Chapter One / Some global conspiracies

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

Chapter One / Some global conspiracies



The human condition is a term that comes from existentialism, it's used to refer to certain events in the life of the human beings and how we react to them. The state of the human condition is determined by our level of consciousness with everything surrounding us, like our though position about topics like:

  • ¿Where do we come from?
  • ¿Who are we?
  • ¿Where are we going as species?
  • ¿What does it means being and exist?
  • ¿Are we alone in the universe?

Some people can have diverse feelings and encouragement states about these questions, meanwhile some can feel joy and happines, others can be affected in negative ways when getting in too deep with this subject and they can even feel fear or get a depressive state. We are programmed to avoid or discuss about these subjects, and fear can rise depending on our mental state because we are conditioned since we were in our childhood. In the family, school, in the street or even with art, like the music we hear or movies that we watch, they all shape our human condition and sadly the ones who move the threads of the world, determine what reaches the population in general, from information to shaping art.


Fear of death can reach states of depresion in several people who focuses in this subject in the wrong way for not having an answer about any of those questions of existentialism and many others that we all do to ourselves. In our unconscious mind, lives and are kept the most basic questions about the existence of the human race, as self denominated smart beings, but does survival in wild species of animals requires certain intelligence besides natural instinc?


I have seen animals doing actions that need intelligence, because first of all there must be an initial motivation, a determination to make a desicion and finally the action itself which consequence that animal should think with predetermination. It's intelligence and thinking otherwise is just non sense. We have been enjailed in closed thoughs or thinking from a very long time, even it has been embedded in our heads that we have to defend the system that's oppressing us and at the same time offers us a false feeling of freedom with smiles and more. These people who defend the system but are living blind, are hard to confront and make them open their eyes, because the blindness is so severe that they think what they know is the absolute truth and there can't be anothe truth, they grab what they have been told so hard due to the fact that in other case scenario with another "truth" comes out, their paradigms with fall and the meaning of their convictions and way of living and thinking will crumble with them, maybe realizing that has been living in a macabre game of control, that has been deceived by who knows who. Is very sad to see how people grabs so hard to this kind of induced thoughs through many types of influences, being the hardest of them all: Religion.


Religion is a delicate subject, because a lot of people get offended when you say clearly, in front of them that there's a mere possibility that god can be a production of men, to control other men and not feel alone in the vast universe. This only idea can offend millions of persons around the world, but those millions can try to persuade you to join their belief without any inconvenient or without make any interest or respecting your thoughs about it, they try to teach you about why their belief are correct and they have the real truth about everything. Even some of them can be so extreme to give their life just for a promise of well-being from that god, but done through a men, then the person cover his body with explosives and blows himself in the name of that god. It's sad and it's something that's taking us back to the non-advance state, all the advance is donde for the privileged, but the world as an united net of human beings isn't going to be possible with the powers that be.


Religion or evolution both couldn't determine origin of men in 100% accuracy, there are many holes. Religion in one side, brings the story, that's hardly to determine how many times has been modified in favor of whoever controls those religions, where they tell things that happened long time ago, metaforically and opened to any interpretation. In the other hand evolution tells us about unicellular organisms that became others with mutations and time, millions of years. But there are jumps that evolution can not explain, as religion also can't. The homo erectus jumped to homo sapiens in less time than the previous and this jump is a huge mistery. ¿What happens if the homo erectus was genetically modified by some extraterrestrial entity that visited earth in those times, for any reason or labor posible. This hypothesis could explain that jump from homo erectus to homo sapiens in a short time, and by consequence the actual state of our mind. Exactly what happened in those parts of the bible where's writen that the angels saw beautiful the women of earth and they have children with them? Well at least to me, is clear that this angel is an extraterrestrial being that we don't understand and inmediately convert it into a divine being, looks like a virtue to some and perdition to others to divinize almost everything we don't understand, and nowdays to make fun of it.


Mocking about what we don't understand sometimes is a defense mechanism imposed, in some way, by these few people that controls the huge amount of others, through multiple control systems like TV or religion, because derision of subjects that are really important are the base for the concealment, making a system auto protected by the fact of being rejected by the masses for being branded as ridicule. The best example of this is the extraterrestrial subject, UFOs and abduction: these subjects have been attacked, denied and mocked at the point that confusion about is everywhere and in every level and a objective position is non existent publicly, just a few persons step forward, but sadly, mostly are driven by false content found in the internet.


Disinformation is the strategy that has dominated the alien matter since the first investigators appeared and started to publish their studies and investigations about the subject. By other hand the governments and military darken events that happen and involve sights and countless cases, far for being cleared up. Another problem, that adds to the excesive effort for hiding real information about it. The most powerfull military forces in the world have terrestrial technologies that easily can be identified as an UFO, this craft made in the earth are known as black projects and includes robotics, aeronautics, navy or nanotechnology projects. What's shown on TV about technology are always the civil advances and discoveries applied to tech, while in the secret military, they're always 20 years ahead and maybe more.

