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RE: USA population to decrease 78% before 2025?

I love a mystery! And the Georgia Guidestones are also an intriguing mystery. I don't disagree with a single directive, although how those would ever be implemented and enforced given our present governmental systems ... is also a mystery.

The legends and traditions of many cultures -- the Christian Bible among them, IIRC -- speak of a coming purge when overpopulation, human greed and other toxic blights reach critical mass ... and trigger a tipping point to restore balance again.

I've often said ... these days we're living through are like the Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times." These times are indeed "interesting" -- and fascinating to watch as a psychologist and student of social culture. I hope wherever I end up, I'm able to know how it all turns out. (Otherwise, I'd really call that a bummer!!)

"There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
~ Shakespeare in Hamlet

Thank you for adding to the mystery.


Yes, we are living in interesting times. I think there are those that would say the ends justifies the means, to which I would disagree if the means are unethical.

I've never thought much of the glib argument "The ends justify the means" when it means innocent lives are harmed. (Those five words make it way too easy to shrug off responsibility for toxic behavior and selfish choices.) I'm with you on that!

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