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RE: The Ongoing Crisis in Venezuela and the "Petro Coin"

in #conspiracy7 years ago

It is just horrible what people have to go through, all over the world. And all of this misery just because of the greed of a handful of psychopaths. Mind numbing. But regarding the Petro, James Corbett of @corbettreport wrote an interesting article. Corbett's analysis is always very well researched and backed up by facts. Read here...


What was failed to be addressed in the @truthbeyondlies's article is that the economic crisis is a result of Nicolas Maduro's corruption & dictatorial regime. Petro is the brainchild of this regime as a proposed solution to improve their financial & economic problems; to show support for Petro is to show support for the regime. Therefore, I'm on the same boat as @corbettreport.

United States President Donald Trump and other critics have claimed the Petro, is unreliable. Yet in pre-sales alone, which began February 20, Venezuela has already made over $5 Billion USD during this period and, as of March 10th, has recorded more than 186,000 certified purchases.

Rather than hoping Petro & crypto will improve the country's problems, it's my personal opinion that they need to uproot the main cause of their despair: Maduro. He & his administration are the larger problem at hand, and until their government & leadership changes, there's no short-term solution that can fix their longterm problem. In addition, pre-sale performance is no preliminary indicator of a coin's longevity or future performance.

President Trump is right in his decision to not only sanction Venezuela (as a means to protest Maduro's failed leadership), but to also ban American citizens from purchasing Petro. Don't get me wrong: I'm in full support of helping Venezuela's citizens & fixing their economic crisis, but I'm not in support of their dictator; the same dictator who's proven to be the main cause of the country's problems & the root of all evil.

What I do not understand is the benefit of sanctions. They only hurt the people, never a corrupt government. At best they can create civil unrest. But it's the innocent who suffer, never the guilty.
When was the last time a corrupt politician caved in to sanctions? Never. All that will be accomplished is to impoverish and starve the population. So, sanctions are a "good" move because they hurt the population even more? That is just bizarre...

Oh so true. Sanctions never hurt the corrupt government, just the citizens. Which is why we feel that no government should be able to stop it's citizens from trading with any person. If you reside in a country which the US has put trading sanctions on, that should just apply on a government level. If you as a person have goods we would like to buy then we should be able to trade. (In a just and equal world I know, keep dreaming ;-) It is like two families fighting telling their children they can no longer be friends. Just because you have some kind of issue with them does not mean I do nor should we miss out due to someone elses psuedo irreperable differences that they force on a population of people as a whole rather than handling this like....adults. This seems like another cunning ploy (order out of chaos) by the elite and when you sit back and think about how they have such wantonly destructive behavior, who is to say that this is not being used as a major distraction to weaken the people of this nation whilst and even deeper agenda is carried out behind the scenes? Two of the most effective tactics ever used in the history of warfare is to cut off the enemies 1: Communication 2: Food/Water Supply but that is just speculative food for thought.

This seems like another cunning ploy (order out of chaos) by the elite

I think you hit the nail on the head. If you look at history, it always hits the people only.
It is a strategy to reduce and control the population and transfer their wealth. No matter what war you look at, only the people suffered while the one on the top are best friends. We are nothing but slaves. Moronic "human resources".

I just did some research on the US sanctions against Venezuela, it seems they will now also sanction the Petro Crypto currency created by the Venezuelan Government in some way.

President Trump signed and executive order about this. The order bans “all transactions related to, provision of financing for, and other dealings in, by a United States person or within the United States, any digital currency, digital coin, or digital token,” issued by Venezuela's government

Maduro and his administration is the source of the problem, there is no arugment there. They are down right evil and are not for their people in the slightes! We did not want the focus of this article to shift to him... we wanted this to be about the citizens. They are starving and what does Maduro do about it?


He eats an empanada during a live TV broadcast! So your people are starving and have lost an average of 24 pounds in a year and then there is :

Because that what leaders do! Such a jack*** (sorry rage was setting in there)!

Now to the Petro. Yes the the coin is the "brain child" (like the way you put that) of the government but there could be a way to still help the citizen with it. Venezuelan will be able to use this coin, so if the price is up that means they could get more bang for their Petro... just a thought. Now with that being said, there is still a risk in thinking like that because keep in mind that this is the same government which has made the bolivar the mess that it is today.

We get where you are coming from by supporting President Trump's bans however, Americans should have the choice to purchase whatever... We don't think that ANY Government entity should have the right to stop their citizens from trading with any other countries (we don't like being told what we can or cannot do) but that is a subject for another time.

You attack a man for eating food because you don't like his politics.

