in #conspiracy6 years ago

Operation Talpiot is the back door data pipeline from the NSA to Israel. Everything you communicate electronically is stored and analyzed by Israel.

Check out Israel Greatest Spy Machine of All Time blog by Brendon O'Connell exposing Operation Talpiot

Courtesy of Brendon O'Connell‏


Video (mirrored) published on February 2, 2018 courtesy of Brendon O'Connell



The Intel Management system. Or, the Israel Management System.

A tiny "Arc Processor" sitting within the Intel CPU with it's own custom version of Linux (Minix) operating beyond the software level - completely transparent to the end user. Does not matter if your using Windows, Linux or Apple are toast and THIS is how Israel does it. All part of The Talpiot Program.

No one is safe - no one. AMD has the exact same system - Platform Security System - and that is now totally owned and run by China. The ENTIRE worlds "Cloud Based" Internet system is backdoored by Israel. THIS is a national security disaster. Disaster is spelt D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R. I have copped endless shit for 9 years exposing this.

I have been jailed, beaten, bashed, vilified and threatened with the dreaded "Wood Shed" by Ry Ry Dawson [shivers], but I am still here. And so are you. I have been greeted by high level players. Everyone HATES Israel. Everyone. They just have the key staff in key positions bribed and blackmailed. They have "kill switched" the worlds infrastructure. This is why Netanyahu is soooooooooo cocky and why we never seem to get anywhere. - Brendon O'Connell


Video (mirrored) published on April 13, 2018 courtesy of Brendon O'Connell


Talpiot Talk with Greg McCarron of The Antedote | The active long-term Soviet Israel cell in the US must be exposed and removed.

Posted on September 25, 2018

by Talpiot Talk

Published (mirrored) on September 25, 2018 courtesy of Talpiot Talk


For more information on Operation Talpiot: Operation Talpiot

Unit 8200, founded 1952

Unit 8200 #ISRAEL Cyber Warfare Unit | Unit 8200 (Hebrew: יחידה 8200‎‎, Yehida Shmoneh-Matayim) is an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting signal intelligence (SIGINT) and code decryption. It also appears in military publications as the Central Collection Unit of the Intelligence Corps and is sometimes referred to as Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU).

THE HISTORY AND IMPACT OF UNIT 8200 ON ISRAELI HI-TECH | The attitude of these early Zionists still exists in modern Israeli society, and the nation’s … beginnings have had a lasting impact on the nation’s culture. Unit 8200, and its precursors, embodied this … spirit … [which] continues to drive innovation and has turned Israel into one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. …

Unit 8200 began as a collection of pre-independence intelligence and signals gathering groups that honed their technological skills on British and Arab adversaries. After independence in 1948, the Israeli military, now called the IDF, set up an electronic warfare unit in a green villa that was formerly inhabited by an Arab sheik in the old port town of Jaffa, just south of Tel Aviv. The group was given the codename “Rabbit” and put in charge of breaking codes and intercepting Arab communications. During this time, very few countries possessed any ability to intercept and break codes. The U.S., U.K., and the Soviet Union were among the few countries with this ability. This technological ability was not purchased from any other country, but rather developed by early Israeli computer engineers, some of whom had recently emigrated from the Soviet Union. The Unit had some unique restraints that did not exist in the other technologically advanced countries, which included a lack technical experience, technological institutions, funds, and manpower. To compensate for these deficiencies, members of the Unit resorted to crude, albeit effective, techniques to monitor Arab communications. These techniques included stringing up an antenna made of metal wire between two poles, connected to an old Hallicrafter’s S-38, a popular civilian radio in the 1930s and 40s. In 1949, the Unit developed a more sophisticated monitoring systems based on stolen BBC plans. …

Read more: Unit 8200, founded 1952


Unit 8200 Where Are You - Blackbird9 Podcast

September 27, 2017

by Frederick C. Blackburn, a telecommunications expert and former NSA contractor

Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club's Wednesday Podcast Unit 8200 Where Are You? Tonight we will discuss Israel's Operation Talpiot and the mysterious Telecommunications Unit 8200.

