Covid19 Chemtrails
As tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs and numerous government agencies have shutdown in response to the so-called covid19 pandemic, the aerosol spraying of toxic chemicals into the air continues unabated, apparently deemed “essential” much like the continued perpetuation of the US war machine’s foreign conquests and occupations abroad.
Lines upon lines of chemtrails can be seen in the above photo, taken near the beginning of the whole coronavirus shutdown at the end of March. Below is another angle of the same skies, the spraying particularly heavy that day.
And below are a few photos from the past couple weeks here in Central Utah, a subtle reminder I suppose that ‘evil never sleeps’ - not even during crazy pandemic scares and large scale economic shutdowns...
And I just had to take a picture of this one due to its irregular shape!
Covid19 will come and go, but apparently the spraying of aluminum, barium and God knows what else into the air is here to stay.