You Are Not Alone!

in #conspiracy7 years ago

I hear it all the time in the community. Things like "My friends think I'm crazy for having my own opinion", or "My family won't speak to me, they think I am a conspiracy theorist" ect. I totally understand being up late at night, sitting there looking at the screen dazed thinking, is this for real? How can so many people around me walk around with out any notion of what is taking place around us. Why Can't I have a simple conversation with others without them instantly thinking I'm crazy. What happened to rational thought and critical thinking, where one does not have to "self censor" their words just cause someone might get offended. We don't want to turn off our close friends, family, and be shut out of their lives just for questioning the official story.

I have been there so many times, late at night, feeling so alone. Like I was on the loosing side. And then there are those times when I feel so much passion in my heart, I feel like I am not alone, that I am well connected, and grounded by my own knowledge and inner truths that brought me to the depths of finally reaching out to others. Simply I am here, they are here, and we are all here together. Its crazy to share a rock, with forces of love, and forces of straight pure evil. No child in their innocence would want to believe in such malevolence that could be caused by others for no reason other than sake of profit and greed.

But I digress, the real reason I am writing this is you are not alone by far. In my obsessions with psychology, looking for a means of way to use linguistics in our favor of waking others around us up, I realized something. We can't save everyone. Its human nature. We all have our own path to follow. For some of us, its to reach out to others, and inform everyone, give them the tools they need to break the shackles that bind them in place. We all have our own purpose. That is something for you to figure out, as you are the only one who can make that decision. Remember, this is gods freedom. The highest freedom means that anything goes. We have to choose what environment we want to be surrounded in. We have to create for ourselves the world we crave, and want to see. I have a good question to ask to end this paragraph, If it was easy, if there were no obstacles in our way, if life was perfect; would you learn and grow?

I totally feel you all on those late nights, those days when it seems like the feat is impossible. When our thoughts just seem to go out of control, where we feel helpless. We all feel like this at some point. Its not a fun experience. I know, I have been there with you. Feeling depressed, alone, and afraid. I remember at one point growing up having the realization, the dream, the notion that of a crowd of people going one direction; I the lone wolf walking against the tide. Fighting the flow and moving my own direction. It was a really scary realization. I would meditate and think of people in the past that lived through tyranny, how much courage it took to get to this point where we stand now questioning even further. The men and women who gave their lives so we could have this moment in time, where we could step back and say something is not right.

The truth of the matter is, fear is a weapon. Fear makes individuals behave in ways they normally would not. Once in that state, it can be very hard to break free of the thought cycle "woe is me". So how do we get out of this position, out of this thinking process once it strikes us? I ponder this a lot. Even with great experience, the understanding of how our brains work, this can be a difficult task. So I am going to do my best to give you some resources and things to do when we hit this rock bottom of thought. In the end, it will be up to you to make the decision, to pick yourself up, and leave behind the useless jargon that binds us to these feelings.

The hardest thing to master as a human being, is our own thought process. Everyone gets negative thoughts. Its the easiest thing for the brain to do. Why? This was a defense mechanism we needed in the past to survive. We don't need to fear anything anymore. Yet its easy to fall into this paradox. The hardest thing for most is to reach out. Yes we can't always go to our friends or family when it comes to this situation cause they might not understand where we are coming from. But the reality is, there are so many people like you and I. Who feel this same oppression. Never be afraid to reach out and ask for help.

This is the first step. The power of asking others, even if its a stranger,this is one of the greatest tools in your shed. It sits there collecting dust until we pull it out, and tighten this bond. Even if the out come is not what we would hope, it is still part of our growing process. Eventually, we all find someone we can relate to. Its one of the major reasons we seek out the videos in the truther community, not just to learn more, but to connect and find others we can relate too. That we are not alone, and that is a great feeling. This is one of the ways we can empower ourselves. But what do we do when we have can't find that one person who will relate to our experience, and be there with us?

Sometimes, taking a step back, taking some deep breaths in and closing our eyes, and catching the thoughts as they come can be a powerful tactic. Its not easy to do. We have to be diligent on our thinking process. A good tip to do is just to write down our feelings. This can help us vent out the emotions, and watch our thinking process in a different way. Don't force yourself, just let it flow. Seeing our thoughts visually can be very helpful. This can help us sort out the root of what is causing us anguish inside.

Finally I want to finish with apps like discord. Text goes only so far. But Discord and other apps with voice chat are a great way to connect with others who feel the way you do. Some folks will be afraid to reach out this way. I have had nothing but really good experiences. It can seem very intimidating at first. While we may run into trolls, that should not stop us from coming together in anyway. I hope that this article is helpful, and that it inspires you all in some way. Much love to you all, may you find what you are seeking in this amazing world. 23737610_739114882948730_3414758338343934660_o.jpg


It's so awesome to remember that, even though a lot of 'real life' experiences suggest otherwise, there are more people awake, or waking up than we may realize! Thank you 🤗

Any time. Have a wonderful day!

Thanks for this share!

LOVE LOVE LOVE. You are the best. Keep spreading your light.

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