Legalization of marijuana proves that the government is great after all.

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

The same government which sprays us every day, vaccinates and fluoridates us, takes our money to finance wars killing people in foreign countries, floods us with "legal" propaganda, lies to us every day, censors our free speech and takes away our rights piece by piece finally finds it in it's heart to legalize cannabis.

What a victory.

A big step forward in the right direction. Maybe they are well meaning and concerned about our health after all?

Or ...

could it be that there are agendas behind it that most in their euphoria fail to see?
Could it be that marijuana users could lose some privileges for "safety reasons"?
Could it be that they soon will be ineligible to own guns?
Or operate a vehicle?
Or need to receive "special attention" from law enforcement?
Could it be that Monsanto approved marijuana has some "unexpected" properties?

Nahh, no way. Crazy conspiracy theory.

They just realized it's a good business and good for our health and freedom, that's all.

Maybe one day I will find out that chemtrails are actually a good thing, wars just and necessary and large corporations, politicians and bankers have nothing but our well being and happiness at heart.


"could it be that there are agendas behind it that most in their euphoria fail to see?
Could it be that marijuana users could lose some privileges for "safety reasons"?
Could it be that they soon will be ineligible to own guns?
Or operate a vehicle?
Or need to receive "special attention" from law enforcement?
Could it be that Monsanto approved marijuana has some "unexpected" properties?"

Probably 'all' of your suspicions are correct Herrleeb...

I'd LOVE to be wrong. About most things. Would be so great if I was just a negative old fart with too much fantasy...

"I thought I was wrong once...but, found out that I was mistaken "...A quote from a 'comic' who's name I've forgotten.

LOL. I am usually wrong. Ask my wife. She can tell you all about it :)

You might be wrong about 'usual' stuff, but I believe you're on target with the 'Shadow Government' stuff...


  • Thought provoking article! Especially, the part about Monsanto's "unexpected properties." Might they be trying to: "Effectively" manipulate/remap a populations brain chemistry to a desired state? Gasp! Why on earth would they desire such things?
  • My gut tells me your on to something here - gmo, vaccines, fluoride, chemicals, blue light (from all these computer screens), Wifi, soon to be Global 5G Network...
  • While, everyone is up in arms about, "geoengineering" the elephant in the room is "human bio-engineering" being done without the populations knowledge or consent!
  • I'm putting my tin foil hat on with super glue and please, don't pass the joint to me.

LOL, Thanks!
Isn't it such a coincidence that now, that they have the technology to effectively genetically modify plants, big corporations are getting into the business with government approval and regulations?

Another strange coincidence is, that I am not able to smoke this stuff without getting a violent coughing fit. I did smoke some weed back in my wild years with no problem. Now, that I got my legal card and purchased the legal stuff from a dispensary for pain management I have such a strong reaction that it is impossible for me to smoke it. But 3 packs of cigarettes a day are no problem for me. Odd.

Another coincidence is the legalization of marijuana at the same time we have 2nd amendment debates...

But I am sure, this is all just crazy talk, right? My tinfoil hat is way tight...

Sounds like your Thyroid and Thymus Glands are telling you something about the weed. No coincidence at all, the various "glands" and their relation to one another is..... the rabbit hole?

Sounds like your Thyroid and Thymus Glands are telling you something about the weed

I do not know anything about the function of these glands. Would you mind pointing me into a direction for further research? Thanks!

I have a similar issue with some coffee brands, uncontrolled coughing, congestion, heavy feeling in upper chest. Speculated, if it was simply a histamine type response to something in the coffee [pesticides], that expressed itself with sensations in throat/lungs tissues [which tbh, it might be] - But my gut feeling is that there is more to it. I have read that caffeine, tobacco, maryj among other things are said to effect the glands. Also coincidentally products that have been heavily gm'd. There is lots of information online, quick search will get you what you need. As with all things, everyone has opinions, hunches, and maybe even delusions. ;)

Yes, I know. There is so much information out there that it becomes almost impossible to find out what is actually true. I was only hoping to get some kind of personal experience on which kind of information or source seemed to be the most credible to you. From all the stuff I tried Turmeric seems to be the only "Magic Bullet" which actually works for my pain management. But thanks for your response!

Check out serrapeptase! It is AMAZING!

Also read up on dmso. Ive had chronic pain for 11 years. Serrapeptase is a life saver. I get mine from The drs best brand at 120,000 ipu's. If turmeric is helping i think youll love serrapeptase.

Thank you!!! I will check it out!

EDIT: Just ordered it, I will give it a try. Thank you so much for the tip! Highly appreciated!!!

Turmeric, helps me as well. I have taken high potency pills to help with my back pain & arthritis, works wonders! I buy a bulk 1lb. bag of it for cooking and making teas. I have heard that you should be careful with taking to much as it may be harmful to gut flora... a probiotic supplement and healthy gut helpers to offset (unpasteurized Yogurt, Sauerkraut, Kombucha, Mangoes, etc)
Yep, sorry, I have no specific links on the previous subject. 🤠 👋

I put turmeric into capsules because I am not so crazy about the taste and take about 6 capsules a day. Works great and no side effects for me. From the day I first I took it I have not had any major pain flare ups anymore.

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