Covid 9/11: Dark Winter Rising - Part 1 | War Games & a Complex Web of Interconnectivity

in #conspiracy4 years ago


Almost two decades ago, just months prior to 9/11, military war games simulating the US response to to a viral smallpox pandemic caused by a bio terrorist attack were held. This exercise was code-named “Dark Winter”.

Now, 19 years later and amidst what is being called the worst viral pandemic of the century, various coronavirus ‘experts’ have been warning us of a coming ‘dark winter’. A ‘second wave’ or resurgence of the so-called coronavirus pandemic combined with the common influenza season, they say, will bring about this forecasted dark winter, although there is likely more to this prediction than first meets the eye.


Specifically, the ‘dark winter’ phraseology was first used by Dr. Rick Bright in May, when he predicted that “2020 will be the darkest winter in modern history,” if the US didn’t take the steps he and other ‘experts’ outlined. “He said there is an ‘undeniable fact’ that Covid-19 will resurge in the fall,” CNBC reported.

How anyone could be so absolutely certain of the resurgence of a completely new and unpredictable virus, so as to call this coming ‘second wave’ an “undeniable fact” so many months in advance, is beyond comprehension, that is unless such ‘experts’ are literally capable of looking into the future or the ‘pandemic’ is actually far more predictable than any naturally spreading pandemic ever could be, for reasons that should be obvious for anyone who’s been paying attention over the lifespan of this debacle. Dr. Bright wasn’t alone in his covid prophecy, which echoed a similar warning given by the CDC director just weeks before in April, before the initial pandemic pandemonium had even subsided.

“A second wave of the coronavirus is expected to hit the United States next winter and could strike much harder than the first because it would likely arrive at the start of influenza season,” Reuters reported on April 21.

“There’s a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through,” CDC Director Robert Redfield told the Washington Post in an interview.

This prediction has since been echoed by a number of others in the weeks and months that followed, including Bill Gates, who, during an interview on The Economist in August in response to the question of whether he thought the worst of the pandemic was over yet or still to come, said that “the worst is still ahead.”


For those like me who don’t believe in coincidences, it is interesting to say the least that Dr. Rick Bright was the first to make this prediction using the ‘dark winter’ terminology. The irony of a Dr. Bright being chosen to break the news of a dark winter ahead is impossible to miss, and might almost appear to some to be a deliberate joke by the screenwriters of our reality. This covid prophecy should probably also raise some red flags, especially considering the original ‘dark winter’ was a pandemic war game simulating a viral outbreak much like the coronavirus, not to mention the repeated reoccurrence of this ‘second wave’ theme across mainstream media by various authority figures for the entire duration of the ‘pandemic’.

Even without making the prediction specific to winter time, the mainstream media has been repeatedly telling viewers to expect a ‘second wave’, and this programming ramped up as soon as the initial pandemic subsided in early May. Since the CDC’s initial warning in April, this prediction of a more intense ‘second wave’ striking during flu season to create a ‘dark winter’ scenario has been repeated by those among the high priest class of covid ‘experts’ every single month between then and now.

Considering how many of the predictions and assurances made by the so-called coronavirus ‘experts’ and government officials from the very beginning of this ‘pandemic’ turned out to be lies, and considering the most devastating fallout from ‘Covid19’ has not come from the virus itself but from the government response to the ‘pandemic’, it is unlikely the official explanation as to why a ‘dark winter’ awaits us is quite the full truth of the matter, if indeed this prediction is to play out in reality.

We were told by various ‘experts’ and officials that all of the emergency pandemic measures were to be temporary, just for 15 days, then just long enough to flatten the curve, then just until we get a vaccine. And now, despite the curve being flattened long ago, many of these measures have stayed with us and are now clearly here to stay, we are told, even after we have a vaccine, and even as new measures continue to be proposed and actively rolled out despite widespread acknowledgement that the true threat posed by the virus is far lower l than initially claimed (having been repeatedly downgraded) and no greater than the common flu, far less dangerous than the original projections driving this response predicted.