I believe that they are attacking a man who is eating food, in front of a nation of people who can no longer afford food due to his politics. There is a difference. If your people on average have lost 24 lbs in body mass due to your poor politics, the best course of action would be to at the very minimum not indulge on the tax payers funded food during live television.

@imjustsaying RIGHT. When I seen that picture, I think my jaw actually dropped. What type of person would do something like that?

We did not attack him over his politics...nor because he ate food. His citizen are starving so as a leader, or anyone that has the slightest bit of compassion would NOT get on Live TV and eat an empanada. What type of person would even do that?

Venezuela is a tropical country so if he is outside for a long time at a political rally he is bound to get hungry. I would love to ask whoever took the picture exactly what it is that they think they were doing. But judging by your reaction the propaganda is effective. In any case his big belly should be more provocation than the food in his mouth, it is however possible the hidden body armour may be making him look fatter than he actually is.

No doubt the man gets hungry, but at a time when the majority (90%) can not afford to eat on a daily basis, one would think that you could at the bare minimum wait until you are not on camera to eat a bite of food... His people lost on average 24 pounds in 2017. Good point, he is bigger in the stomach than 99.9% of the people... could be body armor, or could be all the fine food he gets to eat. It is just one of the many things that is wrong with his regime.

The partner here ^^ - Yes it is horrible and it is looking like more countries are falling in the same direction, none are as extreme at the moment, but no one should turn their head at this point. Just a handful of greedy people can bring a country like Venezuela to its knees is something to be terrified about.

Thank you for the link you provided. It is not surprising that they would say the coin is backed by oil... That is what they are known for, but even Maduro himself said he wanted to create this coin backed by oil yet somehow never give up a drop of oil for it... so people need to keep that in the back of their minds. I think that it is safe to conclude that if Maduro is not willing to really give up oil for the Petro, he is not going to give up gold for the ‘Petro Oro’. This is the part where we bang our heads against the wall right?

Honestly I am clueless about what's really going on there in Venezuela. But isn't it essentially the same all over the world? The people get fucked by psychopaths in the government. Some more, some less. And it is getting worse every day

It is fundamentally the same, but what is going on there is far worse than we have ever seen. They really got messed up in all of this mess that these psychopaths created. Yet there are warning signs that this is just the start, we will be hear about and seeing this more and more. Even our own economy has shown signs that we are going to crash...

I was you think a possible big war could "save" us from a collapse or do they plan to have both, a war plus collapse? Both seems to be possible...

Partner here - I think that both are planned. I think we will see WW3, then the collapse (maybe during the war). Your thoughts?

All I can offer is wild speculation. There appears to be two major possibilities.
It could be that the top of the pyramid is more like a snake pit with different agendas and neither one of them has enough power to make their plans happen. That would mean, we are observing a big power struggle at the top.
What does not fit into this option is the fact that we have Zionist on all sides, same pedophilia, same satanic symbols.

Another possibility could be that "nuclear" is not we we believe it is. There is some evidence that atomic bombs do not contaminate for centuries. Hiroshima is a bustling city. The test sites in Nevada are not so radio active as one would assume. I've seen a documentary about people living in Tschernobyl. If this is true, it is possible to have a world war which destroys mostly "human resources", but leaves selected property intact. The emergence of underground bunkers for the elites could also be an indication that they are planning to have a place to go back to once the storm is over. It is also possible that they use weapons we have never heard of and again destroy mostly "human resources' but leave key infrastructure intact. If you look at it would suggest that not total annihilation but a major culling is the plan. In that case, both is possible. War and financial crash to kill off people and transfer their wealth but also have the legal frame work and infrastructure already in place when everything is over and Phoenix rises out of the ashes...

Guess we will find out soon...

The other Partner again - Nothing they do surprises me. I dont pretend to know what they are doing... I can try to piece together what we find... but to truly know, we would have to be in that circle or have a twisted mind like theirs. Neither of which is gonna happen (not on my watch ^^). There are so many agendas being pushed at the moment and I have noticed that at times it seems one agenda take the lime light so to speak. So you could be on to something with them struggling at the top. However you other theory sounds very plausible. I could see them doing this. We know they are up to no good, the question at this point (at least for myself) is how bad is what they are up to.

BTW interesting website. One click lead to another, than another... the next thing I knew two hours had passed. Thank you! I will be going back to that one.

Oh, sorry my friend. I thought you were familiar with The information I was referring to is here:
They forecast the population for each country. It's not easy to find, but pretty scary if they are right...

Us population is supposed to go down from 300 to 50 Million....

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