What you need to know about QUANTUM COMPUTERS and the birth of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
For anyone curious about quantum computers...this is a good crash course about the basics.
Awesome! I just watched this a couple hours ago and thought the same thing. It’s a very clear basic breakdown. Good post.
Thank you! Just trying to spread information I believe to be valuable 🙂
I wouldn't be surprised if we were soon voting on an Artificial Intelligence candidate for political office.
LOL. We already have Artificials in Office. The Intelligence is missing, though 🙂
Talk about synchronicity, I've been watching videos about A.I. on YouTube over the last few days. It's mind blowing stuff. I'd feel a lot more reassured if it wasn't accessable to money hungry corporations. We need to be VERY sure about the potential consequences, as well as the possible benefits, of releasing this into the world. It could be an incredible, game changing tool, if used altruistically. Sadly, however, I fear it is likely to be militarised, at which point.... we're screwed. Great post, thank you.
LOL on the synchronicity and I am afraid you are right.
I disagree with the military part of your post. I believe it IS already militarized, and to an extent we could not even imagine. Historically military use of technology is usually decades ahead of civil use. Whatever the public gets to see is already obsolete for the military...
But don't worry too much about AI and computers screwing us...we are already screwed by chemtrails, GMO's, drinking water, vaccinations , 5G microwave pollution,social engineering and so forth.
AI will only be the cherry on the cake 🙂
Good point. You are, of course quite right. Given that the military is way ahead of us technologically, we have to assume they've already militarised A.I.. I live in the UK and so far we have managed to avoid GMOs, but unless there's a paradigm shift in politics, I've no doubt we'll go that way. Also, like most of the UK I live in an area, where they don't fluoridate the water supply (I think some inner cities do). As for the other things you mention, I tend to agree. I think the one hope we have, is that more and more people are waking up every day and we might, collectively, bring change before it's too late.
That's right. In Europe you have a different set of problems.
But according to http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx?pag=2&sort=GDP&ord=DESC UK is also part of the depopulation agenda.
Let's hope we can wake up enough people in time to make a difference.
Time is running out.
It certainly is running out. We just have to keep shouting from the rooftops. Articles like yours are just what we need.
Scary as f. Don't like AI technology at all. Great video though, watched it! THanks for posting this @herrleeb!
Thank you!