September 11, 2001: Anyone ever heard of the company AMEC?

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


Does anyone else find it interesting that a company called AMEC Construction (a subsidiary of the British conglomerate, AMEC) the day prior to the 9/11 attacks (Sept 10, 2001) had just finished a multi-month long bomb mitigation renovation to a specific section of the Pentagon, including the addition of said-to-be "Kevlar" reinforcements inside the exterior walls on the bottom floors of the West face of wedge 1 as well as the internal walls of the Office of Naval Intelligence inside the building, which just so happens to be the exact location of the pentagon that was "struck" the following day during the attacks, and that this exact location is right next to where the pentagon budget office computers were held, destroying the primary records of the 2.3 trillion dollars which was announced missing by then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld the same day the renovations were completed (Sept 10, 2001), and also killing 95% of the team inside the building who were trying to track the missing money that morning?

Does anyone else find it interesting that this same company AMEC also did a series of multiple renovations to Building 7 (WTC7) leading up to 9/11 as well, and "by chance" that's where the offsite backup records for the pentagon budget computers were held (on a secure server within WTC7), and because of this the offsite backup pentagon budget records were also destroyed that same day during the attacks, eliminating the only other pentagon budget records that could be used to "try" to track the "missing" trillions going forward?

Does anyone else find it also interesting that after the pentagon "attack" on 9/11 this same company AMEC was the primary entity hired to cleanup the pentagon debris, and was also tasked with rebuilding the damaged area of the pentagon (wedge 1) for a 2nd time?

Does anyone else find it interesting again that this same company AMEC was 1 of 5 companies put in charge of the WTC debris removal in NYC after the 9/11 attacks took place, and was even the primary company in charge, and was the specific company responsible for the Hudson River barging operations to transport debris from the WTC site to a Staten Island landfill and then the steel recycling operations in New Jersey?

All just a coincidence I am sure...

About The Author:
My name is Brandon (AKA TruthNow88), I am 35 years old and in live just outside of Toronto in the Great White North known as Canada. I have a 1 year old Cocker Spaniel/Golden Retriever crossbreed named Barkley (otherwise known as Monster... I swear this dogs so hyper it may very well be the key to zero-point energy...). I am a Search Engine Optimization specialist, website designer/analyzer and amateur blogger by day, and a coffee drinking, weed smoking, crypto trading conspiracy theorist by night. I love things that get my brain pumping and am really into politics, economics, world events, conspiracy theories, and more recently cryptocurrencies, as well as TV/movies, travel and I am also a huge fan of comedy in general (as they can't make the world go to war if everyone is laughing). I am somewhat new to the crypto world and Steemit in general but recently decided to try to jump in with both feet and see what happens. So far I am loving the people and concepts that Steemit and the crypto world are creating for the future, and I feel honored to be part of its infancy. Anyways I guess that's about it, and remember let nothing hold you back... FULL STEEM AHEAD!


Anyways the way I see it...

Direct Involvement = United States, Israel, Britain
Indirect Involvement = Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Canada

United States = provided needed drills to allow event to happen (Amalgam Virgo 02-1 Red Spins, Amalgam Virgo 01, Vigilant Guardian, Global Guardian, Tripod II, Northern Vigilance, as well as several others), set drill security to lowest level possible that morning to allow for drill hacks (entire operation ran through hacks via prep for Global Guardian allowing for maximum plausible deniability), provided needed access to secure systems (PENTAGON/NORAD/FAA via PTECH as prep for Vigilant Guardian and Global Guardian), purposefully created breakdown in chain of command during event (via a final element of Vigilant Guardian (attack on capitol with break in chain of command) to be used to initiate Global Guardian continuity of government protocols), and then provided all elements of the aftermath cover up (Tripod II, Timely Alert II, MASCAL, AMEC...).
sidenote: The operation was done via CoG and its various branches including Kroll Int, PTECH and MITRE Corp (just to name a few) as well as a small group within the federal government itself in key positions such as Chaney, Rumsfeld, Zakheim to (just to name a few).

Israel = Managed the prep elements of the WTC 1/2 demolition operation (via Gelatin/E-Team/Urban Moving Systems...)

Britain = Managed the prep elements of the Pentagon and WTC7 demolition operations (via AMEC construction "bomb mitigation" renovations)

Saudi Arabia = Used by US for wanted public cover patsy's (and backup fall guy in worst case situation).

Pakistan = Used by US for wanted patsy payment/paper trail (and backup fall guy in worst case situation).

Canada = Used by US to allow drill hacks to switchover to "live events" to ensure the event went down without being interception in any way (via the drill Vigilant Guardian, which put Canadian NORAD in charge of the entire Eastern sector of US air defense during the attacks).
sidenote: Canada was the Blue Team (defenders), US was the Red Team (attackers).

Anyways, just my 2 cents...