At the same time there were also many authority figures and media voices telling us - from the very beginning and with incredible accuracy - that the ‘new normal’ was here to stay, contradicting the assurances that this was all a temporary emergency response to a viral pandemic. And, considering a great number of other pandemic predictions brought to us by the mainstream media turned out to be uncannily accurate - if not in reality, at least in regards to the mainstream narrative - there is certainly reason for concern over the dark winter forecast, regardless of any true potential for a devastating ‘second wave’ of this novel coronavirus.

There is no question the global ‘new normal’ is being systematically instituted off the back of this ‘pandemic’ through a combination of deception and incredibly accurate predictive programming delivered through the medium of fear. In this light, and considering the circumstances of the original ‘dark winter’, there’s a good chance this prediction of a difficult winter ahead is more sinister than it appears on the surface, and that those who have inserted it into the steady stream of predictive programming have both intentionally done so for very precise reasons, and are not openly telling us the full truth about just what the future might have in store for us this winter.

In order to understand the significance of this ‘dark winter’ prediction and the importance of its timing, we must take a ride down memory lane.

Covid / 9-11: Parallels, Connections & an Intricate Web of Interconnectivity

There is a reason so many people are calling ‘Covid19’ a ‘Global 9/11’, quite accurately naming it ‘Covid1984’. There can be no question at this stage in its unfoldment that the global response to the ‘pandemic’ was clearly coordinated at many levels to institute a new form of global governance through the imposition of an Orwellian technocratic ‘new normal’, built upon a massive expansion to the surveillance state born in the wake of 9/11. The government and media response to this ‘pandemic’ doesn’t just mirror the 9/11 response, it is in fact an extension of it. The pandemic-response agenda being instituted is not just an extension, but even the fulfillment of the post-9/11 agenda.

It goes without saying that the vast majority of free thinkers are in agreement that 9/11 was a false flag operation; it is now generally acknowledged by all but the most die-hard government loyalists that it was an inside job authorized by the highest levels of government, a Zionist military intelligence operation planned and carried out by forces within the CIA and Israeli Mossad. Upon comparing the links and similarities between these two events, it would actually appear that Covid1984 is not just a similar style of operation, but in fact a direct continuation of it, the culmination of a decades-long operation to impose a technocratic global one world government of total control over society and all humanity.

James Corbett’s recent video, Covid 9/11, does an excellent job showing the links and similarities between 9/11 and ‘Covid19’, and is surely one of the most important videos about this world-changing covid event that I have ever seen.


The similarities between these two events are impossible to miss, and nowhere is this more evident than in the use of these events as pretexts for ushering in radically new societal paradigms, and implementing wide-reaching pre-planned authoritarian agendas which would lead to massive expansions of the surveillance and and police state apparatus.

As summarized on the Corbett Report:

Those paying attention will have already noted the parallels between the “War on Terror” declared after 9/11 and the “War on the Invisible Enemy” that has been declared on COVID-19. In fact, the security imperatives imposed by this pandemic crisis are so similar to those imposed by the terror crisis that, in many cases, the “new” security screening tools that are being put into place to combat COVID-19 are openly acknowledged to be mere upgrades of screening tools deployed after 9/11.

Both events instilled unparalleled levels of fear into the masses by creating a largely invisible enemy - a boogeyman - and this fear was subsequently perpetuated and formed the foundation upon which to implement expansive government agendas that would strip countless basic human freedoms from the people. Both events have permanently changed the way society functions. Both events greatly expanded and consolidated the power of the state, while greatly decreasing the freedom of humanity.

9/11 gave a new birth to a military empire abroad and police state at home. Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, increased surveillance of American citizens, and militarization of the American police force were all effects of this one single event. 9/11 gave rise to the age of imprisonment, torture and even assassination without trial, to include American citizens suspected of terrorism. But most notably, 9/11 ushered in a new age of imperial expansionism abroad, launching the now 19-year ‘war on terror’ used to bring about decades of endless war, occupation and foreign intervention in the Middle East.

