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in #conspiracy โ€ข 5 years ago (edited)


We honor the victims of this horrible tragedy by having the courage to explore the evidence & the bravery to face tough truths so that one-day justice may be served

My goal with this thread is not to offend anyone.

I simply wish to present verifiable evidence and the historical context necessary to properly understand the events of that horrible day.

I only spread this upsetting message in hopes that we can prevent another such tragedy.

It is especially important to get this information out now as there has been huge action being taken recently by the victims' families, the New York Area Fire Commissioners, and the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth that desperately need public support.

Let's take a look.


July 24th, 2019:

Nearly 18 years after the destruction of the WTC buildings that resulted in the deaths of 3,000 people & many NYC firefighters, the New York Area Fire Commissioners passed a unanimous call for a new investigation

They cited overwhelming evidence of explosives.


So why now?

They cite the recent approval by the US Attorney's office of the Lawyers Committee For 9/11 Inquiry's (and more than a dozen 9/11 family members) request to present evidence of unprosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center to a special grand jury.




This comes at the same time as a landmark, 4 yearlong study conducted by a team of well-credentialed Engineering Ph.D's at the University of Alaska Fairbanks

Study not only concludes that the official story of a fire-induced collapse is impossible, but that explosives are likely




This study focuses on the little known THIRD world trade center building that fell that day.

This building, despite not being hit by a plane, fell at free-fall speeds in the exact same manner as the twin towers.

Its collapse was also announced 20 mins early by the BBC


Ironically, it might be this least known, WTC Building 7 that finally brings the truth of these events to life.

So what IS that truth, exactly?

To even comprehend the horrific possibilities, we need to set the stage with historical context.

Starting with the Hegelian Dialectic


The Hegalian Dialectic is a strategy of rule in which the ruling class sets an objective, creates a "problem" for their subjects and then offers their pre-made "solution", which simply accomplishes their original objective.

In this way, the people beg to have their rights taken.


You might be asking,

"What kind of a sick government could do such a thing???"

You probably won't be surprised to find that the Nazi party was one such government.

This leads us to the Reichstag Fire

An event considered pivotal to the Nazi takeover of Germany



The burning of this Reichstag building, where German parliament met, was blamed on a single communist terrorist.

The Nazi party then used the event to pass the Reichstag Fire Decree, which allowed for the jailing of enemies of the party and censorship of the opposition in media.



"But Mr. Tang, that's the NAZIS, American's would NEVER do something like that!!"

Well, that leads to an interesting question.

Where exactly did the Nazi party come from?

How did Hitler manage to take control so quickly and produce such a profound "Economic Miricle"?

Some may be surprised to hear that it was the AMERICAN Industrialists that supplied Hitler's communication systems, oil, and tanks.

Industrial giants such as

  • Ford

  • ATT

  • Colgate

  • Rockefeller Standard Oil

Even Coca Cola was doing business with Nazis

Henry Ford for instance, not only received the highest civilian honor the Nazi's gave, but Hitler keep a life-size portrait of him next to his desk.

In fact, after the war, Ford sued the US government for bombing one of his Nazi tank factories......and WON

Inspired this tune

The President of AT&T flew to Germany as soon as war broke out to install the state of the art phone system Hitler used to command his army.

Even the railroad tracks at Auschwitz were American, courtsey of the Harriman brothers

As was the gas, produced in part by Standard Oil



What's really interesting, is the Herrimans also helped fund the Nazi's through the Union Bank.

You know who else ran this bank?

George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush (George W. Bush's grandfather)

All of them members of the Skull and Bones Society



You see, Nazism was a mostly American invention.

The Union Bank kept funding the Nazi's all the way up to Pearl Harbor where the "Trading with the Enemy Act" was passed and their activities were shut down.

That's why the Nazis used the skull and bones symbol for their SS



At this point, you must be wondering, if all the American Industrial giants were Nazi's how come they didn't just take over the US government?

Well, they tried. And would have got away for it if not for General Smedly Butler who exposed their plot in this televised statement

Even after the war, the American Nazi Industrialists continued to protect their Nazi investments.

This was exemplified in

"Operation Paperclip"

Where the US imported over 1,600 Nazi scientists, engineers, and technicians.

Thus solidifying Nazi US control even more



Is this all starting to make sense now?

While it may be nearly impossible to consider that the US government attacked its own people, when you realize we're ruled by Nazi's, it's a lot easier to swallow.

This infiltration by Skull and Bones led Kennedy to make this speech:


This infiltration was extremely clear when the CIA plotted and executed the "Bay of Pigs" in Cuba without approval from Kennedy.

