Ultimate Psy-Op Contest: @v4vapid contest ... TULIP MANIA + DoT.COM BUBLE + a NeeD for REGULATION(S) = THE MANTRA of CRIMINAL BANK'STerS .. for the WEAK MINDED ((.))

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

1.) (R.i.P)PLE .. the rePLACEmeNT .. "poised and READY"
2.) TetheR .. the TROJAN HORSE .. "LOADED UP"
3.) CME "FUTURES" .. a MOUNTAIN of worthless FIAT .. "the ignition"

4.) The E_MO(ti)ON_aL "maturity" of MANY CryptO INVESTORS !!! !!!

5.) GOLDEN RINGS .. leading to the Golden "GOOSE" LAYING !! !! !!
(( the TOP GUN'S .. BesT FrienD .. the NEED for SPEED ))

The "coORdi-nation" .. all set for .. the ATTACK on CHRIST-MAS !!! !!! !!!
.. set in MO(ti)ON .. by BaRaK ObAmA ?? !! ??
.. ACCELERATED .. by B.O. .. for sure !! !!

.. what is he talking about ?? .. the WaR on ChrisT-MaS ??? ???

(( why is this .. FUNnY .. or relevant ??? ))

= the .. a(WAR)e .. on ChrisT-MaS 2017 .. = .. BiG SHORT !!! - )))


TOO FaR FETCHED ?? ?? ??
.. please consider "where" BITCOIN ... came from !! - ))

= BORN from the ASHES of the 2008 Financial C-RASH !!! !!!

" .. The stock market crash of 2008 occurred on September 29, 2008. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 777.68 points in intra-day trading. That was the largest point drop in any single day in history."

Monday, September 29, 2008 .. to .. Monday, December 18, 2017 = 3367 days
(( by the way .. 3367 DAYS = 80808 H(OUR)S .. the BIG CLUB LOVES the #8 !! - ))

What glimpse of the FUTURE .. arose from the "asHes" .. along side of BITCOIN ???

Publication date, March 15, 2010 .. BTC = $ 285.12 USD
.. the "BlinD S(iD)E" .. lead to the BIG SHORT !!! !!!

.. inDEED .. it DiD !!! !!!

NOTE .. the FIAT .. is the BAIT !!! !!!
!! & !! .. who applauded this BOOK ??? ??

  • The book was shortlisted for the 2010 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award.
  • It spent 28 (( 2008 crisis !! )) weeks on The New York Times' non-fiction bestseller list.
    (( 28 synonymous with the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE .. "theatrically" speaking ))
  • It also received the 2011 Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights Book Award

and, what is the "current" thought process of the Majority of BTC investors ???
= HOW many "crypto investors" are .. FIRST TIME INVESTORS ?? ??
= HOW many "crypto investors" are measuring SUCCESS in .. USD ???

NO blame .. i was in this BOAT TOO (( sad face - ((((

BUT .. i k'NOW GeniuS .. when i .. FEEL IT !!!!!!!!!!!! - ))
and .. Tijo the ARCANE BEAR @thearcanebear measures everything in BTC !! !! !! - )))
.. now i do too - )))

SO .. first the BooK .. then the MOVIE !!! !!!
(( NOTE .. all arrows point AROUND = not 'in' or OUT ))
" The film began a limited release in the United States on December 11, 2015
... followed by a wide release on December 23."
... a 12 day span .. at ChrisT-MaS ?? .. the 12 days of christmas ??? ???
December 11, 2015 .. BTC = $ 433.61 USD
December 23, 2015 .. BTC = $ 441.69 USD
.. a move of $ 8.08 .. just saying !!

The movie was also "applauded" .. and by who, for what ??

  • winning the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay
  • as well as receiving a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Note the similarities in the movie .. to BITCOIN !!! !!!
.. a small group of people recognize "financial negligence" ...
(( very SATOSHi ))
Everyone thinks 'the group' are lunatics ...
(( BTC is a scam / will fail / BuBBlE / etc etc ))

NOW .. the "crypto community" are ... 'the group' recognizing ...
.. FIAT GARB-AGE !!! !!!

SO .. if .. "the BIG SHORT" .. is a precursor STORY .. about NOW ???
and .. is tied to the 12 days of ChrisT-MaS ?? ??

Then, the NeW STORY (( the CME = coronal MaS-s ejection ))
((= the movie k(NOW-in)G, about predicting the FUTURE & a CME !!! - ))
.. fALLs on the SEVENTH DAY !! !! !! .. the day of rest ???? - ))

DEC. 11 to ((( DEC. 18 ))) to DEC. 23 = the CME starts on DEC. 18

.. the day of REST ??? .. the S_eveN SWANS a swimming !!! !!!

