Globalist Power Brokers Get Caught But They Are Allowed To File For Bankruptcy & Reinvent Themselves : Cambridge Analytica & Weinstein Company!
Here are two prescient examples of what the power brokers do when they get caught with their pants down - they file for bankruptcy and move operations to an untarnished name.
This has been happening for hundreds of years and allows the criminals to continue to operate their manipulations under different names. This practice should be stopped and investigated!
Cambridge Analytica
The recent scandal that broke about Cambridge Analytica hacking Facebook 87 million users accounts and information has lead to Cambridge Analytica and its parent company SCL Elections Ltd shutting down and filing for bankruptcy.
Even before the Facebook scandal I was following this company because of the allegations that they were manipulating voters in Malaysia and other countries. A sting operation by channel 4 9which you can watch below) confirmed that Cambridge Analytica was manipulating voters and using bribes, ex spies, false documents and prostitutes. Yet it was business as usual for this lucrative operation.
Lord Marland was a shareholder although he is now denying that he knew anything about this. However he was close with the now disgraced ex PM of Malaysia and were involved in more than 100 election campaigns in over 30 countries on five continents! These were all lucrative contracts as the clients were the governments paying with the people's money!
Now they claim that because of adverse publicity business has dried up and they have to declare bankruptcy. Boo-hoo!
The reputation of these two companies and Facebook is manure! The companies are filing for bankruptcy with no explanation as to where all the money from their lucrative contracts has disappeared to but the technology and methods are are still around.
We will see more digital manipulation in the future not less!
Here is a list of the countries where Cambridge Analytica operated, is your country on this list?
US, UK, Argentina, Colombia, Guyana, Uruguay, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, St Kitts & Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Cyprus, Nigeria, Gabon, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Romania, Italy, Moldova, Albania, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand,Indonesia, Philippines, Mauritius.
Employees and shareholders of Cambridge Analytica should be prosecuted in each of these territories to set an example to those who wish to use this technology against the people in the future! Here is the video of Channel 4's sting operation against Cambridge Analytica:
The Weinstein Company
The company of disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is also filing for bankruptcy. This is another sob story!
Tainted by the behavior of ex chairman Harvey Weinstein the company is now looking to shut down. Harvey recently walked free from jail on a 1 million dollar bail in a disgraceful example of one rule for the rich and another for the poor. What happens to Harvey will only be known in time but I expect it to be a long and drawn out legal action.
Harvey has a lot of money to spend on his 1 million dollar bail and some of the best defense lawyers in the country who never come cheap. Yet his company is going bankrupt.
What will happen is that the assets and market position will be absorbed by the other major players in Hollywood who all collude together anyway.
Changing Heads!
What we see happening in these two examples is an old game. When a corporate name is discovered to be utterly crooked and morally repulsive their reputation is ruined. However the technology, assets and control are just absorbed by a new company and then it's back to business as usual for the crooks.
Changing heads is one term for this that is used in some places. One company takes the fall but the war against the people by the globalists continues. My belief is that we should not allow the wealthy to manipulate the law while the poor always go to prison.
These two examples take the issue of corruption and abuse right to the top of some of the most powerful players in the US and UK. Full investigations, transparency and accountability unsullied by high priced lawyers are the only fair outcome!
The people should demand and get it!
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I wonder how this happened. It's unusual for any of the "elite" to be prosecuted...