This led Kennedy to fire CIA director Allen Dulles(a lawyer who helped Thyssen funnel the money to build the first Nazi headquarters, the brown house)


Allen Dulles, even after being fired by Kennedy, would later be put in charge of the Warren Commission investigation into JFK's assassination.

Hopefully, you're starting to see exactly what kind of people we're dealing with.


So the question still remains, has the US government ever considered committing acts of violence against its own people in order to accomplish other objectives?

Yes, enter "Operation Northwoods"

The CIA's last-ditch effort to start war with Cuba, which Kennedy rejected.


This deprived plot, brought forward by the CIA, proposed that the government commit acts of terrorism against its own people, then blame the attacks on Cuba in order to justify war against them.

Again we see eerie similarities to the Heigailian Dialectic and the Reichstag Fire.


Since JFK, we have experienced

George Herbert Walker Bush as CIA Director, then as Vice President, then as President

We then got a George W. Bush precidency.

Did I mention that not only are both of these Bush's in Skull and Bones, but so was John Kerry, who W ran against lol

Alright, so we've finally made it back to the age of the crime.

We've established that this same Nazi/CIA/Bush Cartel has a history of using false flags to complete objectives, is there evidence that they tried the same thing with 9/11?


Enter the "Project for the New American Century"

A neoconservative D.C. think tank focusing on foreign policy.

10 of its members would go on to join George W.'s administration.

Among the members:

  • Jeb Bush

  • Donald Rumsfeld

  • Dick Cheney

  • John Bolton

  • Bill Kristol



In September 2000, the think tank releases its report:

"Rebuilding Americas Defenses"

In which, it says that convincing the public to go to war will be hard without a "new pearl harbor"


This accompanies a June 2000 DOJ released terrorism manual with this cover



July 24, 2001

6 weeks before 9/11, Larry A. Silverstein, who already owned WTC building 7, signs a 3.2 billion dollar lease for the rest of the WTC towers.

This deal includes a specific terrorism insurance policy.



September 6, 2001

Bomb dogs are pulled from WTC buildings by Securacom, a security company owned in part by none other than the forgotten Bush brother, Marvin.

(They also were in charge of security of Washington Dulles airport, where the Pentagon crash plane left from)




September 10th 2001

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announces that 2.3 TRILLION dollars is missing from the Pentagon.

The next day, the accounting department at the Pentagon was hit by a "plane"

This concept of "missing Pentagon money" has much deeper implications

Has to do with a National Press Club event that happened 5 months before regarding black budget space programs.

I have a thread tying it to the Space Force here if youre interested:

"We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow."

- DJT https://t.co/iJFicrAL6t

— ๐Ÿ๐™™๐™ง๐™ช (@DrutangAtHome) August 29, 2019

We all know what happened next.

There's about 10,000 things wrong with the way the events of 9/11 went down, but for the sake of brevity I'm just gonna leave this documentary here for yall and stick to the bigger picture stuff

Ok, so if we do have a Hegelian Dialectic situation here once again, what is the objective?

And what "solutions" were offered?

The easiest answer is that the objective was to get the support for the new wars the PFNAC think tank wanted, and they got it by creating terrorists.


Indeed, immediately following the 9/11 attack, on 9/20, Gen Wesley Clark was informed that the decision had been made to go to war with Iraq, regardless of their involvement in the attacks.

A total of 7 countries were listed as well as subsequent targets

On that list:

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, Iran

Creepy how many we've knocked off that list, huh?

Meanwhile, our trusted officials like FBI Director Robert Mueller was lying through his teeth about Iraq having WMDs to justify the first invasion.


So what else did they do to take advantage of the fear and panic created by this event?

Well much like with the Reichstag decrees, they came for our civil liberties

Passing of the Patriot Act dissolved our 4th amendment protections and allowed the NSA to spy on us all freely.



Just like in Nazi Germany, the dissident media was also cracked down on.

Anti-Iraq War voice Phil Donahue on MSNBC got the boot.

MSNBC said for low ratings, but a leaked memo revealed it was indeed for his anti war voice, which was not good for business

Ah yes and who could forget about our Dear Vice President Dick Cheney and his military supply company Halliburton

The company he once ran netted a sweet 40 billion dollars off of government contracts during the Iraq war.

How nice for him.



So there you have it, if you made it this far, thank you.

This stuff is extremely tough to come to grips with, but the sooner we get even 10% of the country conscious of the truth, we can pursue justice.

Highly recommend watching this doc for more info:

If you did enjoy this article and want to support my research while getting access to even more of it, you can preorder my upcoming book below

Will be covering everything from the 5th dimension to ancient human history to health & fitness


Peace, Love, Anarchy,


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It was a good read, thanks...

Excellent presentation of the truth. Thank You.

Here's my #POSH proof of sharing:

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