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RE: The Duality Of Technology & Rewiring The Brain Of Humanity

Excellent post, as usual, perceptualflaws! I'm grumpy tonight, though, so you will have to deal with a contrarian perspective. I'll preface by saying that I think I do understand your perspective on the duality matrix and I agree with it for the most part. What I'm going to say is what you're describing in all your posts are machinations of The Demiurge and its archons who want to merge humanity into them via their A.I. smart grid tech. It might not be so bad if it wasn't, in fact, a prison cell!
Okay, so that's the overview. On the micro scale, I'm going to challenge the perspective you espoused on decentralization. But first I have to use a crude analogy which shouldn't be taken literally. It's never gonna work to say I love you to someone after years of raping them even factoring Stockholm syndrome. This goes to the claims of the archons setting up this system: everything is going to be free! Bullshit! Think about it: they are milking us for every dime they can get right now (rape) to set up this grid with the promise of a love utopia! Which brings me to crypto and decentralization: there is nothing about this movement that is any different than fiat! Created covertly behind closed doors; a hidden cabal created it (both fiat and crypto); both have a central cabal controlling it (the minors in crypto); both are pyramid schemes. Given the fact that if they are creating a hi-tech prison matrix then it's completely logically consistent that the blockchain intention was brought into existence for the sole purpose of creating the largest tracking system in the known universe and it will be inescapable once implemented.
Now let's look at these blockchain websites: set up for the EL-ites; vetted by the El-ites; pyramid in function and design; premised on economic Darwinism; echo chamber/propaganda machines for the El-ites. Yet, I'm supposed to believe it's new and benevolent? This isn't a personal attack on those involved in these technologies but it is possible they are as naive as the original west coast tech hippies.
Now, could decentralization become what it's claimed to become? Sure, but I'd be a hell of a lot happier if it actually looked like an improvement now! It really doesn't from my view which is admittedly gnostic. Factor in the J.Q. and we got us a ball-game!
I have a deep respect for you so please don't be reactive to this. Anyway​, awesome post no matter how things turn-out!


Ah man, how could I ever become annoyed or reactive with someone as well thought out and as eloquent as your good self @andrewmarkmusic .. The funny thing is I don't actually disagree with anything you've said. I'll use a crude analogy, for me human history, our evolution of thought and understanding is akin to to a russian doll .. or a box. Each time we break free from one box it's replaced by another that's a slightly larger size, but we're still in a box .. a prison for the mind. Equally perhaps the control grid is a recognition that we're subconsciously attempting to break free of our perceptual chains .. but that's a topic for another day ;)

One thing I've spent a lifetime harnassing is an ability to jump into the mindset of other people and from that perspective, I've spent a lot of time exploring the mind of the manipulator, the shark. I understand how they think, I know how they pick certain people out. Equally I know how to create a subconscous impression in their minds so they give me a wide swerve, even on nights out or in rough areas of towns .. there are certain ways you can put yourself across be it body language etc etc, it's a play on the subconscious.

So there has long been an agenda that is slowly greasing the skids for a move into digital currency. If they came out ten years ago and told everyone "were going digital" there would be riots in the streets and so if I here a manipulator I would repackage the concept and sell it to the populace as something else. I would ensure that the people that would have most vehemently opposed me would be the ones cheering it on! Once everything is in place I would pull the plug on the economy (which is completely unsustainable and the debt will can't ever be paid back, in fact they're simply keeping it afloat long enough to buy tangible assets with) and then revert to a blockchain system, probably gold backed to instill confidence. So people didn't oppose me too much I would allow them to keep their individual crypto's but I would have a centralised crypto sitting atop it all, the mother blockchain. I would then set up some form of barcode system which people would have to sign up for if they wanted to access their money .. the barcode would then track every aspect of our lives. The minions of the El lites barcode would instantly render them above the law and usher in a feudal technocracy.

That said, I also understand the psychopathy is an expression of the archontic mindset and so this hints at a weakness .. arrogance. So for me the opening stages of this masterplan also represent a window of opportunity, in that humanity finds a way of beating them to the finish line and using the blockchain as a tool of emancipation and equally to spread knowledge. Indeed there appears to be a crossover between the blockchain concept and the introduction of many ideas/truths/philosophies into the wider collective .. they appear to be powering each other and have the potential to awaken the sleeping giant .. before it's too late. The potential is there, will it be realised in time? I don't know .. but I do know that in these dark times people need some hope and promise to cling onto .. something to work towards. Thanks again my friend .. the respect is entirely mutual.

Thanks! A few more thoughts on this: have a listen to Mario TVC on Youtube. He quite often repeats the words logic and reason over and over in some of his vids like it's some kind of enchantment spell. The fact of the matter is there are only two or three conclusions about western theism if you actually apply logic and reason: that God doesn't exist or is evil (or perhaps Deism). Obviously, I sit on the Gnostic side of the fence for many reasons mainly because unlike most atheists I don't dismiss the J.Q. The point here is how many in the crypto space are acting like MarioTVC? I would say the overwhelming majority. Got Tulips?
Think of Fiat as Yahweh's enactment of a currency and think of crypto as Yeshua's (the guy who is going to punish and torment most people who have ever lived forever and ever) and from a Gnostic perspective it all starts​ to make sense.
Here is the thing with the demiurge: it really does love us! But that love is kind of sick and toxic. A good analogy is humanity is the battered wife of the Demiurge. ( Think the Jews here, too).
I'll look forward to more of your posts.
A note: once one factors​ in The Veda's and Buddhism the deconstruction​ of religion and God becomes more complicated..I have gone through that process, though, and I still maintain that the Gnostic view is adequate as an explanation although I identify as an Agnostic Gnostic for many reasons.

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