A New Kind of Fake Moon? Please Explain.

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


Yesterday I came across something peculiar during my flight heading North-West above the Java Sea at night. I was seated beside a window in the plane when I saw the crescent moon outside. It was of the wet moon / Cheshire moon variant.


This was taken from inside the airplane during the first half of the flight.

For those wondering about this phenomenon, here's a Wikipedia entry on it:-

A wet moon (also called a Cheshire moon) is when the "horns" of the crescent moon point up at an angle, away from the horizon, so the moon's crescent takes on the appearance of a bowl or a smile. A wet moon occurs when the crescent moon is near the horizon at a point more or less directly above the sun's (invisible) position below the horizon. This in turn is determined by the earth's and moon's positions in their orbits, the inclination of these orbits relative to one another and to the earth's axis, and observer's latitude on the earth. Wet moons occur routinely in the tropics (where the sun and moon rise and set nearly vertically), and rarely in polar regions (where the sun and moon rise and set at a glancing angle or not at all)."

Unless the moon is faked and everything else is a lie, this is one of many evidences against flat-earth theory. But I'm not here to debate about that theory since it's a complete nonsense of the 4chan troll variety, in my opinion. Instead, I would like to present a puzzling observation of the moon during the second half of my flight.

And like all dubious stories, my phone was completely dead during this phase of the flight so I did not have any photographic evidence. But here's what I saw, modifying from my photo:-


A render of the moon during the second half of my flight.

The crescent moon was just the same as the one before, except there seems to be something blocking the light rays or glow of the moon on the bottom side. It looked "unnatural", as if there's a huge flat object somewhere in the space between the moon and me. It wasn't merely lesser light passing through the bottom - it was a perfect occlusion! With the tin-foiler triggered in me, I made another observation about commercial flight windows.


This is the window into that wet moon sighting.

Has it ever occurred to you that these windows look like eyes? Opened or closed, these windows even have eyelids to boot. Snakes on the plane.. with many eyes being portals into the external world.. there's definitely something sinister about this setup! Reptilians overlords be damned.

As if to heighten my sense of paranoia, I heard a silent, gaseous sound in the midst of my boring air flight. It was then I discovered something that is way more dangerous than chem-trails. Never, ever fart in an enclosed space after a curry meal, yo!

Jokes aside, the question of the occluded moon remains. Will be interested to see what you guys think about this observation! I was pretty damn tired during the flight to be honest, but the clipping of the moon's glow was just too obvious to miss. Any good explanation for this weird sighting?

Here's a better photoshop work of my moon sighting. Notice the cut-off at the bottom part of the crescent.


Please re-steem / share outside of Steem if you find this interesting :)


I get it, Cheshire moon like the Cat in Alice in Wonderland.

Yeah, those damn flat-earthers, eh!

When I was younger, the moon had two red rings around it and they were moving and fluctuating, as though the moon was going "oh". It was weird. My parents remember it too.

To me, it doesn't matter what the moon is exactly, although it's fun to find out all the theories and evidence, I still feel the moon's power. I was given a name at birth which mean Moon Goddess (Celinka) and I feel a connection to the moon. The fuller the moon, the more I'm up at night, the more energy I have, the more sexual energy I have, and the more creativity and inspiration I have. It's also when I'm able to meditate and do divination with a clearer mind. When the moon wanes, my energy dwindles.

I have always had this, and it varies moon to moon, but to me the moon is an enchanting creature, a living being, to which I am connected.

Whatever the science behind the phenomenon, she was smiling upon you :)

great duddy

It is an old and ancient pearl of wisdom, never fart in a space suit.

All sorts of atmospheric aberrations could account for what you saw. How much gas did you let off? =)

BTW, that sort of moon where the crescent sits like a bowl on the horizon, was also called the Horns of Isis. Perhaps the goddess Isis' forehead was blocking the light. ;-)

I am reading this and rolling on the f..., king floor .. you've got a new follower :)

Yeah, but don't follow too closely if the person lets rip. =)

For the record I wasnt the farter.. lol. Too hazardous

Yeah, yeah, they all say that. It wasn't me. ;-)

Hi Kevin, about the occlusion of the moon at altitude, I was wondering if it could have been due to the temperature of the atmosphere up there. Cold air at sea level floating over the ocean can produce strange optical effects, refracting the light, and making ships appear to be in one direction while they are actually several degrees off in a different direction.

Also, what if there were two layers of air at your altitude, one warm, the other cold. That might produce some optical effects.

Finally, what if there were thin clouds and ice forming a sheet at some distance from the airplane. Something like that might be able to block light.

Anyway, thanks for the story. It was interesting to read.

Perhaps! It's just a wonder why it's so nicely positioned at the bottom of the crescent and stayed for as long as I was looking at it even with my head and the plane bobbing and all :) very mysterious!

Maybe it's moon tilt illusion, look at the pic:


u may need enable english subbtitles (:

Cool! Thanks for the info!

now I see that pic is in poor resolution, here available in max resolution :D

Very interesting post!

Never seen the moon in this position before. Strange to see it this way. The last pic with the somewhat of a block out at the bottom of the moon wasn't photo shopped by you? Strange indeed if for real how it had the absolutely straight line across the bottom? It did almost appear as if something was invisible sitting in front of it. An imperfection in the window? I don't know but I'll link an interesting vid.

Oh the last pic is a photoshop job to replicate what I saw. Well my head and the plane was bobbing for a bit but the "shadow" stayed consistently at the same level ..

Still, though, very interesting to me.

I think the bigger conspiracy theory is, why DO cell phones die when you are just about to catch a great shot?

I know! It always happens

I would like to know if you saw it alone or saw it more passengers?
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

I was too absorbed thinking about it, and the passenger beside was snoring in deep sleep. Couldn't even get to the toilet!

I find this a very interesting observation.
I wish I could give you some explanation, but without some visual evidence or more data it would be pure speculation on my part.
Speculating could be treated from some atmospheric phenomenon (ice crystals in the upper layers of the atmosphere) or a UFO or simply an illusion within the early stages of sleep. Or any other thing...

Yeah it's a shame. But I was pretty sober and certain as I was looking at it for a good 10 minutes!

Never, ever fart in an enclosed space after a curry meal, yo!

That really cracked me up 😂😂. But jokes aside 😊.

Could it not have been from the angle at which you took the shoot from. I mean, from the picture modification. I feel you might have gotten another result also if your phone was to been powered.

All the same this is my first time of hearing about wet moon. I so wished you took more pictures, can't stop to imagine how more educative and fun it woukd have been in this post...haha.

Thank you for sharing... woukd go read more on this wet moon.

I don't care what was blocking the moon. I'm still laughing over that fart. I guess at that time you felt in the air that something was not right.

Lol it didn't take much intuition to feel such foul air xD

Hehe :)
I guess now we know why people were sleeping and were not able to see this phenomenon.

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