In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn will cover the recent chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission: establish a Greater Israel ruled by globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other nations to surrender their independent sovereignty.

In the Second Hour, Unit 8200 Where Are You?, the host looks at Israel's Operation Talpiot and the clandestine Telecommunications Unit 8200 who seem to be positioned EVERYWHERE in the US Telecom grid. Expanding on his personal experience in the Telecommunications Industry in the run up to . . . and in the aftermath of 9-11, we will discuss the history of this particular type of illegal electronic surveillance by both foreign and domestic jewish interests in the United States. From the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution to the (((Full Spectrum Dominance))) agenda of these Modern Maccabees working for the Greater Israel agenda all roads always seem lead to Israel and World Zionism. Every. Single. Time.

Unit 8200 Where Are You - Blackbird9 Podcast


How Israel is becoming the world’s top cyber superpower

March 13, 2018

by Vice News

Israel, or "Startup Nation" as some call it, has become a world leader in cyber security. And the nation's military is fueling its supremacy.

Although Israel makes no cars of its own, the world's top auto-security companies are all Israeli. The country also receives roughly one-fifth of the world's global private investment in cyber security. As independent and state-sponsored hackers wreak havoc, Israel continues to revolutionize its military and lead the way in the field.

To start, the Israeli Defense Force recruits the best and brightest coders and hackers as teens, to funnel them into their elite cyber warfare units.

“Because going to the service is compulsory, you can look at the Israeli army as the largest HR organization in the world,” said Roni Zehavi, the CEO of CyberSpark, a government initiative that serves as an innovation incubator.

These elite units are some of the most impressive in the world. Unit 8200, for example, used to be a closely guarded secret because it's believed to be responsible for the STUXNET cyber-attack that sabotaged the Iranian nuclear program.

The skills these soldiers learn in units like 8200 are extremely profitable on the free-market. Former Israeli soldiers have brought their military and technological know-how to the private sector and created companies that specialize in cyber defense and offense.

VICE's Ben Ferguson traveled to Israel to investigate the future of cyber warfare from the country that's dedicated itself to becoming a superpower. While there, he explored the blurred lines among education, military tech entrepreneurship, and excessive surveillance.

How Israel Rules The World Of Cyber Security, VICE on HBO, Full Episode / 18.04.2018 - NEW!


Published (mirrored) on April 19, 2018 courtesy of Harold Benny

Source: How Israel is becoming the world’s top cyber superpower


6 Reasons Israel Became A Cybersecurity Powerhouse Leading The $82 Billion Industry

July 18, 2017

by Gil Press

“Cyber is a great business. It’s growing geometrically because there is never a permanent solution, it’s a never-ending business,” said Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s Prime Minister, at Tel-Aviv University’s 7th Annual Cybersecurity Conference. Thomas Bossert, Assistant to the U.S. President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, announced at the event the creation of a US-Israeli bilateral cyber working group that will develop “innovative cyber defenses we can test here and then take back to America.”

Israel has become a cybersecurity powerhouse at the center of an $82 billion industry (not counting spending on internal security staff and processes). In addition to collaborating with super-powers, Israel is assisting smaller nations (e.g., Singapore), creating 300+ cybersecurity startups (for examples, see here and here), exporting last year $6.5 billion in cybersecurity products, convincing more than 30 multinationals to open local R&D centers, and attracting foreign investors. “In 2016, we had about 20% of the global private cyber security investment,” said Netanyahu.

Read more: 6 Reasons Israel Became A Cybersecurity Powerhouse Leading The $82 Billion Industry


Talpiot, the Multipolar World Order

April 9, 2018

by Joseph Davis

Israel is leading the march from a US dominated unipolar world order to a Russia-China dominated multipolar world order. Over the past thirty years we’ve seen a shift in the nature of Jewish power that drives London (the global finance capital), the United States (the dominant global military superpower), and Israel (the top global cyber and technology superpower) by Russian Jews, and even Russian gentiles as is the case with Israel.