This was no mere coincidence, but all by meticulous design. The Zionists behind these forever wars wrote about the need for ‘a new Pearl Harbor’ to muster the public support necessary to launch their desired foreign intervention campaign centered around the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq regime, in a document called “The Project for a New American Century.” Then, just a few weeks after the attacks, a Pentagon memo outlined the US plan to “take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq...and finishing off with Iran,” as General Wesley Clark, who had personally seen the memo, revealed in a 2007 interview.

This foreign policy of interventionism, occupation and perpetual war has become increasingly unpopular in recent years, as the ‘war on terror’ guise has finally worn off. Almost on queue - with the fear induced by 9/11 and the ‘war on terror’ having all but fully dissipated, public support for the 19-year foreign intervention escapade at an all time low, and President Trump repeatedly making efforts to decrease US troop presence in Syria and elsewhere - the ‘pandemic’ arrived to take its place on the global stage.

This has been well summarized by the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben:

“We might say that once terrorism was exhausted as a justification for exceptional measures, the invention of an epidemic could offer the ideal pretext for broadening such measures beyond any limitation.

“The other factor, no less disquieting, is the state of fear, which in recent years has diffused into individual consciousnesses and which translates into a real need for states of collective panic, for which the epidemic once again offers the ideal pretext.

“Therefore, in a perverse vicious circle, the limitation of freedom imposed by governments is accepted in the name of a desire for safety, which has been created by the same governments who now intervene to satisfy it.”

And, as James Corbett notes, the post-pandemic ‘new normal’ has indeed replaced the ‘war on terror’:

It is no small irony that this year’s 9/11 memorials have been disrupted by the COVID scare. The torch has well and truly passed, and the annual injunctions to “Never Forget” have been replaced by a litany of “Always Remembers.” Remember to wear your mask. Remember to stay six feet apart. Remember to avoid large groups. Remember to stay home.

The biosecurity state and associated technocratic new normal being ushered in on a global scale is impossible to miss, but what many Americans don’t realize is that ‘Covid19’ has also served as the means by which to reinvigorate Zionist imperial expansionist efforts in the Middle East. The pandemic, much like 9/11, has served a dual purpose, both to expand and empower the police state at home (across the entire western western world and in China), and to aid the US war efforts in the Middle East. The way by which it achieved the latter is by serving as a massive distraction, to divert the public’s attention away from military activities abroad.

During this time, while all eyes were fixated on the 24/7 pandemic coverage, Israel has been ramping up attacks on Gaza like never before and increasing the speed of its illegal annexation of the West Bank, building new illegal settlements during this time period faster than ever before. At the same time, the US has bolstered its military presence in Syria to unprecedented levels, firmly re-establishing its long-term occupation of Syrian territory which had until the pandemic been slowly decreasing in scope and size. Yes, Trump had already reversed his troop withdrawal decision in favor of occupying Syrian oil fields before ‘Covid19’, but the increase in troop levels and military equipment along with the expansion of US occupation through establishment of new military bases over the course of the year throughout this ‘pandemic’ likely could have never taken place without it. The US also officially began looting the Syrian oil, this public announcement also greatly overshadowed by the 24/7 media obsession with the ‘pandemic’.

Vanessa Beeley discusses this Syria situation in a recent info-packed interview on The Last American Vagabond, and also covers the ongoing use of Syrian refugee camps by the US and their proxies as testing grounds for the coming ‘immunity passports’ which are being rolled out as a part of the technocratic new normal.

As we now know, 9/11 was in fact a two-part operation. The first phase consisted of the attacks on September 11 which were blamed on Bin Laden, and the second phase was the string of anthrax attacks and hoax letters which began one week later, largely blamed on Saddam Hussein, who was accused of supplying terrorists in Afghanistan with the bioweapon. Both of these operations, or both phases of this two-part operation, were accompanied by training exercises simulating the events which then played out in real life.

The US military was carrying out live war-game drills on the day of 9/11, simulating the very events that took place during the exercise - hijacked airliners being used as a weapon. Three months prior to 9/11, a high-level simulation exercise simulating a bioweapon-induced pandemic was also held.

