.

"Out of the thousands
who are known,
or who want to be known
as poets,
maybe one or two
are genuine
and the rest are fakes,
hanging around the sacred
trying to look like the real thing.
Needless to say
I am one of the fakes,
and this is my story"

This narrative might be very hard to swallow for most people, especially those conditioned by mainstream media to view Leonard Cohen's persona in a conventional light. But consider a few things.

During the 60s, around the time Leonard Cohen came on the scene during the era of the hippie movement; people might want to reckon with the idea that the music and counterculture scene of the 60s was not the organic, grassroots resistance movement that it is generally perceived to be, but rather a movement that was essentially manufactured and directed. Supposedly All about peace and love; but behind the curtain very dark and violent and purposefully established to co-opt and neutralize an already thriving anti-war movement. There were already several movements attempting to bring about changes to society. All of that was turned aside and assimilated by the hippies and flower children.


Musical groups are manufactured. It has been purported that The Beatles were created by the Tavistock institute, which is a psychological warfare research center.

Right at the beginning The Beatles were put on the covers of every magazine. TV networks propped them up like crazy; screaming teenage girls were bussed in and paid to put on an act and they became instant icons of the revolution...pide-pipers for the Hippie movement.


We all know how most people like to flock to what is accepted as prominent and crowd-pleasing. The “trend-makers” set the direction for the new trends, and people will start worshiping those new idols.

Book of revelations cover250.jpg

Also there are military connections with many performers of the era. Jim Morrisson's Father was a U.S. Navy Admiral, he was brought up on a military base. Frank Zappa's father was working for the U.S. defense industry. “Papa” John Phillips of “The Mamas and the Papas”: Son of a retired Marine Corps officer. David Crosby son of a military intelligence officer. Jimi hendrix. Joni Mitchell. Elvis Presley’s Manager was a colonel in the U.S Army.

Are all these military connections coincidences?

There is a huge gulf between what the public think is real and what reality actually is. Consensus mainstream reality is a fairy tale movie. It's a great big lie.

If it's a sappy, happy story, then it's probably disguising something sinister. If it's a terrifying story, then look behind that to see what's hiding behind it. The most greedy are painted as humanitarians. The rotten double-crossers seen as good and real heroes remembered as villains.

The winners write the pop histories.


We live in an age of Mind Control, and performers like Leonard Cohen are servicemen in the world theater of operations. They are victims too; perhaps deserving of our pity, But certainly not our worship. Look up to them at your own risk.

"When I hear Ann Diamond’s experiences of Cohen, or read about Kelley Lynch’s side of the story, and place Cohen’s public persona in the context of those testimonies, what I start to see, or imagine I see, is less the charming raconteur or droll connoisseur of love and life, and more the clever dissembler, manipulator of information, and manager of perception.

The saintly sage Cohen whom so many admire, revere, and even worship, is, in my view, a counterfeit of the real thing. Granted, he is a very good counterfeit. The MK Ultra team didn’t mess around. Cohen may just be their proudest accomplishment, Cohen as a socially engineered cultural icon works for the system? By presenting a counterfeit spiritual and artistic currency, he helps ensure we won’t look for the real thing. And even if we happen to stumble on it, we are unlikely to recognize it because it won’t match the sort of style and grace that we have been conditioned, by straw sages like Cohen, to expect."
source: https://auticulture.wordpress.com/2015/09/16/straw-sage-the-shtickless-shtick-perception-management-of-leonard-cohen/

"...The Devil won't let me speak,
will only let me hint
that you are a slave,
your misery a deliberate policy
of those in whose thrall you suffer,
and who are sustained
by your misfortune.

You have been conquered by those
who know how to conquer invisibly..."




Good article!

"Jimi Hendrix. Joni Mitchell." - What about them and their connection to the Military Industrial Complex? You mention them, but don't get specific.

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