The scepticism towards these subjects is for obvious reasons, internet is flooded with fake material, as some self titled investigators add foolishness and confusion to it, others converting the extraterrestrial phenomena in some kind of cult, some taking subjects openly fake as real with not a small portion of sense in what they say. Sadly there are the ones who make money out of these fake materials, others still voting up for the terrible quality photos in an era where everyone has a phone with a good camera. Those are just a few of the facts for the scepticism about the subject, but everything changes when people turn his head up and sees something, or when they live something that they can't explain and inside they know what it is but the fear to confront it is worse that a possible reality.

I think isn't acceptable, with the nowdays technology, that someone comes with a 300 x 200 pixels photography of what he claims to be an UFO. Blurry and without focus. For these reasons and many others I understand the skeptic and their points of view, because I reject this kind of mediocre content that doesn't add anything to the clearing of the subject. But I'm convinced that those who mock and laught about the people behind the clarification, will cease doing it in the moment they have an experience about this matter.


When people listens to the word Extraterrestrial, inmediatly there's an effect in their minds, from movie memories to a comedy issue, but also they go and put in their minds a figura of a being different to us humans, and maybe the reality is other. The word refers to everything that outside or comes from outside our planet. We must remember that, despite we still live inside our own navel, we think that everything we know and happens are the truth and the primary and what happens to other doesn't matter. But, outside our planet, there are other planets, ourside our solar system, there are other solar systems and those solar systems belongs to galaxies which size is incomprehensible to our mind state and capacity today as the average person doesn't even think about it, and they are the same who live as victims of the everyday brainwash and have no idea of it.


What we call extraterrestrial is a space so big with an countless number of objects that could support life as we know it on earth, that it's impossible to think that other civilizations didn't developed, making totally inconceivable that the only intelligence in the universe is ours. This is just a stubborn egocentricity, so dangerous to the advance of our civilization as religion. We, as a species, think that our intelligence is superior for the achievement we reached, but we haven't solved problems like being dominated by politics with their system of education, economics, feeding and food processing, migration, religion and the list goes on, and all of this by a small group of people, who want us to receive certain information and acept it as our reality when all conditions are done by them. They implant a way of life and deicide how we are going to live and in which kind of society we're going to live. Mankind is controlled by powerfull people that see us, the common person, as a problem and drive us with all of this controls, playing with the lifes of a lot of individuals, lost in stupid daily problems, playing with the creation and dissemination of sickness in a darker side of the whole story, that started with the very start of mankind.


The pharmaceutical conspiracy is a dark and hard fall from a possible and disturbing reality, where raises that the biggest pharmaceutical corporations, in one way or another connected to the powers that be, are keeping us sick with medicines that aren't created to heal but to keep you half alive, hanging on the pain. In the beginning of the opening of our mind to understand what's going on beyond your work and life, looks impossible to think about this, but while we start getting deep in the subject, we discover that pharmaceutical corporations show little interest in a definitive cure to sickness that burden mankind for many years and it's easy to understand why:

They make money out of selling medicines that won't cure chronic patients until death finally takes them, squeezing the money out of them in a long period of time. They deicide who lives and who dies, with the patients becoming just a number in statistics, while winning millions in the process. Little interest of the pharmaceutical corporation es curious, something that should awake most of the people, but the won't, because everytime there are less persons waking up of this terrible nightmare in which we are, they're sleeping and not willing to see the deception that we're living. This happens because everything is well scripted.


Thomas Steitz, nobel prize of chemistry, accused the pharmaceutical industry of "suspending investigations that could lead to definitive and economic cures", as Richard J. Roberts, nobel prize in medicine, also accused them saying "the industry deviates research resources to medicines potentially effective and definitive for others that improve temporarily the patien's condition but gets worse bravely if the patient quits it". As these people made this allegations against the industry, worldwide there are many others, all of them pointing to the flag that the pharmaceutical corporations has a bigger economic interest that the one of helping mankind's health. Some affirm that in several occations there were cures for cancer, aids and more incurable diseases and such the investigator as the investigation disappeared, sometimes even with the deaths of the investigators confirmed, always in suspicious natural ways and with an eternal silence after that. They can't let that happen, because they won't lose the market of the chronic disease medicines.

We don't want to scare people, or make you stop taking your pills for your heart condition, all medicines aren't in that list, those were just some points of interest that start uncovering the huge mantle of darkness with this subject of secrets to control populations and this pharmaceutical subject goes beyond what we're presenting here. This was our first episode here in ABDUCTED, a place where you'll find out that everything is not what it looks like.

All pictures edited / belongs to @abducted
Article writen by Abducted for
Spanish version of this post HERE
All content is from an active mind.
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