The drill, co-hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center, was named “Dark Winter,” with many top ranking military and intelligence officials participating. Dark Winter simulated the US response to a smallpox pandemic unleashed through a bioterrorist attack. Apart from the specific bioweapon being smallpox, the simulation script accurately foreshadowed the official narrative of the post-9/11 anthrax attacks, alluding to Iraq being the source of the bioweapon, supplied to terrorists in Afghanistan who then subsequently released it. “Iraq might have provided the technology behind the attacks to terrorist groups based in Afghanistan,” the war game script for the fake news broadcast read, repeated by the news anchor during the exercise.

In reality, the source of the anthrax being used in the real life attacks first blamed on Iraq and Afghanistan was eventually tracked down to the US bioweapon lab at Fort Dietrich, at which point the psyop was immediately brought to an end, with the media halting its coverage of the bioweapon attacks.

But the blame laid on Iraq had already taken hold in the American psyche, and together with the September 11 attacks and false accusations of WMDs, was enough to create the justification for the following invasion of Iraq.

This was the original ‘Dark Winter’, and it was thus the exercise which simulated the second part of the 9/11 false flag operation. It got its name from a quote by Dr. Kadlec during the fake news broadcasts of the simulation in which he explained to the TV host that the US didn’t even have enough vaccinations for an entire state, let alone the whole US population. “It means it could be a very dark winter for America,” Kadlec said.

Due to the true source of the real-life anthrax attacks being discovered before the 2001 winter hit, the ‘dark winter’ aspect of the operation seemingly predicted by the simulation simply never materialized, and we therefore have no idea how the story would have ended, had the anthrax operation continued unhindered. However, given that such predictions of a ‘dark winter’ have now re-surfaced nearly two decades later amidst a viral pandemic, and considering the many parallels between the Dark Winter exercise and the 2020 pandemic (covered below), there could well be a plan to ensure that this story finds fulfillment in a new ending, in much the same way the technocratic biosecurity aspirations of the orchestrators of 9/11 are currently finding fulfillment in the global response to the so-called coronavirus pandemic.

Much like with 9/11, simulation exercises accurately foreshadowing the official narrative of the ‘Covid19’ pandemic were also carried out in the months leading up to the ‘pandemic’. In October 2019, “Event 201” was held, co-hosted by the same Johns Hopkins Center that co-hosted Dark Winter, simulating a novel coronavirus pandemic. Notably, co-author of the Dark Winter script Thomas Inglesby would be in charge of the John Hopkins Center when Event 201 was held.

Whereas Dark Winter had accurately ‘predicted’ the cause and geographical source of the bioweapon release reflected in the official narrative (but not the actual bioweapon used), Event 201 ‘predicted’ with incredible accuracy the cause and type of viral pandemic reflected by the ‘Covid19’ official narrative, foreshadowing a pandemic caused be a rapidly spreading novel coronavirus naturally arising from animals and inducing widespread respiratory illness (but with South America rather than China as the geographical source in the simulation).

However, another pandemic simulation exercise held by the US military and various government agencies shortly before Event 201 and just months before the events it was simulating began to play out, named “Crimson Contagion,” got this aspect of the coming ‘pandemic’ narrative right, simulating the US response to a viral epidemic originating in China and spreading around the world. Notably, the same Dr. Kadlec of the Dark Winter exercise actually oversaw the Crimson Contagion exercise in his role as the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR), an office created in the wake of 9/11 by legislation he himself had helped draft, when it was passed into law in 2002.

In what Kadlec later claimed was just a coincidence, President Trump in 2017 appointed him to the very office he had dutifully helped to create years earlier. “It just was a coincidence that, 12 or 14 years later, I was asked to become the ASPR,” Kadlec said in 2018.

Besides putting him in the role of overseeing the Crimson Contagion exercise, it also gave him, to quote the Corbett Report, “the chance to argue that biosecurity was a pressing national security challenge that the country was ill-prepared to meet—an argument that he made to Congress with Dr. Anthony Fauci by his side just one week before the first reports of the novel coronavirus spreading in China.” And, as we have all seen, Dr. Fauci would then soon take up a leading role in the ‘war on Covid19’, as one of the leading figures appointed to the new White House Coronavirus Task Force. Dr. Fauci also had close ties with Bill Gates, who has been instrumental in helping to orchestrate the Orwellian Covid1984 pandemic response and the coming global vaccination campaign.

