They know more about you than you do yourself.
I recently came across a website
They proudly offer a Risk Assessment Tool (Your past determines your future), LiveForever™ DNA backup and Social Media Integration (You have no idea what we know).
The idea is, that they can analyze your personality based on your facebook activity.
They claim that after just a few “Likes” they can accurately analyze your personality and predict your behavior.
Since I have not used facebook for over two years anymore other for birthday wishes to family oversees, I checked it out. I have nothing to hide, I thought...
Nothing bad on there, nothing that could really bite me in the ass...
Well, this is what I got back:
Welcome to Illuminus, Alexander Leeb ! We have successfully retrieved your data. Your social activity reveals a lot about you.
Your profile for instance says that your age is 56 and your gender is male. But the real gold mine is your Facebook data over time.
By analyzing the at least 91 things you have liked on Facebook, we have used our advanced algorithm techniques to assess your personality and have found you scored highest in Openness which indicates you are creative, imaginative, and adventurous.
Our personality evaluation system uses Psycho-demographic trait predictions powered by the Apply Magic Sauce API developed at the University of Cambridge Psychometrics Centre.
Well, cool. I am open minded and creative. Nothing bad here. Good citizen, no?
Think again.
Social Risk
Your high scores in Openness (0.84) and Extraversion (0.71) indicate extreme potential for risk-taking behavior in your social decisions (e.g. standing for election, publicly challenging a rule or decision).
So, not really a desirable citizen turns out. Openness means also extreme potential for risk-taking behavior.
It does not stop there.
Health Risk Evaluation
Your activity on social networks can tell us a lot about whether or not you are a risk to yourself.
It lets us know how likely you are to meet a stranger, to engage in unprotected sex, or to enjoy dangerous extreme sports.
Ultimately, your predisposition to risky behavior could mean higher medical costs for us.
To help us understand how dangerous you are, we compared your personality analysis to results from a study on risk in the Journal of Risk Research to determine that your risk level is too high to make you a candidate for health insurance.
Health Risk
Your high scores in Extraversion (0.975) and Neuroticism (0.855) indicate extreme potential for risk-taking behavior in your health decisions (e.g. smoking, poor diet, high alcohol consumption).
Safety Risk
Your high scores in Extraversion (1.065) and Openness (0.735) indicate potential for risk-taking behavior in your safety decisions (e.g. fast driving, city cycling without a helmet).
Recreation Risk
Your high scores in Openness (1.035) and Extraversion (0.975) indicate potential for risk-taking behavior in your recreation decisions (e.g. rock-climbing, scuba diving).
So, basically being an open-minded, extroverted and creative person who liked a few cat videos on facebook can make you also a “High Risk Individual” who might be a threat to public safety, cannot be insured or has to buy a higher premium and is a mediocre candidate for a loan.
Isn't that lovely?
And this is a company who is available for anybody. They advertise their services openly to the sheeple. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
What about the stuff they don't tell us? All the other data they gather about us?
Everything you buy?
Where you live?
Where you go?
Whom you associate with?
Whatever you post on the internet?
Now if you combine this knowledge which is already out there, available to anyone, with the “Social Credit System” which is rolling out in China as we speak (and will be implemented worldwide as soon as the infrastructure based on 5G is established), the future looks bleak.
You don't even have to be a bad guy in order to have low social credit and get no access to “privileges” like travel, shopping or use of electricity.
You can be fucked for being just yourself. Without breaking any laws, without doing anything wrong.
By being open minded.
That seems to be a bad trait. I better join ANTIFA now if I want to improve my profile and get a better quote for health insurance...
I was reading and thinking, hey, I never went on FB or Twat. I don't have a bank account, I do not buy on credit, only for cash and if asked for my name, I either refuse, or give a false one. I have never bought a TV licence (don't have a TV).
Makes me safe?
Not really.
I am a pensioner, so they forced me to take biometric examination. They recorded my voice and my retina and took my finger prints.
I use their card to draw my pension from a major supermarket. They may not have all the details, but they know where I shop.
And so it goes on. I only have one weapon on my side.
Being in my mid-seventies, I'll soon be completely free of them.
I am with you, my friend. I am on my way out as well. Had a good life and I am not sure if I really want to experience what's coming. Essentially we are pretty lucky punks after all. We had the luxury to live in a period which was not so bad. Now that it starts to get ugly, I am too old to really get affected by it. I have no children, so nothing to worry about that either. Fuck this morons :) Cheers!
Sadly, I have children.
A couple of decades ago I decided that all the children of our world are my children. Each pain of theirs that I hear of, it also hurts me.
Empathy can be the cruellest gift of all. Hmmm, Cherine agrees with me.
It's a technological prison when you look into it.
Just wait until 5G is there. Together with digital currency, Internet of things and Social Credit System we will be fucked royally...
I'm glad I am not younger and living in the UK. I would hve done all I could to sabotage their damn cameras. But then, there is so much else I would want to do...
That would be an endless list. They fucked up pretty much everything. Our minds, our bodies, our society, our environment, our history, our past and our future...
So I was going to resteem this post, but apparently that is not an option?.. Where is the resteem button? Or is my computer having a glitch?
This is an older post. I think the re-steem option is only available for posts 7 days or younger. Upvoting older posts is a waste as well, I'm afraid. But who cares with steem at $1.50. My upvotes are always worthless :)
Thanks for dropping by! I truly appreciate it :)
First time i see your blog. the theme of your article is wow and remarkable. Next time i will try to follow your blog. keep it up my dear buddy.
Thank you!
It's a bleak outlook.