12 Rules for Life in a Globalist New World Order

in #conspiracy5 years ago

12 rules.png

Winston Smith had it worse, but the reality is far subtler and more insidious, eventually no one will think to oppose what ever the ministries of truth say because it will not occur to them to question it.

  1. Don’t be afraid of the weather. Climate change nee Global warming is fake.

  2. Races and Sexes are different and complementary – the Truth isn’t racist or sexist.

  3. What goes into your body is directly responsible for your health.

  4. Don’t invest in paper dreams, the financial system will collapse soon.

  5. You don’t need to have anything to hide to value your privacy.

  6. Do not underestimate how much psychological manipulation we are under.

  7. Accept the things you cannot change, and have the courage and determination to change the things you can.

  8. You can’t beat the system but knowing how it works is advantageous (law, banking, markets etc.)

  9. They will have their New World Order, prepare accordingly.

  10. Acquire skills which will be useful for when the SHTF.

  11. Read, study, research – knowledge is power. Always ask ‘what agenda might this source have?'

  12. No one will ever fully align with all of your views. It’s okay to not hate them for it.

with peace & love & grace.


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9 They will have their New World Order, prepare accordingly.

no, they won't. they can't defeat CPC and CPC doesn't want to rule the world.

you don't think the rulers of china are also a part of the brotherhood?

the nwo knows no country or government, it owns the international finance and banking system and almost all world trade. it can pull the plug on it all any time they like, and every one will beg for their reset solution with their being portrayed through their owned media system as the saviours of humanity.

just because you know there really is a conspiracy to rule the world, doesn't mean the other 99% of people have the slightest clue nor care. see rule 6. peace.

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