Monsanto Faces Lawsuit For Hiding Relation Between Glyphosate & Cancer

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

One of the world's most diabolical corporations will finally be tried for denying their crimes in a court. Dewayne Johnson is a 48-year old man from California who is currently fighting both Monsanto & cancer.

June 18th, 2018 marks the date when Dewayne will fight Monsanto in court, alleging that the company has been hiding the potential of cancer from Roundup use for decades.


Dewayne Johnson Is A Cancer Patient

Doctors even tell Johnson that he will only a few more months to live. This does not stop his drive to expose and punish Monsanto for the toxins that they have been (and currently are) spreading across the world.

Recently, Dewayne received a helping hand in his case against Monsanto. Just last week, Judge Curtis Karnow issued an order which allowed jurors to consider that Monsanto has been hiding the truth about glyphosate's potential to harm.

The internal correspondence noted by Johnson could support a jury finding that Monsanto has long been aware of the risk that its glyphosate-based herbicides are carcinogenic … but has continuously sought to influence the scientific literature to prevent its internal concerns from reaching the public sphere and to bolster its defenses in products liability actions. Thus there are triable issues of material fact, LINK

This Is Not Only Going To Blame The Cancer Caused By Roundup On Monsanto

The court case will also discuss whether or not the corporation knew how toxic their product was and the probability of Monsanto actively suppressing the information about this.

This may come as a surprise to some but I am not surprised that Monsanto and other large corporations hide information to protect profits.

This exactly why regulatory agencies cannot rely on manufacturer-backed studies to assess product safety.

Corporation > Scientific Evidence

Glyphosate (active ingredient of Roundup) has been studied for years and always was concluded to be carcinogenic. Even the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer deemed glyphosate a probable carcinogen.

Why is it that everyone believes Monsanto when they say that their product is safe? Why would corporations be given more say than science?


There Is More To Worry About Than Glyphosate

Recent research revealed that the entire Roundup formula is toxic. The U.S. National Toxicology Program conducted the first analysis of herbicides that include glyphosate and discovered that glyphosate becomes more toxic than ever when combined with other powerful chemicals.

Recent research revealed that the entire Roundup formula is toxic. The first analysis of herbicides containing glyphosate was conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program. They discovered that glyphosates becomes much more toxic when it is combined with other chemicals.

Johnson's lawsuit included statements about how Monsanto “championed falsified data and attacked legitimate studies" which wanted to warn consumers and how the corporation is engaged in a “prolonged campaign of misinformation” which was used to trick regulatory agencies into allowing their products to be sold to the public.


Monsanto denies the allegation and stands by the small print which says their product is safe. The biotech giant even assured the public about their safety through studies conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

In 2017, a lawsuit was launched against the EPA, stating that Monsanto had a say in how they classified the chemical. Many people believed that the EPA had enough evidence to classify glyphosate as a carcinogen but did not because Monsanto did not let them. The chemical ended up classified as "not likely to be carcinogenic to humans.”

Why Was There A Lawsuit Against The EPA in 2017?

The lawsuit in 2017 was a response to a letter made public by Marion Coply, former EPA scientist. The letter revealed that Monsanto paid "moles" infiltrated federal agencies and had one goal: keep glyphosate's public image positive.

The Guardian reported that around 4,000 plantiffs have been launched against Monsanto which were similar cases to Johnson's. The main problems that was testified in court was that exposure to Roundup caused them (or their friends & family) to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The Monsanto Conspiracy Continues To Grow

Monsanto is truly one of the most vile companies of all time. Their experiments include GMOs, Agent Orange and Roundup, among others.

It is very brave of Dewayne Johnson to be fighting Monsanto while also fighting cancer. I wish him the best with his court case against Monsanto next month!

If you are worried about having glyphosate in your body I recommend a post I wrote two months ago which detailed how you can remove glyphosate from your body.

Do you believe that Monsanto knew that their Roundup was toxic since the creation of the herbicide?

Sources for images (that are not mine) are provided by clicking on the image itself.

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Great Post and Great News. Wish Dewayne Johnson wins over both : cancer & Monsanto.

