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Not a topic I've looked into really but I think I have to give you this one as most likely, without doing any research.
Hey, did I hear correctly? Are you guys not allowed to have gardens over there in NZ anymore? I could ask google but I'd rather ask you.
No that is utter crap - people on Steemit seem to be repeating that story - most people in NZ have gardens, so I don't know where that came from - maybe a state in America?
It's the national hobby!
"Gardening is a popular pastime in New Zealand and a range of books, magazines and television programmes are dedicated to the topic"
Now that I have that from a reputable source I decided I'd google it. Geeze, that story is 2 years old!
I was hoping to hear it was some crazy thing to do with evil plant roots interfering with all of the tech-bazillionaire bunkers they say you have over there!
The bunker stories are 90% fake as well - there are just a couple of wealthy recluses
They make south Wiarapa sound so great - it's not! - just a distant farming area with a very average climate and no real attractions
I'm trying to think of any other NZ things I should ask you about...
When is kiwifruit season?
They are a summer fruit - so November to February is the main season
Do you get the gold ones or just the hairy green ones?
I don't think I've ever had the gold ones. We do love the hairy green ones though!
I order fruit direct from farmers sometimes, oranges and stuff. I wonder how crazy it would be to order in from New Zealand. I shipped a book to Austrailia recently and that was $25. I bet it would be worth the air fare though. Maybe you could point me to an excellent little organic farmer practicing permaculture that happens to ship worldwide?! Anyone like that exist? The permaculture part might be a bit to ask but a girl can dream.
Are those true facts?
The gold ones are MUCH nicer
Where about do you live?
Yes the Kiwi stuff is all true - but the really interesting birds are Keas
All NZ birds are named after the noise they make
Kea - the smartest of all parrots!
Pennsylvania. A little bit of a trip for the tasty little things but now I really want to try the gold ones!
I will check out the Keas. Thank you! I've never heard of them but I love the look of those feathers.
That's funny. I didn't know that. So Kiwi's walk aroung saying "Kiwi"? I'm going to have to find a recording of that!
Don't miss what my mom's been doing!