In a recent 2018 Guardian article titled ‘How Russia’s rich elite spend their billions in London,’ which has been taken down, Roman Borisovich writes (emphasis added):

“Things changed when the [Russian Jewish] oligarchs started buying the most expensive properties in London and Surrey, opening bank accounts for their companies (many of which were based in overseas British island territories) and buying British football clubs. …

They have been around for almost 20 years, a super-rich colony in the heart of the capital. Many maintain ties with Russia [and Putin and Israel] and most remain “non-doms” – a dazzling loophole in the British tax system. …

Some oligarchs are said to provide other services to the Kremlin. Some finance ultra-right movements; others sponsor anti-EU thinktanks and publications.”
Around ten years before this Russian Jewish oligarch takeover of London, we saw an influx of Russian Jewish migrants into the United States. In a 2009 Forward article titled ‘Russians Now Big Players in American Jewish Philanthropy,’ Gal Beckerman writes (emphasis added):

“When hundreds of thousands of Jews began leaving the Soviet Union 20 years ago, American Jews looked at them the way a father beams at his children. …

Rich Russian Jews, bursting with ideas for how they can have an impact on the Jewish world and informed by their unique histories of growing up in the Soviet Union, are making their presence felt in unprecedented ways on the unexpected turf of the United States. …

Russian Jews were never disengaged from Jewish philanthropy. Throughout the 1990s, the oligarchs who made money quickly and in great quantities invested in resuscitating Jewish communal life, from establishing the Russian Jewish Congress, to building synagogue and community centers, to sponsoring Chabad-Lubavitch’s [see this] missions throughout the former Soviet Union.

But now these Russian Jewish philanthropists are looking outside the bounds of their own community and funding on a larger and less parochial scale. Their massive giving is also having a ripple effect on the American Jewish world, forcing organizations who want to vie for these funds to think creatively about how to get them — in some cases shifting much of their focus to programming for Russian-speaking Jews, which some argue was always lacking. …

The concept, in the case of Genesis, is strengthening the Jewish identity of Russian-speaking Jews in various communities all over the world. Started by Mikhail Fridman [mentioned in the Guardian article above], who then recruited four other Moscow-based Jewish businessmen, the group has been on a funding streak in North America since it formed in 2007

According to Stan Polovets, a Moscow-based oil executive who is also president and CEO of Genesis, the group has narrowly focused its funding on keeping Russian Jews and their children from assimilating. …

As of yet, there has been no backlash from American Jewish leaders, even though the introduction of these Russian-Jewish billionaires into the conversation constitutes a shift in power and focus.”
Mikhail Fridman, mentioned in both articles cited above, is linked to Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin as per this 2016 Forward article titled, ‘Is Jewish Oligarch the Cyber Link Between Donald Trump and Russia?‘.

At the same time frame of the influx of Russian Jewish migrants into the United States, the same was happening in Israel. In a 2011 Guardian article titled, ‘Israel’s former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country,’ Harriet Sherwood writes (emphasis added):

The million-plus citizens of the former Soviet Union who migrated to Israel in the past 20 years have not only made new lives of their own but they have transformed their adopted country. They have influenced the culture, hi-tech industry, language, education and, perhaps most significantly, Israeli politics.

Jews in the former Soviet Union were largely banned from making aliya – migrating to Israel – before the collapse of the empire. But from 1990 onwards they came in their thousands, and they now constitute around 15% of Israel’s 7.7 million population.

Strictly speaking not all of them are Jewish. In traditional Judaism only someone whose mother is Jewish or who has undergone a formal conversion to Judaism is a Jew. But from 1990 anyone from the former Soviet Union who had a Jewish father or grandparent, or who was married to someone meeting those criteria, was granted Israeli citizenship under the country’s law of return.

According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics around 30% of immigrants from the former Soviet Union in the 1990s were not Jews or not considered Jewish under Orthodox law. In 2005 that figure leapt to 59%. Only around 5% of the non-Jews have converted.

“It was a very different type of immigration,” said Lily Galili, an Israeli journalist writing a book about the impact of the tidal wave from the former Soviet Union. “They didn’t want to integrate. They wanted to lead. They changed the nature of the country.”