Thanks for the kind words! Dewayne is a great man.

Great post, thanks for sharing but, just to be clear this is a California groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson not The Rock strange that they have the same name and are the same age.

Yes. I should have mentioned this. Thank you for pointing it out!

I've seen Stephanie give a talk here in San Francisco in 2017. I was just going to write about this when I decided to search what has already been written about glyphosate on Steemit. Thanks for this info. I didn't know about this lawsuit. Monsanto should be wiped from the face of this Earth. I think I just found my title!

Sounds like a great post you are creating! Good luck with that.

Glad you found inspiration from my post! Steem on

Monsanto is not really any more evil than any other corporation. This is what all big companies do, no different from GM selling cars with defective safety equipment or every tobacco company ever. Corporations are tasked only with making money, nothing besides that, so of course they try to suppress any information or regulation that would effect their bottom line. No different from the drug companies killing hundreds of thousands of people annually and keeping safe cheap alternatives like cannabis from being legal.

I see your point, however, when it comes to food we can't really choose to go without, unlike with cars or tobacco. The main reason why people have targeted Monsanto, and a few other big food corporations, is for their lack of ethics behind sourcing, genetically creating seeds, abusing their power, and lobbying themselves out of courts.

They damage local environment, they are too well connected with certain political powers and they squeeze farmer's income pipeline to gasps of breath.

Monsanto is a scapegoat that we have targeted, just as we have done with Facebook. There are many other companies out there that have just as little of a moral compass as they do.

companies don't exist in order to be ethical, they exist to make money, if they do anything else then they are not doing the right thing.

This is very true @funbobby51, all corps have a certain amount of evil behind them. I just decided to focus on Monsanto in this post.

it's not really any more evil than a lion eating a gazelle, it's just their nature. As a society we need to make sure that our representatives in government are beholden to the interests of the people instead of the interests of the corporations, if we allow those who serve corporate interests over those of the people to stay in office then we have no one to blame but ourselves.

While no till farming is bad for many reasons it also has many benefits. It is both good and bad, it has a lot of advantages over previous paradigms. That's why farmers choose it.

Well if The Rock can't beat Monsanto no one can.

Haha. Random coincidence with that one 😀

I wish him luck and hope he wins. Exposing these bastards for when they are 💯🐒

I do as well. Thanks for your comment 👍

Small chips will eventually cause it to collapse 💯🐒

I certainly don't agree with the majority of what Monsanto does. Their practices leave something to be desired for sure. I will say though, that I suspect most, well certainly most people commenting here aren't farmers. And by that I don't mean gardeners but farmers who count on crops for their livelihood. I am. And not an "organic" farmer either. Organic farming limits income to either paltry or demands so much money upfront that only the largest of businesses could sustain themselves.
Anyway, its always been known that there needs to be proper handling of and implimentation of herbicides. Although not required for non-professional application, Tyvex suites and proper respiration protection are clearly recommended in the printed material given on each bottle of roundup. Now I am talking about bottles that aren't available at any home improvement store, but bottles of RoundUp Pro, Makazi etc. This is the bread and butter of Monsanto. This is what people are up in arms about as it gets sprayed on or near crops that will end up in the supermarket.
Herbicides are clearly poison and anyone spraying them without protection is spraying poison on themselves, simple as that.
If Monsanto is brought down - meh, another will take its place. Herbicides are absolutely necessary for farming on a scale large enough to feed this ever growing population. Absolutely. Unless you can name an economically viable alternative way of farming on such a scale, that's the way its going to stay. Greenhouses are great, but not for corn farming, nor citrus, nor most vegetables. Outdoors, weeds and pests take over...that's nature, and that's thanks to an expanding and invading population.
Anywho, it is a fact that herbicides are becoming less effective due to certain plants becoming immune to their effects. This is a problem not unlike people becoming immune to the effects of antibiotics; although not as bad, it will be just as problematic in the future unless it can be overcome.
Oh well, I could keep on ranting, but I won't . I do agree that Monsanto should make people even more aware of the dangers of its chemicals.

That is the only fair way if we cannot get rid of the chemicals: Education is key!

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