
few things ever change without civil disobedience

That's true, a good observation. I never phrased it that way, but it seems to be thr real way of things indeed.

Hey long time no see my friend, and yes indeed it seems as such.

The day taxes become obsolete is getting closer by each tick of the clock.

I dearly hope so bro.

I sure hope so to.

I was just reading a book "The Power of Habit" and the author wrote that good leaders know the power of a crisis and use it to make the society better. People are most malleable during a crisis and sometimes a temporary chaos can bring years of peace.

"never let a good crisis go to waste" is the saying they use, hence why they like to create them.
(create the) problem
(wait for the) reaction
then (put in place the) solution that deprives citizens of more rights, and gives them less freedom, alternatively known as problem reaction solution, it has been used for thousands of years you see.

Thanks for a top class comment, I look forward to many more I hope.

There will always be chaos and disturbance no matter how much we want to control things. People will never be contorlled forever.

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Yes civil disobedience can be a great way to get things changed for the betterment of everyone accept those in high places.

Yep and sometimes there simply is no viable alternative.

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