Vladimir Putin and Russia: We reject the New World Order

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Vladimir Putin came to power with the sponsorship of Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin came to power the with sponsorship of Russian oligarchs. For millennium the Cabal has been using the Hegelian dialect. The Hegelian dialect was the policies of George Hegel, a German philosopher. All historical events emerged from a conflict opposing forces. The whole purpose of the dialectic is to control the masses like herding sheep, whenever people see a group or belief system as evil, they instinctively move to the political opposite of what they identified as threatening.


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Putin's role was to follow Yeltsin's footsteps as the Hegelian dialect was already played out in bringing the two nations, the US and Russia, together but something terrible has gone wrong for the Cabal and their world takeover. In the beginning Vladimir Putin was playing a very complex, multi-level game just like a double agent was some of the most insidious forces on the planet. He even accepted bribes and played the game of corruption until he turned the game against the Cabal. Things suddenly changed in Russia. The Western world media started the biggest line propaganda campaign against Putin and every country who opposes the New World Order. Keep in mind that currently 80% of US electronic and print media are owned by finally six large corporations. This development has taken place in the last two decades. These corporations are elite owned, they demonize Putin on a daily basis to the sleeping dead and the gullible.


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The US is fed up with their nations corrupt, mendacious ineffectual leadership that a group of Americans are seeking to join the Russian Federation. The group is collecting signatures for a national referendum on whether to remain a failed State, an economic basket case run by criminal Neo cons or to join the Russian Federation under a president with a proven track record of bringing oligarchs day heel, said Bill Blatsky, head of the join Russia: Putin for president committee.

Top diplomat, Christopher R Hill, says that Russia's response to the Ukraine crisis means that Moscow had betrayed the New World Order it has been apart of for the last 25 years. Russia is leading a fight for world freedom and has declared war on the New World Order imperialism. Behind Putin's success so far in foiling the Cabal, is a team of think tanks inside Russia and think tanks in Iran and other nations opposed to the NWO. They take their job seriously in trying to resolve and counteract all the threats in a diplomatic way and stay within an international law and at the same time sinking claws and teeth because keep in mind they also like winning. The Cabal wanted to take over Syria, destroy Iran and make Russia roll over and play dead in the Ukraine, to control not only the Middle East but control Eurasia. That's not likely to happen.


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Starting a Christian-Islam war, which is still on the cards to try and bring the last of the dialectic principles to bring the prophecies of the Bible. A note to the gullible, the prophecies are just suggestions being played out.

This story is so complex I just want to outline some important issues on Russia and the dialectic principles on the first level of the illusion. There are many Kabbalistic levels at play here.

What will happen in the Ukraine ?

Now that Crimea is a part of Russia, it's game over for the bankers in Ukraine. The US can threaten Russia all it wants with sanctions, but the truth of the matter is Russia holds all the Ace cards up it's sleeve and it will hurt America and Europe a lot more. Their think tanks are steps ahead. Russian troops are mounted on the border, Ukraine has no chance against them. Will NATO get involved ? Nope, NATO is a paper tiger and any aggression will be from the US. Will Russia go into Ukraine ? They will first assess the number of dead like a hundred or a thousand. How many will die in an actual conflict if they do go in ? Most probably the pro Russians have seized the governments buildings, will be sadly sacrificed and nothing would happen. Unless many civilians are killed, Russia will not likely go in. They will use other methods and dry up Ukraine until it folds economically and through the court systems. America will do nothing to get involved.


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All this is happening is a diversion for what's going on in the US and Europe with the death of the world's currency. Their crimes against humanity is now coming all out in the open with all their banking scams, gold rigging, and stock market rigging. Like blood sucking vampires they've looted the world and brought destruction, death and poverty throughout the ages. They will try and pin the collapse on Russia to bring in the new money system, whitewash all the past through a third world war that has been diverted at many times by the think tanks of Russia and the opposing world. Remember an all out nuclear war is impossible.

If a world war three should start it would be just as useless because it would be total annihilation which the world is not prepared to go ahead with.

Russia has a lot of important friends and is in lined with the BRICS nations. Every nation on earth thanks to the aggression of the Cabal, have now armed itself to the teeth to protect it's sovereignty. Wasted money in arms racket when the people of those nations are living in fear and in poverty. The control of the US by the wealthiest families of the planet are exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. The world now awaits world war three. The third world war is already here, called the quite war. Being conducted under subjective, biological warfare, implying extensive, objective and social control and destruction of human lives. In other words slavery and genocide. The concocted war on terrorism, false flag, looting, stealing, and false democracies. The list is endless. The US should have had their streets paved with gold at the enormous prosperity it possesses, instead it has been sucked dry by the Cabal vampires.


