in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)


"Women are crazy"
"Women are irrational"
"Women are too emtotional"
"Women dont know what they want"

These are just a few common stereotypes of women perpetuated by BOTH sexes, but lets be honest, there is almost always some truth to be found in stereotypes. Lets get to the reason why sayings like these are so common and learn how to be less dismissive in our descriptions of women, because underneath these unflattering stereotypes lie valuable secrets, and dare I say, magic.

In this article, science and mysticism will meld in an unexpected pairing to bring light into the occult anatomy of woman.


Lets begin with some scientific facts about women.

Women can identify more color and audio tones than men. They also have a more acute sense of taste, smell and touch. Their body has thousands of times more sensory organs on it. So when we say that women are sensitive, we mostly think of emotional sensitivity, but it obviously goes well beyod that.


Is it not obvious that nature intended for women to be the receivers?

Can this xplain "womans intuition"?

Not only is woman built to receive more signal, but she is also 3X as likely as a man to be a Synsthesiac, which means that her senses can pick up information from other senses. She is more likely to hear colors or taste sounds. Yes, it sounds crazy, but Synesthesia is a real thing.


When we mention intuition, we throw it in the superstition bin. No one really wants to examine why it is that we attribute it so heavily to women over men. The truth is that intuition is a psychic phenomenon that can be tuned. And when I say psychic, I know we have a tendency to throw that in the superstition bin as well, but I mean it in the psychological sense. There is a reason why most psychics are women.

The problem in the mass perception of women is that science is male dominated because it must be "left brained". Believe it or not, we each have a male and female brain working together. The brain is perfectly split into hemispheres, the left being the male and the right being the female. On this physical plane, material existence must be science/logic dominated. Our language and sciences do not make much room for understanding the extra female phenomena because it only applies to half of existence.

And this leads to one reason why many will perceive half of the population as irrational or crazy. They just dont see the world like the other half, and those who do experience extra-sensory information dont have a language or the understanding in which to express it.

But there are in fact many "crazy" women, and this leads to the second reason why we perceive women as such.


Just because we dont teach about extra-sensory female perception in the mainstream, doesnt mean that it is not being used against us in the dark. In our American economy for instance, women consume more than 2X as much as men. They are more than 2X as likely to suffer depression as well. I dont know about you, but it seems to me like someone is fucking with the signals.

The truth is that if you want to control a population, you must focus on the women. If you can control them, the men will follow, because women ultimately own sexual reproduction. This is why marketting is so heavily focussed on women over men. There are many more signals being used on women because of the occult knowledge of their anatomy.


Can you blame SOME women for going "crazy" when they have methodical bullshit like this jamming their signals, when it is overwhelmingly focussed on them above men?

It is not in a womans nature to be insane. This condition is nurtured by cultural engineers in order to keep the divine singals from mankind. A womans nature is divine!

The key for women is to first to get in touch with and understand their occult anatomy. Time alone, meditation and art are great ways to start.

Secondly, they must reduce the intake of bad signals via cultural programming. This will allow the psychic powers to become more acute and in ones control. It will also allow one to become less enslaved by emotion, as a females emotions are increasingly ill-tuned. Women are not supposed to feel all of the things they often do, which lead to ill-action. The truth is that this applies to men and women, but again, the main focus of the social engineers is obviously women, and for good reason.


The Kardashians, fashion magazines, celebrity gossip and things of the like, are there to kill your naturally high sense and make you a slave to the will of wicked social engineers. A woman in her natural design and function is magical. She has psychic powers of intuition and the capacity to receive extra-sensory information.

Women, for the sake of all of mankind, learn to develop your powers.

With love,


In the next day or so, I will write "The Occult Anatomy of Man", and it wont be pretty.

Look forward to it!

informative.! resteemed!

Excellent - thoroughly enjoyed reading this and yes I would totally agree with all of it! ... it is powerful stuff Resteemed and upvoted

"Their body has thousands of times more sensory organs on it. " - I have to call bullshit on this? Not to trash your entire article. Upvoted.

In this eternal battle of Men wanting to DO things and Women wanting to FEEL we might conclude that the only SANE people are those who go a bit insane once a while because of, as you quote, overwhelming signals.

If not for women's occasional insanity and dominion over reproduction, Men would have fucked up this whole world.

Agree 100% with you that Women need to more consciously KEEP their signals flowing so that the 'connection' continues!

Enjoyed your post, upvoted!

"Men would have fucked up this whole world."

I would argue that this world is not so great, and much of it is due t the type of men that women have been programmed to desire. Women are signaled to desire men who value power. They have sex and reproduce with these types, and most of all, they raise these types.

ergo, technically, fucked up by testosterone driven men!

I see your point though!

We have testosterone for a reason. We are supposed to use it. Blaming testosterone is just as silly as blaming womens faults on estrogen.

The Occult Anatomy of Man should clear all of it up though.

Look forward to it...I know it will be deep like your other posts!

Estrogen is the super villain making women crazy. The only hope of victory is a hysterectomy or menopause. But by that time it's already too late.

Really well written and i agree. Women do have a lot more thrown at them by society as far as marketing bs and fittimg into a certain type of societal expectation (i.e. thin is beautful) (you must look like the fuckdashians)..... guess you can see what I think about those 'dashians. Women have a lot thrown at them, it becomes overwhelming. That's why I think there are higher rates of depression THOUGH, that is arguable as well since we all know women are more likely to seek help for depression than are their male counterparts. And as you said we all have "male and female" brains. The men are being hardwired to reject their emotions, because that's not "manly". So in reality a lot of this is skewed bevause there's a lot of pretending going on as both sexes try to fit into societal molds and stereotypes.

Greaaat ;) dont underestimate us ;)

Upvoted and also resteemed!

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