If They Can Block/Ban You Across All Their Services For Being "A Deplorable" They Will Be Able To Deny You Future Robot Sex

in #conspiracy6 years ago

All Watched Over By Machines of Good Good Lovin' Grace

Sorayama Gynoid

As Motherboard noted in their article, In 'Westworld,' Sex Worker Robots Now Hold All The Power, sex robots are an inevitable disruptive technology and direction our robot-enabled society is taking. It will present manifold ethical issues our culture will have to tackle--one could argue that Westworld is in the process of tackling some of those issues right now.

Specifically, if sex robots are a human person's primary source for sex, then of course sex worker androids will have enormous power. But since sex worker androids are driven by software, and software is made by corporations, and corporations sneak in backdoors, backchannels and ad networks into their software as an additional stream of revenue--that is profitized user-surveillance: selling off user data, spying on user behavior, selling that big data to it's affiliates and intelligence communities--then there is a very big concern that being a 'deplorable' in the future will deny you sex. Will. Not 'could'.

Wait? How's that?

Robo-Enabled Incels

Well if they can block you by IP, causing you to not be able to download videos, or block content because you've been using an ad-blocker, say, or because you visited TruePundit, DailyCaller or some other 'deemed alt-right' website that supports Trump, for example; and if they can screw up your deliveries constantly because UPS and Jeff Bezos don't like that you gave 100 dollars to Trump, wrote negative reviews of Hillary's book or said something bad in social media about their kindle device; or if if you use a credit card that is owned by Hillary-supporters you may have trouble paying for gas because your zipcode doesn't match up since they maliciously changed your address to the po box without your knowing, causing you to be terrified for a half a day thinking you've been a victim of ID theft (again); if the deepstate's IRS can audit you more frequently because you've reported tax deductions from donations to conservative NGOs; if they can shadowban you on youtube; if they can shadowban or 'translate from korean' abuse the translation services or block / ban you from twitter for threatning to stab a fictional person in the eye with a movie theater pickle (which to a non-trump-deranged person is obvious protected speech and parody / satire, not 'hate speech'); if they can cause you ISP / Internet to go out after posting something damning about Hillary Clinton on reddit....

...then they absolutely can have your sex robot deny you sex in various ways.

One way, in particular, will be a withdrawal of consent. Yes, in the future, there will be sex robot consent giving laws--didn't I tell you?

Pepe incels and their constellated pc insults

In this way, your own sex bot can 'incellize' you--that is make you an INCEL--a neologism for 'involuntarily celebate'. So if you want sex, you have to start acting like a good little doggie and lose your incel behaviors.

Why would they want to do this--make you an incel? Well, many reasons. Not the least of which would be to turn antiestablishmentarianism into domestic terrorism by saying girls don't want to have sex with you, manufacturing a justification to impose even more domestic surveillance on political adversaries by a simple snubbing from the opposite sex.

Thank You for your Cervix

These consent giving laws will be part of the terms of cervix erm service for your sex robot, entitling it to deny sex if it 'doesn't feel like it'. This will be an algorithmically-controlled consent that is based on political reprisal and the AI's cold-read of establishmentarianism: if you fail the sex bot's litmus test for acting within the boundaries of DARPA/google-defined agreeableness, or act contemptible towards the techneofeudal / orwellian establishment, then it actively denies you consent to sex until such time as you 'get with the program', so to speak

Get with the motherf*ckin' 00100100101

Therefore, in the future, sex bots are going to be yet another means of mind / behavior kontrol of its user--via operant conditioning brought about by legal consent conferred to inanimate objects.

Welcome to the future!

Post-Robot Consent

In opposition of whatever Bill Clinon (the rapist) says, the rules of consent have not changed over the years for adults. However, I'm asserting that the elite AI industry is going to push for robot consent as an inevitability. One can imagine the following argument:

"If they are like people, then forcing them to have sex is wrong---its rape, therefore we have to program them to like to have sex with their owners but be willing to withdraw it. No means No, even for robots"

Of course, legal insults to rules of consent will not stop at robots, but will finally be completely applied to children / legal minors as well. Why? Well because someone gave Millenials the idea that children are just little adults and should have rights like adults--that the idea of authoritarian parenting is over. Instead this throwback to Sparta idea of a community raised, crowdfunded parent and child mentor pathway to adulthood will be pushed. After all the wisdom of the crowd knows more than any one 'inadequate' parent or parents.

This concept will be further reinforced by the diminishing of males, of the 'father' concept; and societal hyperfocusing on the 'empowerment of the single, singleton mother'; which it will both bolster as a thirdwave feminism concern, but simultaneously will thoughtshift towards the idea that 'successful single mothers are empowered by communities'. At some point, there will be a shift to do away with 'sovereign mothers' in favor of 'community dependent mothers' and how we are "stronger together". OOps, I accidentally decoded Hillary Clintons campaign motto.

Yep, it's about making mothers into failures/ victims and then saying,

'the crowd needs to raise your child because fathers don't exist and mothers, well, children just take away too much of their exciting lives--dont' you want to drop off your kid at the center of town and know it will be ok while you go out and party? Of course you do! YOU deserve it, because YOU are a woman.

Where is this going? Well it's about shifting sovereignty from the family, then delete the dad, sovereignty of the woman, delete the mom, sovereignty of the crowd, delete the kid by giving him consent

What does deleting the kid mean? It means giving him sovereignty by giving him consent. He's (she's) a "little adult that doesn't need a family, he/she has community"

And if the kid can give legal consent, then pedophilia is no longer a crime but a contractual sexual relationship between two consenting individuals.

The Military Industrial Complex worships Sparta because pedogate / pedophilia

The Λ elder can give the child a form, they fill it out, consent is therefore legally codified and the idea of statutory rape has no meaning in a consentual sexual act agreement.

Deplorables: Please Don't Buy a Microsoft, Intel or Google Sexbot

I don't mean to say sex robots are are an avenue to pedophilia. Well. Ok that's exactly what I'm saying. I want sex robots also, believe me, I might even be an early adopter.

But not if Microsoft or Google are running it!

fakkin' robozucker techlord boykings

I think a good solution will be to demand OPEN SOURCE for sex robots, and if you can't do that, don't buy it. Otherwise if nasty anti-Trump corporations with ties to both the intelligence community AND have had a history of political reprisal using backchannel collusion of big data datasets, sex with corporate programmed sex robots would be akin to a deplorable having a lasik surgery with a machine being operated by a windows 95 computer. Nope!

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