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Vladimir Putin is not Americas enemy, but a friend. Putin is emerging as a world wide voice respected throughout Asia, the Middle East, South America and even in America. People throughout the world are now uniting and knowing that they all have the same common enemy. Many people think Putin is part of the NWO, if this is so then why is Syria, Iran and Egypt still standing.

Putin Declares Independence From The Rothschild Banking System

Putin recently reminded his cabinet that he paid off the Rothschild’s debt and “grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and kicked them out Russia’s back door.
They do not own the world, and they do not have carte blanch to do whatever they want. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. We will not be bullied by them.”

“The debt to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the amount of $125.2 million has been settled in accordance with the agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” - Russian Finance Ministry


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One of the final large Soviet-era debts was repaid last year to Kuwait. Russia paid $1.1 billion and delivered $620 million worth of high-tech products to the country.

Putin and Trump relationship

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There are countless videos out there where Putin defends Trump while in an interview. Trump on the other hand don't want to make his relationship with Putin that public. But none the less these 2 leaders can make or break the NWO and Trump has already blowed the whistle on some aspects. It shows another leader is willing to take the big step and step up to the globalists.


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I want to make a more detailed post about Trump and Putin's relationship and how they work together because that is another major key role in bringing the elites down.

Original Content - @jacoknoetze


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In 1998, Vladimir Putin headed the Federal security service of the Russian Federation. From March to August 1999, he performed the duties of Secretary of the security Council of Russia. August 16 was approved as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. But already on 31 December of the same year, began to perform the duties of the President of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin on 26 March 2000 he was elected President and began his duties on may 7, 2000 For a second term, Mr Putin was elected on 14 March 2004 (until 2008). May 7, 2008 ceased to perform the duties of President and became Chairman of the party "United Russia". And the next day, the new head of the state Dmitry Medvedev has signed a statement on the appointment of Putin as Prime Minister. But in 2012, the politician returned to the presidency powers. As soon as Putin came to power in 2000, he approved the foreign policy Concept of the Russian Federation. The main direction of Putin's foreign policy, according to the agreement, reads: "Russia must be an active player in the international arena that it is necessary to maintain a proper image of the state". For seven years the President participated in the summit "Big eight". Politician acted in Okinawa (Japan), in Genoa (Italy), Heiligendamm (Germany) and Kananaskis (Canada). In 2004, Putin's foreign policy is still actively developed. The President officially visited China where he signed an agreement on the transfer of Islands Tarabarova and Big Ussuri island. The President often says of the public and journalists that the destruction of the Soviet Union considers geopolitical catastrophe and calls for the return of the Russian Federation of the status of the most powerful nation in the world. However, until 2004, Putin's foreign policy is of little interest, the President was busy with domestic policy of the country. In the same year he cancelled Yeltsin's law on production sharing. After the cancellation of huge sums of money from oil and gas began to flow to the state Treasury of the Russian Federation. Many scientists believe that this cancellation led the Russian Federation of independence to the present, and laid the Foundation for the country's sovereignty. But such a position did not suit the West. In 2004, Russia was the wave of terrorist attacks involving Chechen militants. In order to prevent terrorist attacks, were the reforms in the police and the FSB, as well as intensified counter-terrorism measures. Putin's foreign policy for 2016 year difficult: the unresolved conflict on the territory of Ukraine, and the lack of a positive result of the Minsk agreement, and the extension of sanctions by the European Union. In 2007 the foreign policy of President Putin finally walked away from international strategies of Russia's first President. In the same year at the Munich security conference and the political course in Europe the President gave a speech that quoted from the media around the world. The application consisted of these points:
In international relations impossible unipolar model of world order. United States impose its own policy around the world, sometimes even by force. The question of the necessity of military intervention is decided only by the UN. The political actions of the US and the President is very aggressive. NATO does not respect international agreements. The OSCE is a convenient tool to bring benefits to the Northern Alliance. Russia will continue to conduct foreign policy solely in its own interests. Despite such a loud statement of the head of Board of the Russian Federation, some countries supported his speech. But most of the world's politicians acknowledged Putin's one of the most aggressive political figures in the world.


Nice to see some opposition to the elite if it's true of course. These scumbags operate in deceit & conceit & are the grand masters at it.

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Israel & Zionism, not Russia, have always been our costly enemy, never our "ally."

This nonsense that Russia (former Soviet Union) is somehow not a friend goes way back to 1967, when the USS Liberty was nearly sunk by Israel (with help from Lyndon Johnson). A Soviet navy vessel was the first offer of aid to Liberty, after the Johnson administration tried to hurry the sinking of it ... by Israel:

"A Soviet destroyer responded before the US Navy, even though a US submarine, on a covert mission, was apparently in the area and had monitored the attack. The Soviet ship reached the Liberty six hours before the USS Davis. The captain of the Soviet ship offered his aid, but the Liberty’s conning officer refused."

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