Unfortunately they [immigrants from former Soviet states] have changed the nature of democracy in Israel,” said Galili. … “And they have strengthened and given confidence to the [homegrown] secular rightwing.” …

Galili pointed to “some sense of alienation between Russian immigrants and native-born Israelis. There is not much social interaction. There are still places for ‘Russians’ that ‘Israelis’ don’t go and aren’t wanted – and vice versa.”

But, she added, there would be no going back. “For many years the joke was that Israel had become the 51st state of the US. Instead we have become just another Soviet republic. It’s quite a twist in the story.“‘
The foundation of Talpiot can be found in United States law

Through Israel’s Talpiot and espionage operations, Israel is able to dominate the high tech sector globally. “Talpiot was intended to give Israel a homegrown military edge, but it is also a contributing factor to its edge in biotech, high-tech and academia [ISRAEL21c, 2012].” “The unit also has to help Israel stay ahead of the United States and other large countries with strong militaries [Times of Israel, 2016].”

Talpiot allows Israel to take US technology and hand it to Russia, China, and beyond, with zero repercussions. Its foundation can literally be found in a recent Congressional bill, ‘S.2497 – United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018‘. By law, the US “shares” technology with Israel all under the guise of ensuring Israel’s national security. Here are some highlights (emphasis added):

(3) On July 27, 2012, the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012 (Public Law 112–150; 22 U.S.C. 8601 et seq.) declared it to be the policy of the United States “to help the Government of Israel preserve its qualitative military edge amid rapid and uncertain regional political transformation” and “provide Israel defense articles and services, to include air refueling tankers, missile defense capabilities, and specialized munitions”. …

(6) On June 22, 2016, Senate Resolution 508 (114th Congress) was introduced in the United States Senate, expressing support for the expeditious consideration and finalization of a new, robust, and long-term Memorandum of Understanding on military assistance to Israel between the United States Government and the Government of Israel.

(7) Senate Resolution 508 provides that the Senate—

(A) “reaffirms that Israel is a major strategic partner of the United States”;

(B) “reaffirms that it is the policy and law of the United States to ensure that Israel maintains its qualitative military edge and has the capacity and capability to defend itself from all credible military threats”;

(C) “reaffirms United States support of a robust Israeli tiered missile defense program”;

(D) “supports continued discussions between the Government of the United States and the Government of Israel for a robust and long-term Memorandum of Understanding on United States military assistance to Israel”;

(E) “urges the expeditious finalization of a new Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United States and the Government of Israel”; and

(F) “supports a robust and long-term Memorandum of Understanding negotiated between the United States and Israel regarding military assistance which increases the amount of aid from previous agreements and significantly enhances Israel’s military capabilities”.

(8) On September 14, 2016, the United States and Israel signed a 10-year Memorandum of Understanding reaffirming the importance of continuing annual United States military assistance to Israel and cooperative missile defense programs in a way that enhances Israel’s security and strengthens the bilateral relationship between the two countries.

(9) The 2016 Memorandum of Understanding reflected United States support of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) grant assistance to Israel over the ten year period beginning in fiscal year 2019 and ending in fiscal year 2028. FMF grant assistance would be at a level of $3,300,000,000 annually, totaling $33,000,000,000, the largest United States assistance package ever and a reiteration of the seven-decade, unshakeable, bipartisan commitment of the United States to Israel’s security.

(10) The Memorandum of Understanding also reflected United States support for funding for cooperative programs to develop, produce, and procure missile, rocket, and projectile defense capabilities over a ten year period beginning in fiscal year 2019 and ending in fiscal year 2028 at a level of $500,000,000 per year, totaling $5,000,000,000.

So, it should not be surprising to read the following excerpt from a recent Business Insider article titled, ‘China’s J-10 fighter jet may be getting some impressive upgrades to make it more stealthy‘ (emphasis added):
The J-10 itself is rumored to be a Chinese copy of the American F-16.

In the 1990s, Israel was hoping to make its own domestic fighter jet that could compete on the international market. It required assistance from US companies and ended up making the IAI Lavi, a fighter that heavily resembled the F-16.

After it was discovered that up to $1.3 billion of US aid to Israel was spent on the development of the Lavi, and that the US was essentially funding a potential competitor, the project was canceled.