As ASPR, Kadlec also brokered a lucrative deal for the vaccine manufacturer which was intimately intertwined with Dark Winter actors and the ensuing anthrax scare.

As reported by the Washington Post:

After Robert Kadlec was confirmed as President Trump’s top official for public health preparedness in 2017, he began pressing to increase government stocks of a smallpox vaccine. His office ultimately made a deal to buy up to $2.8 billion of the vaccine from a company that once paid Kadlec as a consultant, a connection he did not disclose on a Senate questionnaire when he was nominated.

This company was Emergent Biosolutions, formerly BioPort, and under Kadlec’s new deal the US began to pay twice what it had previously been paying for its smallpox vaccine. The report went on to detail Kadlec’s ties to Fuad El-Hibri, the company’s founder.

Kadlec wasn’t the only Dark Winter participant with links to the company, and it wasn’t the first time the company had handsomely profited due to these connections. BioPort as it was called at the time was also at the center of the anthrax false flag operation.

“Formed for the sole purpose of acquiring a publicly-owned company in Michigan that held the exclusive license to manufacture the only FDA-approved anthrax vaccine in the United States,” Whitney Webb explains, “BioPort sought to quickly expand the size and scope of its contracts with the U.S. military.”

It did so in 1998, and its strategy was successful until 2001, during which time several scandals threatened to bring the company to its knees. But then in a ‘coincidental’ twist of fate, the post-9/11 anthrax attacks brought about the increased demand for its anthrax vaccine, resulting in several new lucrative government contracts ensuring its survival.

As reported by Whitney Webb:

One of their biggest proponents of expanding BioPort’s contracts was working for HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) at the time — Jerome Hauer, a man who not only had foreknowledge of the anthrax attacks, but had also participated in the Dark Winter simulation that would also predict those same attacks just months prior. Hauer would, months later, be appointed to a newly created position at HHS, one which oversaw the new biodefense stockpile from which BioPort would be a major beneficiary.

Robert Hauer was immediately appointed to the newly created position of the same ASPR that fellow Dark Winter participant and former Emergent employee Robert Kadlec would later fill in time to oversee the ‘Covid19’ pandemic response. Hauer also worked for the John Hopkins Center during the Dark Winter exercise, and would later, after leaving the HHS, be hired as a lobbyist for Emergent, where he would fight to re-secure the company’s monopoly of the anthrax vaccine supply to the US government. The vaccine, called BioThrax, was extremely dangerous, and under Hauer’s leadership was pushed on US troops, for whom it became mandatory at time. It ended up killing hundreds and injuring thousands of troops before this mandatory vaccination program was brought to an end. Hauer and of course BioPort/Emergent insisted that its vaccine was completely safe this entire time, despite knowing it was relatively ineffective and harmful in over 80% of users.

Prior to 9/11, as New York’s emergency crisis manager and bioterrorism expert, Hauer spent his time working out of his office in World Trade Center 7, “making doomsday contingency plans” for a variety of scenarios he envisioned, with a peculiar focus on collapsing buildings. And, although no longer in this position by 2001, he still worked out of the World Trade Center in September of 2001. He was, however, like many other key players in the operation such as Larry Silverstein, conveniently not at work on the morning of September 11 when the attacks took place.

Nearly two decades later, Emergent would ‘coincidentally’ once again emerge in the wake of the latest bio-threat as a leading Covid-19 vaccine producer.

Emergent’s history of corruption and profiteering has in no way prevented them from cashing in on the Covid-19 global health crisis. On March 10, Emergent announced a partnership with Novavax to produce a Covid-19 vaccine, a vaccine also backed by the Bill Gates-backed Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). CEPI had previously partnered with Emergent Biosolutions, giving them over $60 million in 2018.

Emergent further expanded its partnership with NovaVax on March 31. Just 8 days after partnering with Novavax, Emergent partnered with yet another producer of a Covid-19 vaccine candidate, VaxArt

Emergent would also later secure the contract for manufacturing the AstraZeneca vaccine in America, which will be millions of doses.

