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RE: So pretty much all of our phones and computers and TV's are listening to us I guess...

in #conspiracy8 years ago

I don't know if all the data you show here is 100% correct, probably some flaws in it but I guess it is fair enough. Now I would say spying on a mainstream level has been going on for much longer than 9/11. There was a program I guess you could call it named Echelon which was supposed to listen in to all communications, phone, radio etc this must have been at least from the 70's, it was supposed to lock into any conversation and would discriminate and tape any conversation that contained certain trigger words.
Of course I can't verify this is true but in those days it was held as one of the ultimate conspiracy theories. This was US and UK government backed, with support from other allied countries.


If you'd like to be specific about anything you think I was wrong about I would be glad to address it and if you're right I'll concede.

In regards to Echelon, I've heard of it before but I never really researched that so I can't speak on it.. But.. I do imagine the spying has been going on as much as they can get away with for as long as the technology has been there.

I think it's probably worse than we know, but at the same time.. It's not like they have enough agents to watch people for no reason, meaning.. They probably pick up keywords kinda like you mentioned and focus on those, however it creates a really big issue in my opinion especially in regards to datamining.. They are probably recording and storing everything, so they could go to any person and go back and watch and listen to them for who knows how long.. It really is a bit too far in regards to privacy concerns in my opinion and I don't think many of the agents can be trusted. They have been caught abusing their power before. This kind of power will likely be abused. And I hope people don't normalize and accept it.

But as everyone know absolute power is absolute corruption, it is very bad for a group of people to have too much power, unfortunately this is what is happening in our times.
I have some doubts in some of your assertions nothing worth mentioning.

Kk. Understood. I have some doubts in some of my assertions as well. Which is why I often say "probably" or "likely" and I try to avoid absolute statements.. Though I admit, lately I am saying some stuff about the secret societies in a sorta absolute way that people who haven't learned what I have definitely have good reason to be skeptical of.. Though learning as much as I've learned, which I can't encapsulate into every post, I think some of these things are pretty overwhelming.. And.. If enough exception is taken, I'm glad to go into more detail on any specific issue, and if I said something in an absolute way I may have been wrong, and will admit it.

Anyways.. I see it's not worth mentioning as you mentioned.. So, I guess that's it for now, thanks for your thoughts again.

Oh and yeah. I agree with your sentiments on absolute power and corruption btw.