The plans for the fighter were then said to have been sold to China. Some US government officials even believed that Israel and China were collaborating with each other to develop the fighter.
Or this excerpt from a 2013 article titled, ‘Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China‘ (emphasis added):

Secret U.S. missile and electro-optics technology was transferred to China recently by Israel, prompting anger from the U.S. and causing a senior Israeli defense official to resign.

The head of defense exports for the Israeli Defense Ministry resigned after a U.S. investigation concluded that technology, including a miniature refrigeration system manufactured by Ricor and used for missiles and in electro-optic equipment, was sent to China, according to the Israeli newspaper Maariv. …

Israel has a long record of getting U.S. military technology to China.

In the early 1990s then-CIA Director James Woolsey told a Senate Government Affairs Committee that Israel had been selling U.S. secrets to China for about a decade. More than 12 years ago the U.S. demanded Israel cancel a contract to supply China with Python III missiles, which included technology developed by the U.S. for its Sidewinder missiles, The Associated Press reported in 2002.
The Congressional US-Israel “tech sharing” bill mentioned above also includes long term space cooperation. Here are highlights from ‘SEC. 201. UNITED STATES-ISRAEL SPACE COOPERATION.’ (emphasis added):

(1) Authorized in 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) supports and coordinates United States Government research in aeronautics, human exploration and operations, science, and space technology.

(2) Established in 1983, the Israel Space Agency (ISA) supports the growth of Israel’s space industry by supporting academic research, technological innovation, and educational activities.

(5) Since 1996, NASA and the ISA have successfully cooperated on many space programs supporting the Global Positioning System and research related to the sun, earth science, and the environment.

(6) The bond between NASA and the ISA was permanently forged on February 1, 2003, with the loss of the crew of STS–107, including Israeli Astronaut Ilan Ramon.

(7) The United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act Of 2014 (Public Law 113–296) designated Israel as a major strategic partner of the United States.

With all the Cold War 2.o hysteria, it’s interesting the Guardian reported in 2017 that “Russia and the United States have agreed to cooperate on a Nasa-led programme to build the first lunar space station, part of a long-term project to send humans to Mars.” There’s even chatter of China-US space cooperation, but nothing’s confirmed.

China, the US, the UK and India all have university technology partnerships with Israel via the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and so does Russia via the Yandex Machine Learning Initiative. And like Russia, China has a long history with Jewish power and close relations with Israel.

Chinese investment in Israel will soon overtake that of the United States, especially in high tech industry. The New Silk Road, or One Belt One Road (OBOR), initiative is being led by Israel via China by marrying Israel’s high tech dominance with China’s high production capacity. One of the funding mechanisms for the New Silk Road initiative is the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). In a 2017 Jerusalem Post article titled, ‘One Belt, One Road | Israel’s role in China’s flagship policy.‘, Gilad Kabilo writes (emphasis added):

[T]his policy is based on the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), an initiative that has not been well received in the US, to the extent that Japan refrained from joining so as not to upset Washington. Israel, however, did join the AIIB, and must be careful not to conduct its business with China at the expense of the US or its relationship with Washington.
In another 2017 Jerusalem Post article titled, ‘Israel and the unexpected new world order,’ Brian Schrauger writes (emphasis added):
Israel is positioned to guard the world’s Internet. Everything today is traded, controlled and administered online. And Israel is emerging as the world’s number one guardian of the worldwide web. That means, regardless of being a few miles offtrack from China’s Land and Maritime Roads, it is positioned to be the center of both belts.

Economists worry that China’s ambition could trigger a global economic collapse; a currency collapse, specifically. Maybe BRICS and One Belt One Road don’t care. A global currency collapse might be seen as a way to wipe the slate clean of nation-based currencies, especially the US dollar, and establish an international one: like Bitcoin, perhaps.

If Bitcoin is the model for a new Internet-based global currency, Israel is likely to be its guardian too, protecting that currency from hackers around the world.