Interestingly, The Washington Post also noted that Kadlec’s smallpox vaccine deal with Emergent was due to a peculiar focus on preparation for defense against bioweapon attacks rather than natural pandemics.

The 10-year contract is part of an effort by Kadlec to bolster the nation’s stockpile of defenses against biological and chemical weapons, a focus he made a priority over preparing for a natural pandemic, an examination by The Washington Post found.

This focus on preparation for a future biological weapons attack wasn’t just the storyline of the Dark Winter script, it was also coincidentally shared by other key players in the ‘Covid19’ pandemic response.

The WHO’s 2019 pandemic preparedness manual or “Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies” published in September, 2019 (just one month prior to the Event 201 pandemic simulation), called on the UN (including WHO) to conduct “at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen,” by September 2020. In what was surely just another coincidence, the cover of the WHO report depicted both a world of people in masks and the hallmark covid particle!


Similarly, the bio research company Moderna, one of six ‘Covid19’-vaccine developers picked by the Trump Administration to be heavily funded by the US as a part of Operation Warp Speed, had for several years been seeking a patent for vaccines for flu-like viruses due to what it viewed as the likely potential of an intentional release of just such a pathogen. These patent applications, submitted in 2015 through 2019, stated that:

Because of a concern for reemergence or a deliberate release of the SARS coronavirus, vaccine development was initiated.

The bold emphasis is theirs, not mine. Bill Gates began heavily funding Moderna in early 2016, when the Gates Foundation partnered with the company to develop new mRNA vaccines, the very vaccine technology now being used in Moderna’s ‘Covid19’ vaccine, co-created by the NIH, which coincidentally also formed a partnership with the company to manufacture such vaccines in October, the same month Event 201 was held and just in time to capitalize on the imminent crisis.

Also, much like Kadlec’s conflict of interest with Emergent, another Trump appointee overseeing aspects of the pandemic response would have a major conflict of interest with Moderna. In May, Trump appointed Moncef Slaoui as his new vaccine czar, to head up Operation Warp Speed, coincidentally picking a Big Pharma insider who also sat on Moderna’s board of directors at the time he was chosen. Slaoui stepped down from the company before taking his new government job, but he didn’t sell his Moderna stock options, worth $10 million at the time of his appointment. It would seem Trump has an affinity for appointing men to top positions responsible for overseeing the pandemic response who are deeply connected with ‘Covid19’ vaccine manufacturers. Such convoluted webs of connection are present both during 9/11 and Covid1984.

There is far more evidence of foreknowledge of the 2020 pandemic indicating the scenario was likely planned (see Plandemic 2: Indoctornation, including the fact that the Coronavirus Aid and Relief Emergency Stimulus (CARES) Act was written and first introduced to Congress a full year before a global pandemic was declared and months before the first reports of the coronavirus even surfaced.


There are also a number of other connections between between actors deeply involved with the 9/11 operation and those involved with the Covid1984 operation. Just one of these people is Dr. Richard Hatchett, “who served as Director for Biodefense Policy under George W. Bush, then as acting Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and acting Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response within HHS before becoming the CEO of CEPI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-founded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations,” James Corbett explains. Just like Bill Gates and other fellow ‘global health experts,’ Hatchett helped form the false consensus driving the lockdowns and other extreme measures which would follow, with his alarmist pandemic predictions.

It’s the most frightening disease I’ve ever encountered in my career, and that includes Ebola, it includes MERS, it includes SARS. And it’s frightening because of the combination of infectiousness and a lethality that appears to be manyfold higher than flu.

“Upon further investigation, key leaders of both Event 201 and Crimson Contagion, not only have deep and longstanding ties to U.S. Intelligence and the U.S. Department of Defense, they were all previously involved in that same June 2001 exercise, Dark Winter,” Whitney Webb writes in her piece entitled “All Roads Lead to Dark Winter”. Having hopefully covered enough of these to establish the clear connection between the two events, it is now time to turn our attention back to the present, and the looming ‘dark winter’ ahead.