(( NOTE "swans" financially speaking .. are BLACK = a BLIND SIDE even'T ))

MAKING .. December 24 2017 .. the 13th day .. a SUN-DAY - ))))))))

OK .. i recognize and realize .. - )))
.. this will strike MOST as wild eyed CONJECTURE !!!
.. if not .. down right rubbish !?!?! - )))

TOTALLY FAIR !!! !!! - )))
but .. i have left out 99% of my investigation !!! !!! !!!
.. due to the NUMEROLOGICAL NATURE .. which MOST will yawn at - )))

ALL i am asking ... do NOT SELL .. when BTC C(RASH)ES !!!!!!!!!!!
.. the C(rash) .. will be short lived .. and hardly NO ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!
.. will BE prepared !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

= that is their PLAN !!! !!!

NO ONE .. k(NOW)s .. who SATOSHi "is or was" ............ BUT !!! !!!
EVERYONE .. has heard of the 1 million BTC .. that was pre-mined

ADD these ... 1,000,000 BTC .. to this .. "potential" .. FIRE STORM !!! !!!
ADD in ... the BTC transaction speed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ADD in ... the MaJoR exchanges "inability" to handle MASSIVE MOVEMENTS ...
ADD in ... the FIAT SYSTEM's .. incredible NEED .. for someone to BLAME ...

and ... WE get to the RE(AS)ON .. for me sticking my neck out .. HERE - )))

The FIAT money system ... is a "completely CON-TROLL-ED" SCAM - ))))))
.. which .. on the outside is SAD and SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!! - ((

BUT ... nothing in the U_N_i-VERSE !!! ... is more powerful, then un-wanted (.)
BECAUSE ... nothing more CLEARLY DEFINES .. what is wanted !!! !!! - )))

What i am suggesting ... if i am Ri(G)hT ??? ??? - )))
.. is .. the OP-port-UNITY .. of a life-time !!!!!!!!!!!!! - )))

1.) DO NOT SELL YOUR BITCOIN !!! !!! - )
2.) SET YOUr .. BTC" buy orders" !! NOW !! .. for 1,000 USD !!! !!!
(( .. i'd say the big club is shooting for a "dePRESSed" price of 777.68 ))
3.) Energetically ... don't be upset with the manipulation !!! !!!
(( this is a ONE SHOT "EXPerieNCE" .. it's ALL the manipulators have got ))
4.) BTC price in USD .. on ChrisT-MaS DAY = $ 55,000 !!!!!!!!!! - ))
or .. maybe .. a temporary .. $ 550 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ((

OK .. this last note .. is a bit obscure ... BUT !!!!!!!!
What i'm suggesting .. is that ... INFINITY .. can not LIE !!!

and ... Everything is connected .. to ONE INFINTIY !!! !!! !!!

SO .. here are some lyrics .. by "B_LaQuE"
.. the song .. 8 0 8 - )))

I heard she's got a 9 to 5 (like most)
But comin' in after 12 (= the 13 th day = christmas in this post)
I know they're tired of her lies ... ( y'UP !! - ))

'Cause I'll be goin' boom like an 808
Be makin' circles like a figure 8
You know it feels good from head to toe
Now hold on to me baby here we go !!!!!!!!!!! - )))

.. not a great song .. nor popular but it exists - ))

.. and there ARE many songs referencing .. 8 0 8 !!! !!!

GooD LucK ... have FUN !!!!!! - ))
.. the universe has YOUr BACK !!!!!!!!!!! - ))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

ps .... Obama's "ROLE" .. in all of this CRAZiNESS .. is NOT D'ONE yet !!! !!!
... just saying ... he will be back !!! = UniteD NationS PRE_Z

= WAR MON-GER ... aGAINst .. the F(AK)E AlieN invasion !!! !!! !!! - )))
= i'll bet you a bitcoin ?? ?? ?? -)))
ha ha - )))


Thank YOU @eco-alex .. i wrote this post yesterday, 'not' k(now-in)g about this CONTEST .. i appreciated his entry https://steemit.com/psyop-contest/@eco-alex/ultimate-psy-op-contest-v4vapid-contest-the-removal-of-our-inherent-power/ ... so i've ((amENDed)) this post .. to qualify for the contest - )))

.. thanks @v4vapid ... PSY-OPS .. so a CrazY WORLD !! - ))


wow man! what is intense, and very interesting post! I can only wonder where you get your data from, but i do also have a funny feeling as i read this.. so that is Very Interesting..

I Must be honest, i DOUBT i could hold bitcoin if it went to 50K.. im sure i would sell and then miss the boat as it dumps and rises again.. but maybe this post will save me! ;-)


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