As chief of security for the world’s information and currency, and with energy independence, Israel stands to gain substantial wealth.
US sanctions on Russia have pushed Russia and China closer together over the past several years. Pro-Eurasianist Pepe Escobar writes in his recent Asia Times article titled, ‘From Ankara to Moscow, Eurasia integration is on the move‘ (emphasis added):

“Crucially, China sent not only a high-ranking delegation to Moscow, but most of all a loud and clear message. General Wei Fenghe, the new Chinese Defense Minister, side by side with Russian counterpart Sergey Shoigu, said: “The Chinese side came to let the Americans know about the close ties between the Russian and Chinese armed forces.” Shoigu, for his part, underlined the “special character” of the Russia-China partnership.

Even before the meeting the Global Times stressed the point that non-stop Russia demonization coupled with the now rolling US-China trade war will only strengthen the “special character” partnership.
Interesting considering Trump’s ties to Russia through his relationships with Chabad-Lubavitch, Russian Jewish oligarch Mikhail Fridman, mentioned above, and founder of private military company Academi, Erik Prince. Prince has strong ties to not only Russia, but also China. A 2017 Financial Times article titled, ‘Blackwater founder Erik Prince eyes opportunities with China‘ states (emphasis added):

The former Navy Seal and founder of the now defunct Blackwater Security, which became synonymous with Bush-era military adventures, late last year announced a push to sell logistics and security to support Beijing’s “Silk Road” strategy, which is seen as an effort to promote Chinese political influence across the Eurasian land mass using roughly $900bn of foreign investment. …

He described the Silk Road policy, which is dubbed “One Belt One Road” by Beijing, as a “fantastic initiative”. He added: “China trading with its neighbours and building infrastructure brings only benefits.” …

Meanwhile, the political winds in Washington have changed in Mr. Prince’s favour. He is an ardent supporter of Donald Trump and is the brother of Betsy DeVos, Mr. Trump’s new education secretary.
The Associated Press just recently revealed that Prince also has ties to Cambridge Analytica (emphasis added).

Company filings show that Trump-affiliated data-mining firm Cambridge Analytica has a link to a Chinese security and logistics company run by Erik Prince, the former mercenary who founded private military company Blackwater.

British corporate records show that Alexander Nix, the suspended chief executive of Cambridge Analytica, is also director of a company called Emerdata Ltd. that was incorporated in August 2017.

Other Emerdata directors include people associated with Cambridge Analytica, along with Johnson Ko Chun Shun, who was appointed in January.

Ko is also deputy chairman of Hong Kong-based Frontier Services Group, whose chairman is Prince.

FSG has attracted attention because of concerns Prince plans to provide special forces veterans to assist Chinese companies investing in risky locations overseas.

China’s biggest state-owned company, Citic, is a major FSG shareholder.
The New York Times describes Cambridge Analytica as:

“a political data firm hired by President Trump’s 2016 election campaign, gained access to private information on more than 50 million Facebook users. The firm offered tools that could identify the personalities of American voters and influence their behavior.

Cambridge has been largely funded by Robert Mercer, the wealthy Republican donor, and Stephen K. Bannon, a former adviser to the president who became an early board member and gave the firm its name. It has pitched its services to potential clients ranging from Mastercard and the New York Yankees to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

Concluding thoughts and call to action

It should now be obvious that Israel is a parasite, not an ally. President Trump is, either wittingly or unwittingly, helping Israel facilitate the shift to a Russia-China dominated multipolar world order. Please help get this information out, especially to those in the United States military, intelligence and police forces. Please write your representatives and let them know this is happening out in the open and within US legislation, before it’s too late.

Source: Talpiot & the Multipolar World Order

See also: The Real Story of How Trump and Bannon Won the White House - British Intelligence with Mossad doing the Dirty Work

Watch the video on Vimeo: TRNN Documentary: The Real Story of How Bannon and Trump Got to The White House (courtesy of The Real News Network)


Lawmakers Concerned About Trump’s Pledge to Save China’s ZTE

Schumer claims U.S. president’s help would ‘make China great again’

A ZTE-made mobile device. Trump says he will help the Chinese firm avoid collapse. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

May 14, 2018

by John T. Bennett

Members from both parties reacted skeptically Monday to President Donald Trump’s intention to help troubled Chinese telecommunications company ZTE, saying they were concerned he was reversing his pledge to get tough on Beijing.