A Web of Interconnected War Games

Not only are many participants in the Dark Winter exercise and key players in the 9/11 operation connected to Covid1984, but the numerous parallels between the Dark Winter simulation itself and the events of the 2020 pandemic make the connection between the two impossible to miss.

“Not unlike what is unfolding currently with the Covid-19 crisis, in Dark Winter, there is no means of rapid diagnosis for smallpox, no treatments available and no surge capacity in the healthcare system,” Whitney Webb writes.

The outbreak quickly spreads to numerous other U.S. states and throughout the world. Hospitals in the U.S. soon face “desperate situations” as “tens of thousands of ill or anxious persons seek care.” This is compounded by “grossly inadequate supplies” and “insufficient isolation rooms,” among other complications.

The Dark Winter script reads much like the ‘Covid19’ media script. These parallels and similarities are so numerous and obvious that even mainstream media was forced to take notice, and Foreign Policy details the similarities in an article entitled, America’s Pandemic War Games Don’t End Well.

“Dark Winter (which stipulates a smallpox attack by an unknown assailant) is not COVID-19 (a disease inadvertently spread by human contact), of course,” the author dutifully points out. “But the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic bears an eerie resemblance to the simulation:”

leaders hampered by an inability to address a crisis they hadn’t foreseen (“We’d have been much more comfortable with a terrorist bombing,” Nunn later said in congressional testimony); national decision-making driven by data and expertise from the medical and public health sectors; management options limited by the swift and unpredictable spread of the disease (and a limited stockpile of vaccines); a health care system that lacks the surge capacity to deal with mass casualties; increased tensions between state and federal authorities; the rapid spread of misinformation on cures and treatments for the outbreak (the only way to treat smallpox is to not get it); the difficulty of controlling unpredicted flights of civilians from infected areas; domestic turmoil sparked by political uncertainty (with sporadic rioting—quelled by National Guard units—in large urban areas as grocery stores are shuttered); and an increasing reliance on the willingness (and unwillingness) of individual citizens to self-quarantine to stop the spread of the contagion.

There are also striking parallels between the Dark Winter and Event 201 scripts.

“Other aspects of Dark Winter appear more notable now than ever,” Whitney Webb writes, “particularly in light of recent pandemic simulations that were conducted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (Event 201) and the Trump administration (Crimson Contagion) in 2019, as well as the federal government’s current options for responding to Covid-19.”

For instance, Dark Winter warns of “dangerous misinformation” spreading online selling “unverified” cures and making similarly “unverified” claims, all of which are deemed as posing a threat to public safety. Such concerns over online misinformation/disinformation and narrative control have recently surfaced in connection with the current Covid-19 crisis. Notable, however, is the fact that the “Event 201” simulation held last October, which simulated a global pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus, also greatly emphasized concerns about such misinformation/disinformation and suggested increased social media censorship and “limited internet shutdowns” to combat the issue.

Foreign Policy was equally compelled to report on these similarities, stating that, “The lessons drawn from the 2001 Dark Winter exercise provided a stark preview of what the United States would face in 2020:”

Event 201 showed that an economic response to a coronavirus outbreak would mirror the medical response gamed out in Dark Winter—with an economic response that would be hampered in its earliest days by a lack of good information, which would, in turn, destabilize markets and seed monetary instability. The exercise presaged the events of COVID-19 that would take place within months of the simulation’s end. “It very clearly showed that a global pandemic would take a global response,” Larsen said. “It was uncannily accurate.”

It was “uncannily accurate” indeed, and this is surely no coincidence. Bill Gates, who also co-hosted Event 201, had been predicting over the past few years that a catastrophic global pandemic was right around the corner, and when his prediction came to pass he quickly rose to prominence as one of the leading voices driving both the pandemic narrative and Orwellian global response, which he also financially supported in more ways than one, including his de-facto ownership of the WHO, the major policy shaper of these universal global measures.

