The Game to End All NAMES

in #conspiracy8 years ago

The Game to End All NAMES

The answer is so simple, at first glance you won't believe it; promise. After a literal lifetime of being duped and committing fraud since only three days after my live birth/re-entry to this realm, I was dealing in stolen property. I was using something that never belonged to me because it was sold willingly, if unknowingly and unwittingly, by my parents. They even got a receipt of my being sold into slavery called a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. At that point, I was no longer free in their world of commerce; I was a slave, cargo, salvage etc. and, more simply, chattel.
The Vatican has pulled off this ruse with astonishing ease but when the first and original sin was created by them, UNUM SANCTUM of 1302, there were guys running around killing anyone who might dare challenge the church and the self-proclaimed "god" on earth called the Pope. The bitch of it is we bought it, if unwillingly at first. As time marched on as time in the now always does, it got easier to control the slaves with trinkets and baubles actually getting other humans to help them and help them we did. You see, in 1302, Pope Boniface the VIII declared that all TITLES and PROPERTY on, over and under the earth to now belong to the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. In short, the HOLY SEE/SEA. Gosh darn if anyone decided to even think about challenging that, what with all the fear, death, mayhem and hell they wrote into their self-written book called the Buy-bull.
With that much fear running about, it wasn't too hard to enforce especially at a spear point, a sword or as in now, gunpoint. This game has always been about free will choice, pure and simple. Tagging along with that is the universal law of honour that none shall break, not even the "bad guys". This is the one "rule to ring them all". Tolkien almost had it right, just backwards. Funny how everything in this whirled is just that; backwards as if in a holographic mirror. That would only be if that were so and, quite frankly, it is. So, now with the church literally ruling the hearts and mineds of men, the job was fairly simple and they adjusted the game as consciousness rose slowly like a phoenix from the flame. Yup, they almost had us but the ruse is up and the one thread to unravel their Ba'al worshipping robes are shredding now. How do I know this? Easy, I live these words, not just utter them.
Here was the quandary however. How did they trap us if free will choice is paramount and mandatory? Again, an easy answer. Through our own sleepy consent of course. Over the centuries, it got harder to kill with impunity. In the past, like now, humans consented to war because the ego says so. It's the old divide and conquer routine and they used that to perfection. The Papal bull of 1302 made the entire world a corporation in one fell swoop with this, the first of three Express Trusts. We consented to go to their schools, read their written works and live by their rules by de-sine.
They even erased the real history of man and gave us a brand new one. Thankfully, the Sumerians left a lot of stuff for us carefully tucked away like another bit of truth called the Nag Hammadi. There were many bits of truth scattered all across the world but I think one of the best cover ups was the changing of the hieroglyphs in Egypt to throw the scent off. Honestly, you have to be a literal "blood" hound to figure this one out and it does require an incredible leap of faith.
This is about completely changing everything that was carefully bred and programmed into the people of the world. This is about finally understanding that everything we thought was true was, in fact, fabricated to suit the needs of a very few that retained the truth to use for their own gains. The ongoing and wholesale slaughter we witnessed was all by design and we happily, being controlled by fear, did their bidding for them. Nice gig for the string pullers and puppet-masters with us as the useful puppets. Here is the irony in all of this and it has been staring us in the face for millennia. They literally, not figuratively made real puppets out of us all.
There is more truth in the story of Pinocchio than would meet the eye. It's all fantasy right? Truth be known, fantasy is the last place anyone would look but really, given the factious nature of the corporate law world; it's a perfect place to hide the mirror. So, back to the puppet analogy. I promise you, your ego won't let you believe this but I suggest you pay very close attention and see if you can see between the veils. Those with no or lesser egos will find this rather enlightening.
They needed us to believe and consent to being their puppets and they did that through the process I wrote in the first paragraph of this. What I am giving you in this document is the key, the last one, to freedom but actually, it is you clinging to the chains of your own slavery if you can only see it and simply let go. Bet you can't. You have their things, their illusions, their NAME that you think is yours, you have their fictional money created in debt yet you chase it every day with all your might. Yes, they have you right where your ego wants you. Imprisonment and you walked in their cell and closed the door behind you because I know you're all too scared to let go. They made you cling to a NAME because your parents gave you it.
Yes, they did but they also sold it for things like baby bonus, child benefits etc. One days' interest on your bond would cover the lifetimes worth they "give" you back. Great deal huh? Yet, you will continue to use their bank accounts and they are THEIRS. That's why they can seize them which is my reason for showing people how to get them to do that.
I even had to bribe my old bank to seize my accounts. Yup, they took the bait and seized the accounts and thus the fictional debt. Oh yes, I've been a very busy being standing my ground in truth and honour and guess what? The universe provides if you let the divine plan go to work. Hey, the math is already perfect, we made it that way.
Now, imagine you're a ventriloquist for a moment with the puppet on your lap. Put a NAME tag on it with the Birth Corticated NAME on that tag. This is the visual to make explaining this very simplest of truths that I know the old world order was desperate to hide. To explain how many roads I took to get here boggles even myself when I take the time to actually think about it but the overall picture is crystal clear. This is where the real leap of faith and trust in the Universe/Creator comes in. If you can see this, trust in yourself, get ready for the click of clicks.