Trump campaigned, in part, on altering the United States’ trading relationships with the rest of the world, taking a particularly hard line against China and its practices. In 2011, he went so far as to say “China is raping this country.” So a Sunday tweet by the president raised eyebrows when he announced an effort with Chinese President Xi Jinping to “give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast.”

The “America first” president then proclaimed that ZTE’s failure would mean “too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!” The company — full name Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment — faced a shutdown after the Trump administration slapped strict sanctions on it for allegedly acting against U.S. sanctions on countries such as Iran and North Korea.

Trump ordered steel and aluminum tariffs on many imports, largely a move aimed at altering what the administration sees as unfair Chinese trade practices. But he also frequently lauds what he describes as his close personal relationship with Xi. For instance, during a joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last month, Trump said Xi “has been terrific” on North Korea.

All of a Sudden, a Busy House Floor Schedule

On the trade issue, however, many lawmakers believe the Chinese president and his government have been anything but.

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer said in a Monday statement that he has agreed with Trump’s calls for tougher policy on Chinese trade tactics. But he panned Trump for “backing off” on ZTE.

“His policy is now designed to achieve one goal: make China great again,” the New York Democrat said, riffing on Trump’s trademarked “Make America Great Again” slogan.

“The toughest thing we could do, the thing that will move China the most, is taking tough action against actors like ZTE. But before it’s even implemented, the president backs off,” Schumer said. “This leads to the greatest worry, which is that the president will back off on what China fears most — a crackdown on intellectual property theft — in exchange for buying some goods in the short run. That’s a bad deal if there ever was one.”

House Intelligence ranking member Adam B. Schiff said in a Sunday tweet that U.S. intelligence agencies “have warned that ZTE technology and phones pose a major cyber security threat.” And the California Democrat had this message for Trump: “You should care more about our national security than Chinese jobs.”

That was a reference to the president’s campaign pledge to bring jobs in sectors such as manufacturing back to the United States.

At least one prominent GOP senator, Florida’s Marco Rubio, also expressed concern over Trump’s intention to save the Chinese firm.

Rubio tweeted Monday morning that he hopes “this isn’t the beginning of backing down to China.”

[Analysis: What Matters Most in the NDAA]

“While Chinese companies have unrestricted access to U.S. market & protection of our laws many U.S. companies have been ruined after #China blocked market access or stole their intellectual property,” he said.

The widespread criticism of Trump’s bailout tweet prompted the White House to issue a statement Sunday evening saying the president’s intention to help ZTE “underscores the importance of a free, fair, balanced, and mutually beneficial economic, trade and investment relationship between the United States and China.”

“The administration is in contact with China on this issue, among others in the bilateral relationship,” Lindsay Walters, a White House deputy press secretary, said in a statement. “President Trump expects [Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross] to exercise his independent judgment, consistent with applicable laws and regulations, to resolve the regulatory action involving ZTE based on its facts.”

Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan, whose Ohio district has been hit hard by the globalized economy, had a response that could showcase a likely line of attack against the president.

“GM Lordstown has lost 2,700 jobs over the last 18 months and hasn’t earned a single tweet from the President,” Ryan said, referring to cutbacks at a General Motors plant near Youngstown.

Watch: Trump Withdraws From Iran Nuclear Accord


Source: Lawmakers Concerned About Trump’s Pledge to Save China’s ZTE


Former Mossad agent, Juval Aviv, says the Mossad is old Russian school

June 10, 2018

by Joseph Davis

Former Mossad agent, Juval Aviv, says the Mossad is an old Russian intelligence school. | Juval Aviv (Hebrew‎; born Yuval Aviof;[1] February 24, 1947), also known as Yuval Aviv, is an Israeli-American security consultant and writer. He may be best known for his work with Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, and for having conducted the covert operation as detailed by George Jonas in his book, Vengeance (1984).




Published (mirrored) on June 2, 2018 courtesy of Brendon O'Connell


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O'Connell is at the pinnacle of the information war combating globalism. Great that you shared his work, @blondenfun1. Look forward to seeing more of your work. Will have a gander at your link.

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