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RE: Flat Earth= CIA disinformation campaign

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Do you really think in your heart that the CIA is behind the flat earth info? I think you are afraid to think for yourself and possibly be wrong. I believe the earth is flat by using my 5 senses. Not theories that make no sense. And if it is one day proven once and for all the earth is not flat then I will admit I was wrong. Until that date which will never come I'm going to go ahead and not listen to people who have never looked into all the proofs of a flat earth. I 'm not going to list them here theres literally hundred of proofs m=uch more convincing than any test in history to prove we are moving or to prove we are on a ball. But I will say one test that can not be disproven and that is the level. Please explain to me how a level works on your ball model? You can't because its a ridiculous notion Gravity the theory of gravity is magic ok it is bullshit. Gravity is so strong and powerful a force and it solves all mathematical equations except balloons it can't stop balloons. YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE GRAVITY DOESNT FUCKING EXIST YOU ARE SO MIND CONTROLLED ITS PATHETIC THINGS FALL IN RELATION TO DENSITY OF AIR NOT FROM A MAGICAL FORCE CALLED GRAVITY DO YOU ALSO BELIEVE IN AN INVISIBLE MAN IN THE SKY THAT WATCHES YOUR EVERY MOVE? WHO HERE IS THE CRAZY PERSON WHO HERE IS MIND CONTROLLED? WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO CONVINCE? ONCE ANYONE LOOKS INTO FLAT EARTH YOU CAN'T GET THE TRUTH OUT OF YOUR HEAD BROTHER AND ALL YOU GOT IS NASA SAID NASA SAID NASA PHOTOS AND NASA VIDEO AND THIS SPACE TELESCOPE AND THAT SPACE TELESCOPE ALL CONTROLLED BY FREEMASONS DO YOU NOT SEE HOW CRAZY THAT IS???EVERY HOAX IN HISTORY TRACES BACK TO FREEMASONS YOU DON'T SEE THAT AS A CLUE? WELL I DO AND THE NUMBERS ARE GROWING BY THE DAY. THE EARTH IS FLAT SPACE ISNT REAL. dO YOURSELF A FAVOR WATCH FOOTAGE FROM APOLLO 16 AND 17 AND LOOK AT THE BACKGROUND THE BACKGROUND THAT PHOTO EXPERTS USING PHOTOSHOP AND CHANGING THE LIGHTING HAVE SHOWN A FAKE BACKDROP AND LIGHTS. bUT EVEN IF YOU DON'T SEE THOSE VIDEOS JUST NASAS OWN FOOTAGE IS RIDICULOUS. PLEASE WAKE UP FROM YOUR MIND CONTROL. ITS NOT ABOUT ME BEING RIGHT OR YOU BEING RIGHT ITS ABOUT ALL OF US BEING TRICKED BY THE GOVERNMENT REMEMBER TYHE GOVERNMENT THE ONE THAT LIES TO YOU DAILY ON EVERYTHING? BUT THIS ONE THING IN THEIR SHITTY TERRIBLE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM THIS ONE THING PROMOTED BY DISNEY AND HOLLYWOOD THAT IS SPACE OH THATS ALL TRUE OH THEY WOULD NT LIE ABOUT THAT WOULD THEY? WOULD THEY?


Just because NASA lies (and as a part of the CIA you would expect that) does not mean the world you live on is flat. There is no working FE model. You are being manipulated and controlled because you are viewed as a threat. You are a free thinking individual and willing to express your opinion- that scares the hell out of them. You're being used on a grand scale and have no clue. Good luck to you my friend.

I beg to differ.
The working model is flatness!
Thereafter we don't make stuff up as we go along like astronomy does....and all those 666 numbers they have... lol.

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