Excellent Interview of Dr. Dave Janda by Greg Hunter; about the take-down of, what I call, Group A (the swamp)...

This is a very informative interview of Dr. Dave Janda, by Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog dot com. Dr. Dave has insider connections, and he lets us know what is going on behind the scenes regarding the take-down of "Group A" (my term for the "swamp"), who has been in charge of both sides of the Legislative isle in the Corporate US, and some parts of the world, as well as the (fill in your favorite corporate sector, not just military) Industrial Complex, Banksters, Hollywood, and the Lames-Stream Media. These Elitists have been striving for control of every aspect of this planet, it's resources, and it's inhabitants, for almost a century and a half, and that was solidified after they brought in NAZI war criminals to America, just after WWII, putting them in key industrial, banking, and agency positions (Operation Paper-clip). This Coup, or takeover, was further solidified after the murder of JFK. The "Swamp" my friends (consisting of those controlled by a kleptocratic Globalist Corporateocracy), is full of bribed and blackmailed individuals who make decisions affecting potentially everyone world-wide. Please watch this in it's entirety.

(Video Source: USAWatchdog)

One thing I admire about former CNN investigative journalist,  Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog dot com, is how he goes after the  truth--investigating topics he covers, verifying what is happening, by questioning those in the know. While I am not stating that Greg Hunter is  completely bias free, the vast majority of what he reports are topics he genuinely investigated. He has real sources, for real news, and asks very good questions. 

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