You, the living being have to animate the puppet to make it appear to be talking and you learn to throw your voice just like the corporate world wants you to. You became a master at making your puppet speak, almost to the point where it takes on your complete personality right down to all the GOVERNMENT ID they make you believe is you. If you actually noticed, the Birth Certificate actually says right on it "not to be used for identification purposes" yet try and get a passport without it. Most don't realize this but with a passport it states that you're the bearer, not the NAME. The older ones anyway like my old British Passport Joinder. Hell, they even put a picture of the puppet in the ID's that look exactly like you but they too cannot talk until YOU animate it.
They're literally banking on it folks since there is a SURETY BOND attached to you that makes them scads of money. I will say again to remind everyone that the BOND is theirs, not yours so don't bother chasing it like many fools do. Truth: there is no remedy in commerce, their "legal fiction" system etc. because THEY didn't design it to benefit you, it was for themselves. By using their fiction debt notes we empower them and give life and energy to the corruption and they use your ego and greed to keep it that way. Works a treat. They got you chasing it right? So, how to solve this dilemma because right now panic sets in with " but how will I survive?" I refer to that as the drive through mentality, instant gratification and oh no, the world ends tomorrow scenario. It's very difficult for "EMPLOYEES" to get this and to get out of the system because the companies they work for are slaves to the game.
This is the reason why middle class had to be destroyed because small business owners, being the majority class, had to be dismantled with box stores and warehouse shopping. For those of us that made our way through life owning our own means of survival can see this truth easier since they answer to no one but themselves. I never collected one dime from the guys that worked in contract under me because I don't get paid to collect THEIR taxes for them. They have their own slaves for that demeaning job but it "pays" well if you like getting debt for payment and helping THEM to enslave your friends and family alike.
Here's the click and trick for freedom but I'm still betting you won't get it. I live this talk not just walk it. If you need proof, that'll be your ego talking but suffice it say the proof is the fact that you're getting this from me. Don't be thinking you're just going to get out of the system and still expect their benefits because you won't. Yep, you actually have to stand on your own two feet and take the mittens with strings off. Back to the puppet to finish this.
I'll use a "court room" scenario to drive this puppet home. So, you're standing there in front of one of their Priests of Ba'al and they want you to SWEAR on their rule book; the buy-bull. Problem is, they keep calling the NAME and you're not talking, they're talking to your "puppet". It's only when you choose to animate THEIR puppet that they have you COLD in fraud, dishonour and insanity since birth. It's amazing that this puppet looks exactly like you, shares a similar sounding name that you dare not even utter but it cannot talk by itself, you have to do the talking for it if you CONSENT to giving them an ACT.
They just made you BELIEVE you were the puppet and they had us in complete dishonour since the day the NAME was REGISTERED. I will ask you this. Does a puppet know how to answer mail, answer the phone or talk without you holding it? Not at all so best that you give the puppet back, get over the fact that you were pawned and get on with your life in freedom. How would you like to get rid of all "debts" without doing a thing? Told you it was simple but you still can't fathom this ultimate of truths can you? When you respond to anything what are you doing? Let's take a closer listen shall we?
Try this way instead; Re-Spawned. Sounds the same with a whole different meaning doesn't it. What is the purpose of salmon working their way back upstream to deposit their spawn? At the ends of their lives they come back to put new life into the river they come from and that is what you do every time you re-spawned to the NAME; you give it life and all THEY need to beat their slaves who are really fraudulent and dishonourable criminals. That is how these controllers stay in honour and keep you in dishonour ad infinitum. As a result of this truth I have reclaimed my JURISDICTION over their JURIS-FICTION. But you say to me that in the legal aspects of contracts, you have to respond in 3 days or the contract (not-land) they offer is acquiesced to? Sorry, I don't follow their fictional laws designed by them to keep me trapped by my own dishonour thinking they're real...
Again, what happens in juris-fiction, STAYS in juris-fiction and I will not surrender my living flesh to a court lower than my own sovereign one. Besides, I'm real, not Pinnochioette. Maybe I'm lucky being born the way I was having never been the name and was only polite in my use of it while I tried to figure out why I was wrong about me. Turns out I was wrong about being wrong and the universe gave me a gift to be able to see this truth. I sure hope you can but I'm still betting you won't. In closing I'll just say this....Mort-gauge (death wage)...I got no stinking mortgage, talk to the puppet or in common to the hand with the puppet on it. So glaringly simple but I'll also bet the mighty gurus will scoff as they try to get their BONDS and actually think there are real courts. Truth be known?
If we truly knew unconditional love, we would never need them in the first place...right children? Everything I needed to learn I learned in kindergarten with sharing, laughter, creativity, friendships, teamwork, common goals but most of all I learned how to love just for the sake of love...In the meantime, enjoy your puppet acts, you're putting on quite a show and illusion for your masters and they are loving you in a completely different way....that's odd, feels more like rape. Been there in more ways than one and it was always the CROWN doing it....go figure...much love ... 5 bucks says you still don't grasp this....leggo your ego, then you might.


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- Albert Einstein

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