War is Ritual Sacrifice.

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


Over the weekend most of the world commemorated Remembrance Day. Known as Veterans Day in the USA, Anzacs Day in Australia or Armistice Day in many other places. Its a time when people around the world reflect upon the sacrifice made by military personnel during conflicts.

Using sentiment to emotionally blackmail the masses into a certain perspective is a weapon used against us for a long time. There are many horrific stories attached to wars that calcify personal opinion. This makes challenging the overall narrative almost impossible without being thought of as attacking those who have suffered in conflict. I have empathy with any human being hurt in war, all are essentially victims, but I do not respect the idea that war is a necessary way to settle disputes. If indeed there are even real disputes to be settled.


War, as Major General Smedley Butler bravely wrote ... “is a Racket”. During the First World War from where the term Armistice Day originated , 21000 new millionaires were made back home in America. Cowardly Elites profiteering from the brutality and destruction of conflict. Anyone with more than one functioning braincell knows that Wars are completely contrived in order for the corporate classes to make enormous profits. Its been this way for a very long time and will continue to do so as long as we tolerate the propagandised, sentimental ideals of War that November 11th helps to perpetuate. 

The point of this post is not to point out the very obvious contradictions of War though. That should be patently obvious to anyone smart enough to tie their own shoelaces. My objective, as in much of my work is to show that beyond finance and corporatism the higher order of elites are practicing an ‘Occult Religion”. The subtle clues are there for all to see, within numerology and symbology should anyone care to look. If your a mainstream thinker who believes human ritual sacrifice was something practiced by pagans and savages, something that died out centuries ago, then you are very naive.

For Elites, War is a way to continue ritual blood sacrifice with apparently very few people noticing.

November 11th Numerology

Its common knowledge that Freemasonry reveres the number 33, It appears on logos, in symbology, on Masonic garments and on their most respected books. Is it coincidence then that the date and time that we remember our war dead is the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month .... Combined its 33. The number 11 is also symbolic of duality or division much like the black and white chequered floor of a masonic lodge. The floor represents the most basic level of consciousness, the idea that things are black or white without the need for nuanced thinking. Exactly how we are entrained to view our supposed ‘enemy’ in a conflict.

The Inverted Pentagram 

The Pentagram is a very well known symbol in esoteric teachings. It represents the four elements that make up matter ... Fire, Water, Earth and Air ... importantly with the fifth element , SPIRIT pointing upwards. The word Quintessence is derived from this concept with ‘Quin’ meaning 5 ... ergo our very essence is made up of 5 represented by Da Vinci in his Vitruvian man. 

The inversion of the pentagram is very easily understood as the material aspects of nature being given precedence over SPIRIT. Essentially the crushing of the divine element that gives life to matter. How curious then that not only does America wage war from a Pentagram (Pentagon) but the highest medal of honour is also an inverted Pentagram.


You may of noticed that many of the war memorials are not Christian crosses but Egyptian Obelisks. The Obelisk is a pagan symbol of fertility and virility that quite literally is meant to represent the phallus of Osiris. Surely the last symbol any rational society would use when remembering their fallen is a 10 metre representation of a penis.

The Poppy

The official reason for using the Poppy as a symbol of remembrance is said to be from the poppy fields that sprang up where the soldiers fell during WWI. The poppy has always been associated with blood and death and also with sleep. Anyone who has ever read ‘The Wizard of Oz’ a book published 14 years before WWI knows of the association of the poppy to being asleep. Interesting as the author L. Frank Baum was a very well known Occultist and member of the Theosophical society. So the main symbol of remembrance also happens to be an occult symbol which indicates being asleep or in a trance. Make of that what you will.


The worldwar I could have ended much sooner and without reaching a global scale:https://mises.org/blog/christmas-truce-and-future-war-0

Cool videos, a good medium for getting the message across 🙏🏻

Yes indeed. Unlike Hollywood, anime doesn't hold back. What's the last time anything as ballsy as Green Zone came out. Body of Lies was a good movie and Michael Bay of all people ended up making 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi which was competent.

Stalingrad by Fyodor Bondarchuk was a narrative masterpiece (or arguably even perfect) despite being a flawed movie. I mean imagine the Russians who had enough casualties to make the combined losses of USSA and Nazi's look soft ending up making a movie that starts with a Japanese narration and a Russian rescue worker helping a German women and telling the story of his mother and 5 fathers to help the German woman cope with everything and the movie doesn't demonize Germans. I mean even the Germans demonize the Nazi. The ending was what I was expecting and it also was sheer perfection.

It was directed by the guy who directed this scene from a movie that cost more than half of what an episode of Friends cost.

Please watch on a HD screed with volume turned up.

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