The fact that the pandemic narrative has continued for months following the actual dissipation of the pandemic itself, is just more proof that this has from the very beginning always been about implementing a pre-planned agenda, as opposed to being an organic response to a viral pandemic meant to protect public health and safety. Much like 9/11, we are currently seeing a highly coordinated and well planned operation unfold before our very eyes. There are entire books worth of evidence for this, with ample proof of the global scam being perpetrated on humanity, so I will not belabor the point, but rather leave readers with several of my most in-depth posts documenting this - from the very beginning, when there were already loads of red flags, to the the more recent months when proof of a scamdemic has become overwhelming:

Coronavirus: Proof of a Conspiracy | Psyop | Overarching Agenda

CoronaGate: The Plandemic Unfolds as the Psyop Unravels

Coronavirus Conspiracy - Evidence of a Hoax: Exosomes, 5G & Social Media Censorship

Is Novel Coronavirus Even Real? Prominent UK Doctor Says No, Research Shows ‘Covid19’ A Hoax

Welcome to the Covid2020 Magic Show | The Day Masks Magically Began to Work

The Covid Numbers Are Cooked, Way Cooked | The ‘Pandemic’ They’re Selling Doesn’t Exist

When Dogma Trumps Truth: The Making of the Pandemic That Never Was & Birth of a New Global Religion

Like 9/11, Covid1984 is likely also a two-part operation, and the repeated predictions of a future second wave support this idea, with the associated dark winter being that second phase of the operation. It is becoming increasingly obvious that the social engineers behind the ‘new normal’ will not be able to prop up their pandemic narrative much longer, and they were likely aware of this from its very inception.

There are far too many doctors exposing the scam, and far too many people waking up to the obvious reality that there is no longer (if there ever was) a dangerous viral pandemic wreaking havoc on people living in the real world. People are also waking up to the totalitarian technocracy being built around us in alleged response of this virus. Too many people are becoming aware of the overinflation of the official covid numbers, the highly inaccurate nature of the tests, the countless inconsistencies in the official narrative, and the increasingly obvious reality that the tyrannical ‘new normal’ touted as a pandemic response is in reality designed to stay long into the future, even forever. The fear initially sparked by the pandemic is largely wearing off, and the media is becoming increasingly incapable of perpetuating the false image of a deadly pandemic assaulting America.

The social engineers need a new cataclysmic event, they need a ‘second wave’, and they need it to be worse than the first wave. Way worse.

Although already arriving, seemingly right on schedule just as predicted, it is unlikely a mere second wave of hoax will suffice to instill the fear necessary to convince the disillusioned masses to comply with the next round of planned lockdowns and final stages of implementing the new technocracy. Something more than simply touting a massive spike in new cases and continued 24/7 pandemic coverage will likely be needed, and THEY (those helping enslaving you) are certainly aware of this, and likely planned for this outcome from the beginning. Many have said they believe the scam being exposed was all a part of the plan, designed to set the stage for the next stage of the operation, but even if this is not the case, the current illusory pandemic paradigm eventually dissolving was an inevitable consequence of the long-term perpetuation of the scamdemic (whether intended or unintended). It was always only a matter of time until the initial pandemic narrative would crumble.

It seems to me the long predicted ‘second wave’ was always intended to usher in the second phase of this operation, rather than serve as a mere extension of the original narrative. Building upon the foundation laid over the course of the year, a new narrative will form around a coming earth-shattering event or series of events. In order to sell a ‘dark winter’ to the people, the social engineers will need more than mere claims that the predicted ‘second wave’ has arrived. These announcements likely signal the transition from the first phase to the second phase of the Covid1984 operation, and the coming dark winter is certainly the second stage of the operation, just as the original Dark Winter simulated the second stage of the 9/11 operation.

It is now being reported that the ‘second wave’ has officially arrived, in Canada and across Europe, anyhow, soon to reach the US. Whatever is in store for us, the Dark Winter psyop is now upon us.

In Part 2, we’ll look at some of the dark winter predictive programming over the summer, the official arrival of the long- predicted ‘second wave’, and explore what all the coming Dark Winter operation may have in store for us this winter in light of recent election war game scenarios and through examination of a number of other clues and interesting connections.

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