Book Of Jeffrey Chapter 14

For the next three days, this is what came out of my mind…
At that moment, the land upon half of the Earth became molten-stone, and a giant lake of fire became visible for all to see, thpse that are left to witness that final hour.
God almighty, sent his Soldiers across the land that is left standing, which is few.
Those that still live in hiding, following that hour judgement, will receive a test for their conviction as what they fear the most comes upon them.
The angel of darkness will descend from the heavens to collect the souls of those that dwell
Man will fear him, and will deny his purpose till the end.
Souls will be weighed and measured, according to their book.
They will be checked for marks exposing their truth, within their hands, and within their heads, each will be measured.
A preacher of a church will be raised for judgment, and will boast over the holiness of his book, which is him.
The angel of darkness will ask but two questions of every man still living past that hour, on the day of judgment from God.
What do you hold as true?
Are you pure of soul?
The preacher will answer, "I am true because I have one faith and one faith leads to my God, my God according to this man".
"My soul is tarnished, but surely a just God would allow for my blessing due to the good I have done within my life"?
After quickly weighing and measuring the works within the book of the preacher, immediately looks within the eyes of he.
Seeing all, and knowing all, immediately the souls is stricken from the body, horrifically thrashing the flesh.
There, the preacher stood within the grips of the mighty angel of God's judgment.
Only, his soul shined darkness amongst the brilliance of his being.
The mighty angel picks the preacher's soul and casts it to the lake, where the eternal suffering will consume his being for all eternity.
A man who consumed alcohol, and had no friends, and was a vagrant is pulled up by the mighty angel.
The Angel asks the man the same questions.
The man replies, "I am good for nothing, and that I drink too much, and I think only of myself".
"I am full of sin, and have lived a life of sin, but I trust that if there were a God, he could understand the complexity of the trials we have been put through".
The angel looks the man in the eyes, much like he did the preacher before him.
Immediately, the man begins to glow, and he shouts out so that all on the ground can hear, and he ascends to the heavens above to live in eternal bliss with the rest of the chosen who were spared the hour of judgment.