The Holocaust Tragedy "Great Lie" - World Conspiracy #2

in #conspiracy7 years ago

~>  When the Anti-Semitic Movement Questions the Truth

 Israel claims that more than 6 million Jews died during Hitler's atrocity on Nazi troops occupying Europe Jews were arrested and imprisoned in German concentration camps. They were left starving, tortured, and used as guinea pigs of chemical weapons made by German experts.  This propaganda became the belief of the world community for a long time. Until then an Ahmadinejad (Iranian president) appeared and said, "The Holocaust is all a lie!"

 Not only was the Iranian leader convinced that Israel had fabricated the number of Jews who were victimized by the Nazis, but the Venezuelan President also strongly denied the claims of six million Jews so long believed.  Both are convinced that the figures are only a form of Israeli propaganda to seek the sympathy of the world in order to constitute Israel's own cruelty and occupation against Islamic countries in the Middle East, especially Palestine.  It is also the Israeli customary strategy of the world feeling indebted to the Jewish nation. It is evident that Israel is the largest recipient of financial and technological assistance from international economic and technological giants. 

~>  The Investigation of Tailed Prison 

 Opponents of the Holocaust are usually referred to as 'revisionists' they actively investigate the truth of the dark events of the Holocaust, although there have been threats from 10 European countries for anyone who doubts the truth. They will be designated as anti-Semitic and will be arrested and imprisoned in a number of countries, including France, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Romania and Germany itself. 

 Elected Palestinian President Dr. Mahmoud Abbas In his dissertation found the truth of the existence of a gas chamber used to kill Jews. He said that the number of Jewish victims killed was not more than 1 million people, not 6 million.

 Not only that of the western scholars themselves there are some who deny the existence of the Holocaust, such as Robert Geraudu (Prince of France), Professor Robert Morrison (British scientist) Ernst Zundel (German-born revisionist) and David Irving (English historian). Ironically, almost all are found guilty and thrown into jail. For example, on February 15, 2007, Ernst Zundel suffered a jail sentence for 5 years. 

 Herbert scarlet representing lawyers said that all evidence of a Holocaust is based solely on the recognition of its victims, not on clear facts. Then, in 1964, Paul Rassinier, the survivor of the Holocaust, from a memoir story titled Dream of Europe questioning what the Holocaust believed to be. He claims that in his book there is no Nazi extermination policy against Jews, there is no gas chamber, and the number of victims is not that great. 

 Meanwhile about the tragedy at Auschwitz, Robert Faurisson, a Professor of literature from the University of Lyons claimed that typhoid was the prisoner, instead of the gas chamber statements. Robert Faurisson's statement was further strengthened by the technical investigation of a construction expert and installation of an execution tool from As, Fred Leuchter. Fred went to Auschwitz to investigate and vet his place. The conclusion of the research results is that gas chambers in Auschwitz do exist, but they are not used to kill people. 

 On the other hand the revisionists claim that the gas chamber contains Zyklon-B for smoking clothes in order for bacteria in dead clothing. Thus, it is impossible to use to execute humans.

 Revisionist doubts stem from the absence of German documents containing the Jewish mass destruction plan in Europe, such as documents on orders, plans, budgets, and weapons designs to eliminate Jews. That, a Winston Churchill, who wrote 6 volumes of his monumental The Second World War, does not even mention the Nazi program to slaughter the Jews. Similarly, General Eisenhower, in his writing Crusade in Europe, also has no mention of gas chambers. The facts are only the sayings of Nazi officials who portray the hatred of the Jews.

 So strange there is no trace of the lagging records that can prove the truth of the extermination of the Jews by Hitler and his army. If indeed the number of victims of the genocide is as plentiful (6 million people), surely there will be criticism from the pope, the Red Cross organization, or the world's leaders at that time.


I suppose all those holocaust survivors are just making it up? along with all the evidence lol

Not necessarily, because there are many books in circulation written from the testimony of the Holocaust. :)

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